Many teachers looked at Ran Qiuye with envy and hatred.

"In Teacher Ran's class, there is a good student!"

Ran Qiuye listened to what people were saying.

The mouth is almost closed with a smile.

Who doesn't like having a good seedling in their class.

First, to teach worry-free, and secondly, what achievements this student has in the future.

Parents will say which teacher is in the class.

This goes out, what a face.

Principal Wu was also very happy in his heart.

Sure enough, he didn't look at the wrong person, there are these two brothers and sisters in his school.

In the future, in this big and small competition, Hongxing Road Primary School will come out on top!

"Yo, there's a hundred points here."

The math teacher who judged the paper pulled out another paper from a pile of test papers.

"That's a pretty good handwriting."

He said as he looked at the names on the test paper.

"Xie Huainuan, listen to Xie Huaiqing is a family."

"This handwriting is beautiful, and it looks like a girl."

"Is this Xie Huaiqing's sister or sister."

When Ran Qiuye heard this name, he was immediately stunned.

"Who? Who scored a hundred?

"Xie Huainuan, isn't it the little girl in your class who is taken to school by her brother every day?"

"She also scored a hundred points?"

She really didn't think of it.

"But that little girl is only four years old!"

When the words fell, the teachers in the office were instantly stunned.

Make no mistake!

Only four years old!

I scored 100 points!

This achievement is better than many first-year students.

Moreover, he is not a formal student, but just an auditor.

The teachers are stupid.

Principal Wu said at this time.

"Whoever judges the language scroll, find out Xie Huainuan's and take a look."

A few language teachers began to rummage.

Soon found Xie Huainuan's roll.

"Found it, found it."

"Let's see, how much did the child take the Chinese test?"

Inside the office, silence fell into.

Not much time.

Her language scores also came out.

The test paper is full of ticks.

The language teacher who judged the paper swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"Unexpectedly, it is also a full score."

Suddenly, the silent office seemed to have been pressed by someone.

Various voices came out.

"No way, this kid is only four years old."

"Is it copied from his brother, the question we came up with this time is not simple."

"It's very likely to be copied, unless this kid is a genius, better than the average child."

Ran Qiuye listened to people's doubts about Xie Huainuan's achievements.

He shook his head disapprovingly.

She opened her mouth to explain to the other teachers.

"I see that this grade is true, Xiao Nuan is usually very active when she is in class."

"Sometimes, she can answer the questions of the sixth grade."

Having said that, people can't believe it.

The teacher was amazed.

"These two children of the Xie family are really genius-like figures."

Principal Wu said with a smile.

"Teachers, give me the rolls of these two children."

"I'm kind of useful."


Inside the courtyard.

The children hula-hula ran back.

The courtyard was full of children reporting the difficulty of today's topic to their parents.

"Mom's topic today is really difficult!"

"The teacher actually came up with a word that we didn't learn."

"The teacher read so fast that I didn't hear it clearly when I was dictating."

Qin Huairu also stood in the middle courtyard.

Ask the stick terrier loudly in front of everyone.

"Son, tell your mother that today's question is not difficult."

"Can I get a hundred points?"

I saw the stick terrier scratching his head.

He didn't know if today's question was difficult.

He just didn't even understand the topic.

But for the sake of the dogskin hat, he still doesn't know how to pretend to understand.

He said with a very angry look.

"Mom, today's topic is not difficult at all."

"Wait, this afternoon, our results will be out."

"I'll definitely be first in my class then."

With her son's guarantee, Qin Huairu immediately felt refreshed.

In the past few months, they have been suppressed and beaten by Jia Wenxiu's slut.

Now my son can be considered to be able to vent himself.

She said proudly towards Xie Huaiqing.

"My son can take the first place in the class, and I don't know how many people can take it."

"I know how to eat every day, I'm afraid it's a pig's brain."

"I see, I'm afraid this pig's brain is difficult to pass."

This yin and yang strange qi, referring to Sang Huai, directly annoyed her.

He looked at the fat body of the stick terrier and sneered three times.

"Indeed, the stick terrier is a pig brain that only knows how to eat."

"God forbid that the exam exceeds ten points."

"Little bunny, what did you say?"

He smiled coldly and waved his hand in front of his nose.

"Where are the bed bugs farting."

Pulling his sister, he turned around and entered the house directly.


Hongxing Road Primary School, Teacher's Office.

Hot meals sit on the teachers' desks.

Principal Wu was not in the mood to eat now.

She held the four test papers in her hand and looked at them upside down.

When Ran Qiuye saw it, he urged her to eat.

"Principal, let's finish eating first and then watch."

The other nodded and sat down in his chair.

But the test paper in his hand still did not put down.

"You said, how did these two children get the test."

"Don't say the results now, this word is really good-looking."

"Akiba, tell me how these two children are doing in class."

She put the two children's situation together.

"Speaking of which, they are still Teacher Yan's neighbors."

"In their yard, there are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons."

It's good not to say it, as soon as I hear this Yan Bugui's name.

Principal Wu immediately became angry.

When school started, he targeted these two children.

I educated him myself, but there were still some small movements.

I really thought I didn't know.

She said dissatisfied.

"I see that Yan Bugui, the head teacher, has done the best."

"I was supposed to proctor him today, why did I let you come?"

Ran Qiuye smiled and said.

"Teacher Yan said that he was a little unwell, so let me do it for him."

Just listen to the other party's cold snort.

"He is uncomfortable twice a year, I don't think he has to do it as a head teacher."

"Then let him rest and rest."

With that, she pointed to another teacher.

"Xiao Pang, I remember that you also learned Chinese, after the midterm."

"You can teach the children with Teacher Ran."

"And Teacher Ran, you can be the head teacher."

After Ran Qiuye and Teacher Pang listened, their faces showed excitement.

This is the headmaster's affirmation of them!

After eating, the young teachers all went back to the dormitory to rest.

Principal Wu was still in the classroom, holding the Xie brothers and sisters' test papers and looking at it.

It seems that I have to go to the Education Bureau this afternoon, and I should show these four papers to those leaders.

The playground of Hongxing Road Primary School should also be repaired, and the basketball court should also be built.

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