Qin Yang squeezed Li Ming's hand and said with emotion: "Yes, Li Ming." Our shared dreams and pursuits brought us together and created many wonderful films. No matter what the future brings us, we will be closely together and work together for the prosperity of the film industry. "

Their eyes are full of anticipation and hope for the future. They are convinced that film is a great art form that touches people's hearts and influences people's thoughts and behaviors. They are willing to continue to contribute their own strength to the development of film, pave the way for young creators, and contribute their wisdom and experience to the prosperity of the film industry.

Qin Yang and Li Ming hugged each other, their hearts full of gratitude and pride. They are determined to keep going and use film as a medium to bring more laughter, thought and emotion to the world. They firmly believe that as long as they have dreams, their film journey will continue forever and create a more brilliant future.

A few years later, Qin Yang and Li Ming met again on the red carpet of a film festival, and their works once again attracted attention and became a topic of conversation.

Qin Yang smiled and said to Li Ming: "Li Ming, our work has once again been recognized on this stage, which is really a great honor. Our film journey was twisty and challenging, but every effort was worth it.

Li Ming responded with a smile: "Yes, Qin Yang." We have fought hard for our dreams, and we have put in countless efforts and sweat. Today, I am sincerely relieved and proud to see our work loved and affirmed.

Qin Yang looked at the young filmmakers on the red carpet, and after thinking for a moment, said: "We have established ourselves in the film industry, and now it is time to help more young creators realize their dreams." We can set up a creative base to provide funding, resources and mentorship to young people so that they have more opportunities to explore their creative talents.

Li Ming nodded excitedly: "This is a very good idea!" We can provide a creative space and environment for young creators to interact, learn and grow with each other. At the same time, we can also invite some excellent directors and screenwriters to guide their creation and help them develop their own style and voice.

Qin Yang added with a smile: "In addition to the creative base, we can also hold film festivals or exhibitions to showcase the works of young creators and let more people know about their talents and creativity." This will not only provide them with the opportunity to showcase themselves, but also attract more investors and industry players to pay attention to them.

Li Ming said enthusiastically: "It is precisely because we have received support and opportunities that we have achieved today's achievements." We have a responsibility to give back to the community and help more young people achieve their dreams. We need to be their role models and mentors and guide them to success. "

They encourage each other and look forward to the future. They are convinced that through their efforts and influence, they can create better opportunities and environments for young creators to advance the film industry.

Qin Yang and Li Ming clasped each other's hands, determined to put the plan of this creative base into action. They understand that the task will not be easy, but they are willing to do whatever it takes to open a door to their dreams for young creators.

They have dreams and a love of cinema, and they are willing to pass on their successes and experiences to the next generation. They believe that with passion and hard work, young creators will be able to shine their own light and create compelling films. They look forward to the future and the glory of the film to continue to shine.

A few years later, Qin Yang and Li Ming met again at a film awards ceremony, this time no longer as film creators, but as judges and mentors.

Qin Yang said to Li Ming excitedly: "Li Ming, this is the first time we have participated in the selection of the Film Awards as a judge, it is really a fresh and exciting experience. Looking at these excellent film works, I feel very optimistic about the future of cinema.

Li Ming nodded and responded happily: "Yes, Qin Yang." These works showcase the creativity and talent of the younger generation of filmmakers, who resonate with audiences with novel stories, exquisite techniques and profound expressions. I believe that cinema will continue to thrive and create more wonderful works.

Qin Yang said with emotion: "We used to be those young people, working hard to realize our dreams. Now we have the opportunity to support and guide them to their success. This sense of inheritance and giving back is really inspiring.

Li Ming smiled and added, "It is precisely because someone has supported and guided us that we have come to the point of Jinyang. It's time to pass on that affection and pave the way for young creators. Our experience and wisdom can help them better face challenges and realize their artistic pursuits.

Qin Yang nodded in agreement: "We can continue to open film workshops, hold director's lectures and screenwriting workshops, and share our insights and experiences with young creators." Through this exchange and interaction, we can learn and grow from each other, injecting new vitality into the film industry.

Li Ming said passionately: "In addition to cultivating young creators, we can also be committed to promoting the popularization and development of film culture." We can unite cinema lines, schools and communities to hold film screenings and screening lectures, so that more people can contact and appreciate excellent film works. "

Qin Yang and Li Ming encourage each other and are full of confidence in the future. They know that they have a responsibility to promote the development of the film industry, and they are willing to give their success and experience back to the film industry to pave the way for young creators.

Qin Yang and Li Ming clasped each other's hands, determined to continue to fight for the film industry. They are convinced that the power of cinema is infinite, it can change people's minds and concepts, and evoke deep resonance in people's hearts. They hope to contribute to the prosperity and development of the film through their own efforts and influence.

They believe that as long as they have dreams and perseverance, films will continue to shine, creating more memorable stories that influence and touch more people. They look forward to the future of cinema and to seeing the glory of cinema continue.

A few years later, Qin Yang and Li Ming sat in the cinema watching a newly released movie, enjoying the shock and emotion brought by the big screen.

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