"Okay, kid, let's go to school."

Qin Huairu went out with a stick stalk, and then shook his hand at his son.

Hongxing Road Primary School is not far from the courtyard.

He walked for less than a while before he arrived at the school.

Familiar with the door, he entered the classroom.

I saw that Ran Qiuye was already sitting on the podium.

"Stick terrier, it's waiting for you, you hurry up!"

Ran Qiuye said to him angrily.

The stick terrier listened and quickly sat down in his place.

He looked at Xie Huaiqing next to him, and he had the confidence to take the exam.

Just copy his exam answers directly like you usually do homework.

At that time, my mother will also buy herself a dog skin hat.

Thinking of this, a smirk appeared on his face.

As if the hat had arrived.

"Stick terrier, what are you thinking!"

The teacher's stern voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

He was startled and tilted his head to look.

I saw Teacher Ran glaring angrily at him.

He snorted.

"Teacher, no, I didn't think about anything."

"I didn't think about anything, then don't you hurry up and change seats!"

The stick terrier was dumbfounded, and he lost his mind.

So I don't know what to do about changing seats or not.

"What, what to change seats?"

Hearing these words, Ran Qiuye angrily knocked a whip on his head.

"Did you just listen carefully to the teacher?"

"I said, your row of students will change seats with the sixth grader!"


He quickly grabbed his bag and switched seats with the sixth-grader.

But when he sat in his seat, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

He was now far, far away from Xie Huaiqing, almost half a classroom away.

So how else to copy the answer!

If you can't copy the answer, you can't get the first place.

How else does mom buy herself a dog skin hat.

The stick terrier wriggled around in his seat.

"Teacher, teacher..."

he whispered to Ran Qiuye.

The other party simply ignored him.

Just listen to what the other person says from the podium.

"Students, now the seats have been adjusted."

"Let's start the exam, the teacher will talk about the rules of the exam, if anyone dares to violate it, it will be zero points."

"First of all, you can't cheat; During the examination period, candidates are not allowed to submit papers or leave the venue in advance; If there is no clear handwriting, you are not allowed to communicate with your classmates, raise your hand and ask the teacher..."

Listen clearly, let's start the exam. Ran

Qiuye glanced at the watch on his wrist and announced the start of the exam.

In this day and age, first-graders had only two classes.

They are Chinese and mathematics.

So Xie Huaiqing only needs to take these two courses.

The language of the first test.

When Ran Qiuye walked over with a test paper printed with hand-engraved wax paper and ink.

Xiao Nuan whispered.

"Teacher Ran, I also want to take the exam."

Xie Huaiqing knew this.

This girl is so excited in the morning, and her feelings are for today's exam.

He wanted to laugh a little, others avoided it, but she wanted to go up and make it fun.

"Teacher, just give her a test paper."

Looking at Teacher Ran's hesitant look.

He spoke.

"Okay, okay."

Ran Qiuye really likes this little girl.

Not to mention good looks, but also smart.

Exam papers in this era are precious.

It is up to the teacher to carve the contents of the scroll into wax paper in advance.

Then it was printed page by page with a mimeograph machine.

Therefore, Xiao Nuan asked for one, which is equivalent to giving the teacher's one away.

If it wasn't for her, Ran Qiuye wouldn't give it!

"Xiao Nuan, let's use the teacher's roll."

After giving her the paper, Ran Qiuye continued to send it, and after sending it, the exam officially began.

The first grade questions are really simple.

It is silent writing, filling in the blanks, dictation, and the more difficult one is writing the same side.

The rest are no more.

Xie Huaiqing completed this test paper by dividing it by two.

However, it is not allowed to submit the papers early.

He had to look at his sister's scroll.

Everywhere I looked, my sister wrote it all right.

Xie Huaiqing nodded silently in his heart.

The brain modified by the system card is different.

Idle is idle.

He raised his hand and put the math paper on it.

Write it together.

The stick terrier was dying on the other side of the classroom.

How can these problems not be solved!

It's all that damn teacher.

Change your seat.

Damn Xie Huaiqing.

Why don't you sit next to yourself and let yourself copy his answers!

"Students, it's almost time to close the scroll, and I haven't finished writing the roll."

"Fifteen minutes to go."

After Ran Qiuye finished speaking, the stick terrier became even more anxious.

Since the beginning of the exam, he has only written one question, but he still guessed.

What can I do about this?

He scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry, and it was as if he had a nail on his butt.

Rock around in your seat.

"Ahem, undisciplined person, the teacher is going to hit you on the board!"

After Ran Qiuye's voice fell, the stick terrier instantly died down.

He lowered his head, his eyes glancing left and right.

If you can't copy Xie Huaiqing's, then copy the fifth grade.

A person of five years must be more powerful than Xie Huaiqing!

So he began copying the answers of his fifth-graders.

His first exam, what he didn't know.

The question type of the fifth grade is the same as that of the first grade.

However, the title is different!

"Okay, students, start to wrap up."

After a morning of time, the exam was finally finished.

"Exam results, announced this afternoon."

The words fell, and the students were like birds out of a cage.

Very happily out of the classroom and flew home.


Inside the office.

The teacher who judged the paper let out an exclamation.

"Who is this kid, he actually got a full score."

"It's still a perfect score for the language."

"Who, who?"

"Let me see it too."

"Full marks in language, which is rare."

It's really strange to say that the language is clearly used by everyone on a daily basis.

But there are very few children who can score 100 points.

This test paper with a perfect score has attracted everyone's attention.

Principal Wu also walked over with great interest.

"Who is this kid?"

The roll did not have a name, and the teacher who judged the roll read out the name.

"Xie Huaiqing."

"Is it the one in Teacher Ran's class?"

"Yes, this kid, I'm not mistaken, but it's really early."

Principal Wu said with a smile.

"This child, the name is so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, I want to think..."

I remembered that this kid's math is also 100 points! Saying

that, another math teacher who judged the paper found Xie Huaiqing's test paper.

The teachers in the office all gathered around and watched.

Really, people did everything right!

He actually took a double hundred!

Double hundreds may be common in later generations.

But in this do not make up classes.

Parents also do not have the age of educating their children.

Double hundred, that's really remarkable.

Not to mention double hundreds on the first exam.

Many students at this age don't even know what an exam is.

Xie Huaiqing's performance really shocked the teachers in this office.

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