"Don't you know that the houses are now public?".

"You still want to buy a house! Are you crazy?".

After Ding Qiunan said this, He Yutong remembered that at this time, the houses in the capital belonged to public ownership. After 62 years, they became private ownership. After private ownership, real estate certificates were issued.That is to say, the house where He Yutong and others live is still considered a public house.

He Yutong suddenly realized that he was a little anxious.

At this time, He Yutong thought about the fund-raising house mentioned by Deputy Director Liu before.

He Yutong estimates that this should also be a public house. After privatization, it will truly become his own house. It will only be a few years later. This matter is still too late.

So He Yutong smiled at this time and responded to Ding Qiunan: "Just now, that is to say, just kidding...".

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"o

"You don't really think I want to buy a house, do you?".

Ding Qiunan shook his head.

"You think too much…".

"How could I possibly think about this?

"I was just wondering if you could write the lyrics

He Yutong chuckled: "You know I can't write it?".

"What if I write it out?".

Ding Qiunan looked at He Yutong in a daze.

"Write it out?".

...for flowers...

He Yutong nodded.

"Of course...".

"Don't you see who I am?".

Ding Qiunan was puzzled for a while, and then whispered in He Yutong's ear.

" 口^599

/, branch o...o

"You can write...".

"I'll kiss you.

He Yutong looked at Ding Qiunan.

"You said it yourself, I didn't force you...".

Ding Qiunan's face was slightly red, and he stamped his feet: "I know.


He Yutong has been absorbing professional knowledge about music in the library until it was closed.

It was twelve o'clock in the evening after He Yutong sent Ding Qiunan home.

After he came home, he sat at the table, in front of the table was a stack of blank letter paper, He Yutong borrowed a ruler from He Yuyu to draw the staff.

... 0

After drawing the staff, He Yutong opened his attributes.

Take a look at how much your song-making skills have increased.

Host: He Yutong

Age: 16 years old

Occupation: Assistant Ceramic Artist (Junior) (Activated), First Class Painter (Junior) (Activated), Appraiser (Junior), Chef (Junior).


Item: (Mud Seed Garden) (use all the techniques in the Mustard Seed Garden picture book to instantly learn).

Special skills: carry-on space (1 cubic meter (remarks can be put in and taken out of inanimate objects at any time))

职业技能:陶瓷画师3级(已激活)(最高暂定五级)(经验800/420),厨艺1级(已激活)(最高暂定五级) 激活)(最高暂定五级)(经验68/200)古董鉴定1级(已激活)(已激活)(经验0/200)英语精通4级(已激活)

(Experience 180/200), Fighting Expert Level 1 (already

(up to level 15) (experience 1600/[-]) o Russian

语精通3级(已激活)(最高五级)(经验223/800)歌曲制作2级(已激活)(最高五级)(经验11/200)。 当何雨桐看到自己歌曲制作的技能是两级之后,何雨桐那俊秀的脸上这时候露出了一丝微笑。

Because he knows what song he should write.

That is the famous "I donate oil for the motherland".

This song has passed the test of the times. No matter when, there must be this song in the classics, and it is the most widely sung.

So He Yutong began to compose music.and.

Chapter [-] The Secretary's Surprise!

After two hours of hard work by He Yutong, He Yutong finally finished writing the song "I Offer Oil for the Motherland", and also finished composing the song.But to be precise, copying...

He Yutong's copy is not a simple copy, but a copy after systematic training. He Yutong fully understands the creative process and has the deepest understanding of this piece.Now that He Yutong finished writing this song, he felt a little sleepy, so he stretched and yawned to get ready to sleep.

At this time, he inadvertently saw the wall clock behind him...

He Yutong couldn't help muttering.

"Is it half past one?".

"But after I finished writing the song, my body and mind relaxed a lot, that is, I was just a little tired...".

It was a little cold outside by now.

But He Yutong's body is still very warm, which can be said to be related to He Yutong's physical fitness. After all, He Yutong's physical fitness is also very strong.

"Six Thirty Zero"

After the improvement of the system, He Yutong felt that his body was very strong.

People in this era are generally malnourished, and people like He Yutong are already rare.

He Yutong thought of this, then after washing his face and feet, he went to sleep.

In fact, He Yutong also wants to take a bath every day.

But now there is no such condition.

If you have this condition, you must get a bathroom, and then build a bathtub, so that you can take a bath.

But then again, there are also bathhouses in the capital.

A group of big men swayed naked in front of him, and he really couldn't accept it.

In the end, He Yutong fell asleep. . . .

The next day, He Yutong put the song he wrote directly in front of Director Chen in the director's office.

Director Chen looked at He Yutong in surprise.

He thought that this time it was just a routine broadcast, and there was no response, but he didn't think so, there was actually one who wrote a song, and he was the youngest assistant ceramic artist.Director Chen picked up the song written by He Yutong.

As for the notes, he couldn't understand them, but he still understood the lyrics.

Splendid rivers and mountains are picturesque

Motherland-building straddle horse

How proud I am to be an oil worker

Walking around the world wearing an aluminum helmet

Overhead Tianshan Feather Snow

Facing the Gobi Sandstorm

Welcome to the rising sun by the Jialing River

Sending evening sunset at the foot of Kunlun Mountain

not afraid of the sky

Wind, snow, thunder and lightning let it go

I donate oil for the motherland

Where there is oil is my home

The red flag flutters in the colorful clouds

The hero whips the horse

How proud I am to be an oil worker

Walking around the world wearing an aluminum helmet

Mang grassland derrick

Drill the well in the depths of the fog

Underground crude oil sees the sky

The motherland is full of oil flowers

not afraid of the sky

Big ambitions for the world

I donate oil for the motherland

The oil is rolling in my heart and my heart is happy

How well written this lyric, I can't help but applaud when I read it, because this lyric written by He Yutong is very atmospheric

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