Their hearts are full of expectations and hopes for the future. They are determined to continue to create and give everything they have for the film industry. They know that cinema will always be their dream and love, and they will add a new chapter to the glory of cinema with greater enthusiasm and creativity.

A few years later, in Yiyang, Qin Yang and Li Ming sat in a café by the sea, tasting the aroma of coffee and reviewing their movie journey.

Qin Yang said with emotion: "Li Ming, we have gone through such a long journey of film creation and created many classic works. Today's film industry has changed dramatically, and technological advances and audience expectations require us to constantly innovate.

Li Ming nodded in agreement: "Yes, Qin Yang." The film industry has undergone radical changes in technology and forms of entertainment. We need to keep up with the times and explore new ways of expression to bring more audiovisual shock and immersive experiences to the audience.

Qin Yang thought for a moment and said: "In addition to the development of technology, I think movies should also have a deeper meaning and value. Our works should arouse the audience's thinking and resonance, so that they can get a kind of spiritual satisfaction in the process of watching the film.

Li Ming added approvingly, "Yes, Qin Yang. Film is a powerful media tool that we should use to explore human nature, social issues, and emotions between people. Through film, we can evoke the audience's deep inner resonance, prompting them to think and reflect.

Qin Yang said with a smile: "It is precisely because we know the power of film that we can also use film to convey some important social values." Through stories, we can call on people to pay attention to environmental protection, social justice and humanistic care, and contribute to the progress of society.

Li Ming nodded in agreement: "We have the responsibility to combine our creation with social responsibility." Through the power of film, we can arouse people's consciousness and promote positive changes in society. Let's use movies to change the world. "

They raised their coffee cups to symbolize their love and responsibility for the film. They are determined to keep innovating and shooting more in-depth and impactful work. Through their creations, they hope to influence more people, inspire them to think and act, and work together for a better world.

Qin Yang and Li Ming watched the waves crashing on the shore, and they were convinced that movies would always be their passion. No matter how bumpy the road ahead, they will unswervingly walk forward, use film as a medium, tell their own stories, influence people's hearts, and become a driving force for social progress.

Qin Yang quietly looked at the vastness of the sea, took a deep breath, turned to Li Ming and said: "Li Ming, we have gone through so many years of film creation journey and accumulated rich experience and achievements. It's time to create opportunities for young creators to showcase their talents.

Li Ming nodded and responded with a smile: "Yes, Qin Yang." I think we should set up a film fund to provide funding and support to young filmmakers so that they have more opportunities to realize their creative dreams. At the same time, we can act as mentors, guiding their creative process and helping them grow.

Qin Yang's eyes flashed with excitement: "This is a good idea!" We can work with cinema lines, production companies, and other funding agencies to set up a fund specifically to support young filmmakers. Through this platform, they can access funding, resources and mentorship to showcase their talents.

Li Ming added: "In addition to funding and mentorship, we can also hold a series of creative workshops and workshops, inviting experts and directors in the industry to share their experience and knowledge. In this way, young creators will have the opportunity to get in touch with the wider world of cinema and broaden their horizons.

Qin Yang nodded in agreement: "Yes, we can also organize a screening event for young filmmakers, provide them with the opportunity to display their works, and let more people see their creative results." This is not only an affirmation of them, but also a motivation for them to keep going. Their

eyes showed excitement and anticipation, and they were convinced that this film fund would open a door for young creators to realize their creative dreams.

Qin Yang and Li Ming clasped each other's hands, determined to put this film fund plan into action. They understand that this will be a daunting task, but they firmly believe that by working together, they can inject new vitality and creativity into the film industry.

They have dreams and a love of cinema, and they are willing to pass on their successes and experiences to the next generation. They believe that with passion and hard work, young creators will be able to shine their own light and create compelling films.

A few years later, Qin Yang and Li Ming met again at a film event, and they witnessed many young creators create remarkable works through their funds to receive support and opportunities.

Qin Yang said to Li Ming with a smile: "Li Ming, look at the works of these young creators, it's really amazing!" They have shown extraordinary talent and creativity. Our funds have helped give them the opportunity to realize their film dreams.

Li Ming nodded in agreement: "Yes, Qin Yang." Seeing these young people express their thoughts and emotions through movies makes people feel extremely gratified and proud. They are the future of cinema and we have a responsibility to support and guide them to help them grow.

Qin Yang looked at the bright smiles of those young creators and continued: "We can also cooperate with schools to carry out film education projects and integrate film art into the education system. By cultivating students' film literacy and creative ability, we can create a more dynamic and innovative film culture.

Li Ming added excitedly: "In addition to China, we can also expand international cooperation and exchange and cooperation with film institutions, academies and creators in other countries." Through cross-cultural exchanges, we can learn and inspire each other, broaden our horizons, and bring more possibilities to the film industry.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "It is precisely because of the charm and influence of movies that we have such an opportunity to influence and change the world." Through our efforts and influence, film can be a bridge connecting different cultures and countries, promoting people's understanding and harmony.

Li Ming looked at Qin Yang affectionately: "Qin Yang, thank you for your continued companionship and cooperation." We have gone through so many filmmaking journeys together and witnessed the power and impact of film. Our cooperation is not only a business partner, but also a deep friendship. "

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