Jia soon returned home.

She pulled out two new pairs of cotton pants from her arms.

And then they were thrown to the ground together.

"Stick terrier, grandma brought your pants back, wear them."

She spoke lightly.

But it made Qin Huairu dumbfounded.

As soon as she clearly watched, her mother-in-law entered the Xie family's house.

Then after a while, he came in with two pairs of shoes.

Think about it with your toes.

She must have gone to steal someone's shoes.

Qin Huairu had an embarrassed look on her face.

She whispered.

"Mother-in-law, is this okay?"

"You stole these shoes."

"How does this make a stick terrier wear?"

When the words fell, Jia Zhangshi raised his hand and gave her a slap.

"You little slut, why can't you wear these shoes?"

"What is called stealing, I am going to take it, how can taking my own relatives' things be called stealing?"

"If I don't take it, what will this terrier wear?" You useless thing, can you bring back shoes for the stick terrier? Hearing

this, Qin Huairu was slapped and did not dare to speak.

The stick terrier was happy.

After crying, his eyes lit up when he saw the cotton pants.

In an instant, he went from crying to choking.

Then while wiping his tears, he put on his pants very happily.

"Hehe, it's so warm."

"New pants are good."

"Grandma, you should have bought me a new pair of pants a long time ago."

He wore long pants and walked around the ground very happily.

He walked happily on the ground for a while, not even taking a nap.

It's almost time for school.

The alarm clock set by Xie Huaiqing in the system also rang.

He rubbed his face and woke up.

Then he called his sister up as well.

"Xiao Nuan, get up!"

"Brother, cold, Xiao Nuan doesn't want to get out of the quilt."

"But you have to go to school!"

Xie Huaiqing dug his sister out of the bed.

He rubbed her little face too.

"Well, brother, don't rub it, Xiao Nuan is awake."

Cleaned up in the house.

As soon as he came out, Xie Huaiqing was suddenly dumbfounded.

What about his cotton pants with Xiao Nuan?

It was obviously baked by the fire.

"Brother, where are our pants?"

He immediately thought of Jia Zhang's and stick terriers.

While at school.

The stick terrier was envious of the pants on his feet.

He went home and cried at his grandmother.

Didn't his grandmother come to steal it right away?

This family is a habitual offender!

He shouted directly in the direction of Jia's house.

"Which immoral devil stole my pants?"

"Hurry up and return it, or I'm welcome."

"The thief who stole his pants, you give me out!"

This shout alarmed the people in the courtyard.

Auntie is now keeping an eye on their situation.

After hearing his shout, he quickly arrived at the middle courtyard.

"What's going on, Xiaoqing?"

"My sister and I had new cotton pants stolen."

After he said this sentence coldly.

The people in the courtyard started talking.

"Stealing pants? Who will steal pants?

"No, when did a thief enter our yard?"

"But this thief came in just to steal a pair of pants, this is also very wrong."

"No, I've been busy in the front yard for noon, and I haven't seen any outsiders come in."

"It won't be done by the people in our yard, will it?"

When the people in the courtyard analyzed, they all felt that Jia Zhang's suspicion was the greatest.

After all, she had a previous conviction.

Sitting at home, Jia Zhangshi listened to people's discussions, but he was as steady as Mount Tai.

They didn't watch themselves steal cotton pants.

How can you put yourself?

Qin Huairu held a schoolbag for her son.

Then stood in the doorway and hesitated for a while.

So he took his son out the door.

As soon as he went out, the stick terrier saw so many people surrounding the yard.

In my heart, that little bit of ostentatious thought arises.

He walked deliberately kicking and tapping.

The sound of the bar clicking made people notice his cotton pants.

"Yo, the stick terrier also bought new cotton pants?"

People were amazed when they saw the shoes on his feet.

"Hasn't Jia Dongxu been being deducted his salary all the time in the past two months?"

"You actually still have money to buy big-scalp shoes for the stick terrier?"

After hearing someone ask this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Qin Huairu's face.

But it soon disappeared.

She opened her mouth and said.

"No matter how hard we can't suffer our children, our family will be short of money."

"Then you have to give the child good food and clothing."

"Our Jia family is such a unique seedling now."

There is some truth in that.

Nowadays, which family does not hurt their son, not to mention that the Jia family is still a single seedling.

It is also normal to spend some money on single seedlings.

Just when everyone is about to believe.

Xie Huaiqing spoke coldly.

"Qin Huairu, these shoes on your son's feet are mine, right?"

"You talk nonsense, I bought it from inside the department store."

She began to retort on the spot.

"Is it? Then you take out the bill and show it to me? "

Bill, what bill?"

She muttered.

The heart involuntarily flustered.

She had never been in a department store.

And how would you know that you need bills to buy something inside.

"Thrown, I threw."

Throw it away, you can't tell me to take it out again.

That's a good reason.

It's just that this doesn't convince Xie Huaiqing.

"Then tell me, how do you grow the pants on the legs of the stick terrier?"

Hear him say that.

The people in the courtyard focused their attention on the pants of the stick terrier.

They found that the pants were really long.

"I specially bought it long, and we can wear it next year."

Qin Huairu's eyes turned quickly.

Soon the countermeasures were figured out.

"My stick terrier is so tall now."

"But I specially bought a cut, and when our stick terrier grows, it can be worn for a few more years."

Listen to her quibbles.

Xie Huaiqing glanced at her coldly.

Since she is so shameless, then don't blame yourself for being unkind to the stick terrier.

"Xiao Nuan, let's go."

Looking at his distant back, Qin Huairu breathed a sigh of relief.

When she left, people pointed at her back.

"I saw that the pants of the stick terrier were stolen, and there were traces of wear on them."

"Yes, I also think so, it's really shameless, you can steal your pants."

"It's none of our business, let's go back."


Xie Huaiqing entered the school.

I just settled my sister into the classroom.

Mako came over and asked.

"Eh, why don't you wear your new cotton pants."


"What? And anyone dares to steal your pants?

He looked indignant.

As if the one who was stolen was him.

"Who stole it, I'll help you teach him a lesson!"

After the words fell, Xie Huaiqing waved his hand gently.

"You don't have to."

He had already figured out how to deal with the stick terrier.

Repeatedly shot at yourself.

I really think I'm a sick cat.

I haven't cleaned them up much for two months.

It's looking for fault again, isn't it!

Then let them see what happens to offend themselves!

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