In the sixties, rural life in China was simple and full of fun.

Let's go back to that era and experience a story about eating walnuts with Xie Huaiqing.

On a sunny autumn afternoon, Xie Huaiqing and his good friend Armin sat under a large elm tree.

The two are busy peeling walnuts.

They are surrounded by a tranquil and green field, and the breeze brings bursts of osmanthus fragrance.

Amin: Oh, this walnut is so hard to peel! Huaiqing, how is your progress?

Huai Qing: Well, I haven't peeled it off yet.

These walnut skins are so hard that I have to struggle to open them.

Amin: Yes, these walnut skins are not ordinary and difficult to peel.

However, once you master the technique, it will become a lot easier.

Huai Qing: Oh? Do you have any tips?

Amin: Absolutely! I've heard that if you first lightly tap the perimeter of the walnut shell with a hammer and then press the top with your finger, you can peel off in one fell swoop.

Huai Qing: That sounds interesting! I'll try it too.

Huaiqing picked up the hammer, carefully tapped the perimeter of the walnut shell, then pressed the top, twisted it gently, and the walnut shell was indeed opened.

Huaiqing: Wow! That's a great idea! That's great!

Amin: Really? My neighbor told me.

Not only is it easy to peel walnuts, he says, but the kernels don't crumble.

Huaiqing: Then let's compete and see who peels fast!

Amin: Great idea! Let's have a little competition.

See who peels a pound of walnuts first!

The two quickly picked up the walnuts in their hands and began to peel them quickly.

They sometimes use hammers, sometimes fingers, and they are highly skilled and competitive.

After a period of intense competition, finally, Armin smiled and raised the walnut kernel in his hand.

Amin: Look, I've peeled a pound of walnuts! I won!

Huaiqing: Haha, congratulations! You are such a master of peeling walnuts.

The two laughed and enjoyed the joy of victory and put the peeled walnuts in their mouths.

Huaiqing: Well, this walnut kernel is fragrant and sweet, it's really delicious!

Amin: yes, I think this earthy rural fun is incomparable.

Especially on a sunny autumn afternoon, peel walnuts and share the fun with friends.

Huaiqing: Yes, such times will always be my cherished memories.

Thank you for teaching me how to peel walnuts, it was a lovely afternoon.

Amin: You're welcome, Huaiqing.

Friendship is like a walnut and needs to be shared and helped by each other.

We will always be best friends.

They squeezed each other's hands, smiled and continued to savor the walnuts in their hands.

In that simple and happy era, Xie Huaiqing and Amin created beautiful memories that belonged to them together.

Huaiqing: Oh, my fingers are a little sore, and it really takes some strength to peel walnuts.

Amin: yes, the walnut skin is really hard.

Still, it's fun to think about such difficulties, right?

Huaiqing: You're right.

Every walnut is a challenge, and every successful peel makes me feel very accomplished.

Amin: Right! And the moment you eat the walnut kernels, all the effort becomes worth it.

I think it's also a treat.

Huaiqing: You're right.

The little pleasures of life are just that, simple and beautiful.

We have to learn to appreciate every moment, don't we?

Amin: Absolutely! This simple rural life teaches us to cherish ordinary pleasures.

It doesn't take much material things, just simple friends and a grateful heart.

Huaiqing: Yes, this kind of friendship and gratitude will always be our most precious asset.

They sat quietly under the big elm tree, continued to peel walnuts, and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the company of friendship.

In that simple and beautiful time, they created their own memories and cherished them forever.

Huaiqing: Hey Amin, do you remember how we ate walnuts when we were kids? I remember back then we always played a game called "Walnut Wars."

Amin: Of course I remember! That's our specialty.

We would find two walnuts of similar size and shoot at each other to see whose walnuts could smash each other's.

Huai Qing: Yes, it's an exciting game every time.

We also give walnuts names, like our own little warriors.

Amin: Haha, that's right! Remember how often we rummaged around the fields to find the most convenient walnuts? Sometimes I compete with other children to see who finds the best walnuts.

Huaiqing: Yes, at that time, each walnut had its own personality and characteristics.

Some are light and fast, some are calm and powerful.

We always want to find the perfect fighter.

Amin: It was a happy memory.

I remember one time I found a particularly round walnut and I named it "Overlord", and I ended up winning several games with it!

Huaiqing: Haha, you're such a lucky guy! However, I also have my own times when I win over my opponents.

I have a walnut called "Tiger" that allows me to win in competitions every time.

Amin: Those childhood games were really full of endless fun and imagination.

At the end of each race, we also exchange victorious walnuts as souvenirs.

Huaiqing: Yes, those walnuts became a symbol of our friendship and childhood.

Although we have grown up now, that good time will always remain in our hearts.

Amin: That's right, Huaiqing.

Although we are no longer the young and frivolous children, the innocence and friendship will always accompany us.

Laughing, they continued to peel the walnuts in their hands, reminiscing about the games of the past and the joys of childhood.

Even as time passed, their friendship was stronger, like the hard shell of a walnut.

Huai Qing: Hey, Amin, do you think we can make something else interesting out of walnuts?

Amin: Absolutely! The imagination is limitless.

What are your thoughts?

Huaiqing: I've heard that you can make boats out of walnut shells and play in streams.

We can give it a try!

Amin: Great idea! We can collect some walnut shells, find a small branch to make oars, and let them drift in the stream.

Must be fun!

Huaiqing: Then let's go find walnut shells now! I know there is a walnut grove nearby and there should be a lot of dropped shells.

The two walked enthusiastically to the walnut grove and began to look for fallen walnut shells.

They searched carefully and exclaimed excitedly whenever they found a complete shell.

Amin: Huaiqing, I found a big walnut shell! See, this size is just right for our little hull.

Huai Qing: That's great! We also need a couple of small walnut shells for oars.

Look over there, there's a bunch of small walnut shells under that tree, and we're going to pick up a few.

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