They quickly picked up a few small walnut shells and then found a slender branch to use as a paddle.

Back at the creek, they began assembling walnut-shell boats.

Huaiqing: This big walnut shell can be used as a hull, we stick the oars in the stern and then use the small walnut shell as the oars.

Amin: Well, I see.

Look, our walnut shell boats are done! Now let's put it in the water and see if it can drift.

They carefully put the walnut-shelled boat into the creek and watched excitedly as it drifted with the current.

Huaiqing: Haha, look how fast it floats! It's so much fun.

AMIN: yes, this walnut-shelled boat seems to be exploring.

We let it drift into the distance and then chase it together.

The two followed the walnut-shell boat along the stream, laughter echoing through the fields.

Although they have grown up, their innocence and desire for adventure remain.

Huai Qing: That's a great idea! Thank you, Amin.

It makes me incredibly happy to share moments like this with you.

Amin: Me too, Huaiqing.

Our friendships and memories are like this walnut-shell boat, forever drifting in our hearts.

They continue to chase the walnut-shell boat, enjoying childhood games and endless fun.

Even as time passed, their friendship remained the same, radiating a warm glow.

Huaiqing: Amin, remember, there is also a walnut game that I used to play when I was a child, called "Walnut Racing".

Have you heard of it?

Amin: "Walnut racing"? Sounds interesting! Tell me how to play!

Huaiqing: Okay! We first have to find some leveling ground, and then everyone uses a large walnut as a racing car and a small stick as the steering wheel of the racing car.

Then, we can carve out a track on the ground and race to see whose walnut car runs the fastest.

Amin: This game sounds exciting! Let's quickly find a flat place to try it.

Huaiqing and Amin find a flat clearing and begin preparing for their walnut racing race.

Huaiqing: This is my racing car, I named it "Lightning"! Look, I also drew some logos for it to make it look cooler.

Amin: My car is called "Rocket"! It will surely be able to race across the track and cross the finish line.

They put the walnut race car on the starting line, picked up the stick as a steering wheel, and got ready to start the race.

Huaiqing: Ready? 3, 2, 1, start!

They carefully push the walnut racers with sticks to make them run on the track.

The two raced to speed up in order to win the game.

Amin: Look how fast my car is! It's like a speeding rocket!

Huaiqing: Hmph, don't be too complacent, my racing "lightning" will not lose to you!

They raced with gusto, and the walnut car sped faster and faster on the track.

Amin: Look, I won! My "rocket" crossed the finish line first!

Huaiqing: Wow, congratulations! Your "rocket" really flies fast.

Amin: Thank you! The game itself is already interesting, though.

These childhood walnut games are really nostalgic.

Huai Qing: Yes, these simple and creative games filled our childhood in the countryside with laughter.

They cheered and celebrated the end of the game together.

Although time has passed, the cherishing of the joy and friendship of walnuts in their hearts will remain forever.

Huaiqing: Amin, we can not only play walnut games, but also make some crafts out of walnut shells.

Have you ever heard of walnut shell painting?

Amin: Absolutely! I remember when I was a child, a neighbor's aunt was good at walnut shell painting, and she used a delicate brush to draw beautiful patterns on walnut shells.

Huai Qing: Yes, her walnut shell paintings are really delicate.

We can also try it out and use our imagination to create some unique pieces on walnut shells.

Amin: That's great! We look for large, whole walnut shells and then go to the house to find some paint and brushes.

Together we can create our own walnut shell paintings.

Huaiqing and Amin happily collected some complete large walnut shells, picked up brushes and paints, and began their journey of creating walnut shell paintings.

Huaiqing: I wanted to draw a lifelike bird that stopped on a tree.

Amin: That sounds beautiful! I want to paint a picture of a starry sky under the night sky, twinkling with beautiful stars and the moon.

The two draw intently on the walnut shell, their hands nimble and skillful.

They exchange creative ideas and cheer each other on.

Huai Qing: Amin, your starry sky painting looks really amazing! Those twinkling stars seem to really jump out of their walnut shells.

Amin: Thank you, Huaiqing! Your little bird is also very vivid and I can almost hear it chirping on the branches.

Their walnut shell paintings were gradually completed, each showing their imagination and artistic talent.

Finally, they admired each other's work and laughed with satisfaction.

Amin: Huaiqing, this walnut shell painting was really a pleasant experience.

Our works are all great, all created with our hearts.

Huaiqing: Yes, Amin.

This creation not only allowed us to use our imagination and artistic talent, but also deepened our friendship.

They looked at each other with appreciation and felt the tacit understanding between them.

Their walnut shell paintings became a testimony to their friendship and creativity, forever etched in their hearts.

Huaiqing: Thank you for always being with me, Amin.

The time we spent together was truly unforgettable.

Amin: Thank you too, Huaiqing.

Whether it's in walnut games, walnut racing, or walnut shell paintings, we have always encouraged and supported each other.

This friendship will remain in my heart forever.

They clasped each other's hands and felt the warmth and firmness of friendship.

In that era full of walnut fun, Xie Huaiqing and Amin created countless good memories together and left the mark of their friendship.

Huaiqing: Amin, it's really nostalgic to think back on the time we spent together.

We were in the countryside in the sixties, bringing endless fun and creativity with walnuts.

Amin: Yes, Huaiqing.

Although it was a simple era, we had a rich imagination and friendship.

Walnuts became our childhood companions and accompanied us as we grew up.

Huaiqing: That's right.

Times are changing a lot, technology is advancing rapidly, but we will never forget those innocent and happy memories.

Amin: Yes, even if time doesn't look back, those years of walnut fun will shine forever.

Huaiqing: We should cherish these good memories and pass them on.

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