This made Director Chen sink into it.

Where did He Yutong stand and look at Director Chen, feeling that there should be no problem with what he wrote?

"Factory Manager!".

"Factory Manager!".

At this time, He Yutong whispered to Director Chen.

At this time, Director Chen was pulled back to reality by He Yutong's voice.

Director Chen looked at He Yutong, and then at the lyrics.

But the lyrics don't seem to have been written at his age.

Director Chen thought again.

He Yutong is currently the most educated person in this factory. It should be like a highly educated person composing music, right?

In fact, Director Chen is not very sure.

At this time, Director Chen said to He Yutong: "Your lyrics are really good, but I don't really understand the song...".

"I'll call the Secretary first to have a look...".

"You go back and wait for my news!

He Yutong nodded.

Then he thanked the factory manager Chen: "That's the trouble for the factory manager...".

When He Yutong left, he helped Director Chen to bring the door.

After He Yutong left.

Director Chen picked up the phone on his desk and started dialing.


The voice of the Secretary came from the other end of the phone.


At this time, Director Chen lowered his body and whispered.

"Director! I'm Chen Xian...

The other end of the phone said slowly: "Oh! It's you! ".

"What's the matter?".

Director Chen said sternly: "Director! Regarding the notice you asked me to send yesterday, someone from us has already handed in the work, and I can see this work...".

"Would you like to take a look?

The director on the other end of the phone was a little surprised by what Director Chen said.

Although the notice was issued at the request of the Ministry of Publicity.

But he didn't think that anyone would be able to come up with a work. It didn't work out. He just notified it yesterday, and there are works coming today.

However, the Secretary himself does not know how the quality of the work is.

Although the publicity and distribution department has also notified the work of writing and collecting songs, there are a few articles, and there is no song as for the song...

Never been.

Make yourself a little embarrassed with Minister Feng.

However, I still have to check this myself. After all, if the work is not good, if I take it myself, I will be even more embarrassed.So the director of the department said to the factory director Chen.

"Director Chen!

"Then you can send the manuscript over and have a meal together...".

Director Chen couldn't help but start to get excited, so he immediately said respectfully to the director: "Happy! I'll go right away...".

So Director Chen went out with a briefcase, and Xiao Deng, as Director Chen's assistant, also went out together.

At this time, Xiao Deng was a little strange.

Because today is not the day when the Ministry will have a meeting, why did Director Chen go to the Ministry?

However, as the assistant to the factory manager, Xiao Deng still knows that he abides by his duties, and he does not ask questions that should not be asked.

If the leader wants you to know something, it will definitely say it.

After an hour's drive, Director Chen finally came to the ministry.

Director Chen brought He Yutong's music to the office of the director, while the assistant and others were in the parking lot.

Director Chen knocked on the door of the director's office.

Then came the calm and powerful voice of the director of the department: "Enter...".

Director Chen opened the door handle. He saw that the director of the department was looking at the official document. After seeing the arrival of Director Chen, he put down the official document.

"Director Chen, you are here!

"I didn't expect that someone in your factory could write songs!

"At least I didn't shave my head here this year...".

Director Chen said a little embarrassedly: "This is my responsibility...".

3.5 The Secretary shook his head.

"I! You can't say that, after all, no one is born with these things...".

"It's a miracle to have one, by the way! Who wrote these lyrics in your factory?".

Director Chen said a name that surprised the director.

"He Yutong...".

When the director heard the name He Yutong, a hint of shock appeared on his face, and then he chuckled: "Oh?".

"Written by He Yutong?

"I didn't expect him to have this ability!".

"I didn't expect him to do text materials! He can also write songs and songs...".

"Show it to me, I want to see how his level is...".

After hearing the words of the director, Director Chen handed over the lyrics and tunes written by He Yutong to the director.After the director saw the song, the look on his face instantly became exciting... .

Chapter [-] Minister Feng of the Publicity Department knows He Yutong

The Secretary looked at He Yutong's lyrics, and the picture naturally came to his mind. The appeal of this kind of words deeply attracted the thoughts of the Secretary.

It took about twenty minutes for the Secretary to recover from his thoughts...

The director Chen, who was next to the director of the department, never bothered him, but waited quietly beside the director of the department.

After all, Director Chen was similar in the beginning, but Director Chen didn't call himself like He Yutong...?.

At this time, the Secretary took a deep breath, and then looked at the lyrics again.

Then he pondered: "The lyrics are very well written, and they correspond very well to the theme. I just don't know how the song is, but I don't think it's that bad, right?".

Director Chen answered at the right time: "The artistic conception and writing of the lyrics are very good. I can't understand the song, but my thoughts are the same as yours...". "Think this song should be about the same? %

"That's why I took the liberty to ask."

The Secretary nodded, then looked at the watch he was wearing on his right hand.

"It's almost twelve o'clock!

"Let's go to the cafeteria with me for a meal first, and go to the publicity department with me in the afternoon...".


At noon, after having dinner with Director Chen, the Director of the Department and Director Chen went to the Publicity Department 27....

At this time, the Propaganda Department is still very busy. Whether it is domestic or foreign, the Propaganda Department has been doing propaganda and attracting.

This time, the Minister of the Department came to find Minister Feng.

So the two met Minister Feng very quickly. If someone else wanted to see Minister Feng, it might take a long time.

At this time, the two had come to the door of Minister Feng's office.

When the head of the department opened the door of Minister Feng's office, the head of the department said to Minister Feng with a smile on his face.

"Old Feng!".

"I'm here to see you...

When Minister Feng saw the Minister coming, he got up immediately, and then responded to the Minister with a smile: "Ah!

"It's the boss...".

"Why do you have time to come to see me, such a busy person?".

The head of the department shook his head: "I've said it many times, don't call me the boss...".

"Just call me Jiannan...".

Minister Feng smiled.

"You ya you".

"What does it matter?".

"But then again, why are you free to come to me?".

Then Minister Feng turned his eyes to Director Chen beside him and asked with some doubts, "Who is this?".

At this time, the director of the department introduced the factory director Chen: "Oh! This one! Is that me? The director of the Hongxing Ceramics Factory under the Ministry of Light Industry, his name is Chen Xian...".

Director Feng stretched out his hand to say hello to Director Chen. Director Chen quickly grabbed Director Feng's hand, then lowered his body slightly and said, "Hello! Hello!".After shaking hands.

Minister Feng asked his secretary to make two cups of tea.

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