No matter what the future holds, our friendships and those moments of creativity will live forever in our hearts.

Amin: I totally agree, Huaiqing.

Let us always miss the story of eating walnuts, which will always accompany us, exuding warmth and joy.

Huaiqing and Armin sat quietly under the big elm tree, staring into the distance, their hearts full of emotion and gratitude.

Their friendship is as strong as a walnut shell in the torrent of time, leaving endless good memories.

Huaiqing: Amin, we can also share these memories and stories with our children and grandchildren in the future.

Let them also feel the joy and friendship we once had.

Amin: Yes, Huaiqing.

Pass on these wonderful memories to the next generation, and let them know that walnuts once brought us fun and unlimited imagination.

Huaiqing: I'm sure they'll enjoy hearing stories from that era.

After all, these are our precious treasures and need to be shared with them.

Amin: That's right.

No matter how time passes, these memories will always shine in our hearts and will be passed on to the next generation through our stories.

Huaiqing: I'm looking forward to sitting under the elm tree with them and telling the story of how we used to eat walnuts.

That would be a wonderful legacy.

Amin: Yes, Huaiqing.

Our walnut story will forever be passed down in our family and become a wonderful memory that connects our family and friendship.

Huaiqing and Amin exchanged smiles with each other, and their friendship and walnut story will become an eternal memory in their hearts, leaving a deep mark on their family.

In this simple and happy era, Xie Huaiqing and Amin have created countless beautiful memories together, which will walk with them through the journey of life.

Huaiqing: Amin, you know what? I think we can not only pass on the fun of walnuts through memories, but also organize a walnut festival together so that more people can experience that good time.

Amin: Wow, Walnut Festival sounds fun! We can invite friends, neighbors and folks to participate in all kinds of fun events and competitions.

Huaiqing: That's right! We can have walnut peeling competitions, walnut racing competitions, and we can also display walnut shell paintings and walnut handicrafts.

At the same time, you can also let everyone taste a variety of delicious walnut products.

Amin: It would be a lively and joyous event! Everyone can reminisce about the fun of walnuts in childhood and create good memories that belong to the present.

Huaiqing: Yes, through the Walnut Festival, we can pass on that good time to more people and let them feel the joy and friendship brought by walnuts.

Amin: That's a great idea! Let's start planning to make this Walnut Festival grand and memorable.

Huai Qing and Amin are excited to discuss the planning of the Walnut Festival, and they plan various activities and programs, hoping to share the fun of walnuts with more people.

Their passion and enthusiasm turned the Walnut Festival into a highly anticipated event, allowing people to relive the wonderful time of eating walnuts in the sixties.

Huaiqing: Amin, I think there is another fun activity to include at the Walnut Festival, which is the walnut throwing competition! We can set a target and see who can accurately hit the walnut.

Amin: Haha, sounds challenging! We can set different distances and difficulty levels for participants to show their accuracy and skill.

Huaiqing: Right! Such competitions can both test skills and increase the interaction and fun of participants.

I am sure that everyone will be enthusiastic about participating in this activity.

Amin: In addition to the competition, we can also set up a display area to display walnuts and walnut products that are characteristic of different regions.

Let people know about different varieties of walnuts and walnut culture in different places.

Huai Qing: That's a great idea! Through the exhibition area, we can expand people's awareness of walnuts and let them learn more about the story and uses of walnuts.

Amin: You can also invite some walnut farmers to share their planting experience and knowledge of walnut conservation.

This not only increases the knowledge of participants, but also supports the development of the local walnut industry.

Huaiqing: Yes, we can use the Walnut Festival as an opportunity to promote the prosperity and development of the local walnut industry.

At the same time, it can also let more people understand the value and benefits of walnuts.

Amin: Huaiqing, I think our Walnut Festival will be an exciting event that will not only reminisce about the good old days, but also bring joy and joy to the present generation.

Huaiqing: I totally agree! Let's work hard to prepare for this walnut festival so that more people can participate and celebrate the fun and camaraderie of walnuts together.

Huaiqing and Amin passionately began preparations for the Walnut Festival, and they imagined the event full of laughter with anticipation.

Through the Walnut Festival, they hope to pass on the fun and friendship of walnuts to more people, so that the charm of walnuts can be inherited and carried forward in modern times.

Huaiqing: Amin, I have another thought! At the Walnut Festival, we can organize a walnut photo contest.

Participants can capture unique moments about walnuts with their camera or mobile phone and then submit photos of their favorite walnuts.

Amin: That's a very creative idea! Through photo contests, people can showcase their unique perspective and creativity with walnuts.

Huaiqing: Yes, the shape, color and texture of walnuts can be the highlight of photography.

I believe that everyone can tell a unique walnut story through their own lens.

Amin: We can set up different awards, such as best composition, most creative, most beautiful walnut photo, etc.

This can inspire more people to participate and enthusiastize.

Huaiqing: Exactly! Through photo contests, we can attract more photography enthusiasts and artists, and show the beauty of walnuts to more people.

Amin: In addition, we can also compile the winning works into a beautiful walnut photography book to commemorate the highlights of this walnut festival.

Huaiqing: That's a great idea! This photo book can become a permanent souvenir for people to reminisce and enjoy the wonderful memories of the Walnut Festival at any time.

Amin: Huaiqing, I feel that our Walnut Festival will be a great event full of diverse activities and ideas.

Everyone can find their favorite way to participate and take away a good memory.

Huaiqing: Yes, Amin.

Our walnut festival will be centered on walnuts, connecting friendship and joy between people into an unforgettable event.

Huaiqing and Amin are planning the various aspects of the Walnut Festival with anticipation, and their creativity and enthusiasm will bring new vitality and charm to this event.

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