Siheyuan: Cut Hu Qin Huai Ru, It Is Quite Fragrant

338. Li Fanghong Bought A 5,000-Square-Meter Villa With All The Money

At this moment, Bangjiu also felt dizzy.

"Ouch...a big villa of 5,000 square meters...I can't even dream of it...tsk tsk tsk..." Bang Geng was really envious and drooling.

"But not necessarily! It depends on the situation!" Jia Zhang comforted herself.

At this moment, Li Fanghong took the box, and the two of them walked out of the middle courtyard and came to the front yard~.

It happened that the third aunt was walking in the front yard at this moment, and then she saw Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu walking out of the courtyard with eight black boxes.

"Hey! Eight black boxes? What is Li Fanghong doing here?" The third aunt was puzzled.

At the moment Jia Dongxu is in the steel mill, feeling depressed.

Work is a mess.

"Li Fanghong, don't buy a villa! I beg you!" Jia Dongxu prayed in his heart.

This day is really going to be unbearable.

Day by day, he is envied by his rival Li Fanghong.

Jia Dongxu felt uncomfortable...

At this time, Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu put the suitcase in the back seat.

"Hurry up, hurry up," Li Fanghong told Qin Huairu to be quicker.

Then Qin Huairu sat in the passenger cab, and Li Fanghong started the car.

Drive to the bank.

After coming.

Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu took the black box and came to the processing window.

Qin Huairu took out the passbook and handed it to the bank staff.

"Take 800,000!" Qin Huairu said.

"Okay!" The bank staff nodded.

Then Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu waited for a long time and felt that the days seemed like years.

In half an hour, the withdrawal procedures were completed, and then 800,000 was withdrawn and put in the black box.

Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu immediately moved the black box to the back seat of the car, and then drove to the sales department of the villa area on the third ring road.

On the way, Qin Huairu swallowed, feeling her heart beating wildly.

"Oh, I'm so excited!" Qin Huairu fidgeted.

"It's okay, calm down!" Li Fanghong smiled lightly.

Now the sales department.

Sophora Hua, wearing a welcome overalls, smiled slightly at the rich people passing by.

"Welcome!" Huaihua shouted.

"A lot of rich people..." Huaihua thought happily.

After that, Li Fanghong's car drove up to the sales department.

At this time, Sophora squinted her eyes, this car looked familiar, couldn't it be Li Fanghong?

Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu got out of the car, Li Fanghong took out the car key and put it in his pocket.

Qin Huairu immediately sweetly took Li Fanghong's hand and came to the sales department.

Sophora pagoda froze, was it Ji Fanghong?

ah this......

At this moment, the other guests greeted Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu with smiles: "Welcome!"

"En!" Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu nodded.

Li Fanghong rolled his eyes and found Huaihua staring at him blankly.

"Sophora japonica? Sophora japonica came here to work? No wonder Jia Dongxu was so happy yesterday, Li Fanghong thought.

At this time, a welcoming guest saw the guests coming, and Huaihua was still in a daze, so he hurriedly shouted: "Huahua! What's wrong with you?"

"Oh? Oh, it's okay! Welcome!" Sophora Hua immediately greeted her.

Qin Huairu smiled slightly, and followed Li Fanghong into the sales department.

Sophora japonica felt that her whole body was about to split open.

He looked at Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu intently.

Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu came to the real estate model.

The salesperson also came over immediately, beautiful

"Hello, which one do you like? Let me tell you, this No. 1 villa is the best!" said the salesperson.

Qin Huairu looked at the model real estate and felt very satisfied, but still wanted to see the real No. 1 villa.

"Hi, can you show us Villa No. 1?" Qin Huairu said.

"Okay, no problem!" The salesman smiled.

Then he took Qin Huairu Li Fanghong to the high iron gate of No. 1 villa.

In the villa area, there is a road outside, and there are already many high-rise buildings to be repaired.

The scenery outside the villa is very nice, and the transportation is also convenient.

Li Fanghong nodded in satisfaction.

Then Li Fanghong looked at the wall of the villa. This wall is five meters high! There are sharp iron thorns on it to prevent thieves.

At this moment, Qin Huairu is also very satisfied with the location of this villa.

At this time, the salesperson opened the luxurious big iron door with a key.

When Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu walked into the villa, they were shocked immediately.

The garden of this villa, including the front garden and the back garden, adds up to more than 4,000 square meters, which is bigger than the beast courtyard!

In the garden, there are all kinds of beautiful trees! Acacia trees, garnets! Anyway, there are beautiful ones! And there are fountains!

And the garden, besides the beautiful trees and flowers, is the lawn.

0…ask for flowers…………

As soon as you enter through the iron gate, there is a beautiful stone road, you can drive all the way to the garage.

"Wow, yes! Fang Hong! Planting flowers and plants like this in the future! It's really refreshing!" Qin Huairu was very satisfied.

"Yes," Li Fanghong nodded.

Then Li Fanghong looked at the villa.

The villa is also very big, with a full five floors! And the exterior design is very beautiful and elegant, a design that will not lag behind even after you get it.

With such a large area, even if everyone comes to live in Qinman Siheyuan, they can all live there!

"Yes, very good!" Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu were very satisfied.

Then Li Fanghong said: "Can we, take a look inside the villa?"

"It's absolutely fine!" The salesperson nodded frantically.

Immediately afterwards, the salesperson brought Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu to the front of the villa.

The salesman uses the key to open the door of the villa.

Came to the living room.

As soon as Qin Huairu entered the living room, she was immediately shocked by the luxury.

The mouth is long and big!

In this living room, there are luxurious and comfortable sofas, as well as various beautiful furniture.

Really just one word! Absolutely!

Moreover, this living room is a large living room with a height of twelve meters, which is also very wide and very long.

At the top of the living room, there is also a beautiful large chandelier!

And this staircase also bends for more than ten meters to go up to the second floor!

Moreover, the floor in this room is still a marble floor! It has a modern decoration style.

This curtain curtain, that is also a luxury!

Li Fanghong said at this time: "Is this furniture an extra charge, or is it included in 800,000 miles?"

The salesperson replied: "The 800,000 li is counted. If you buy it, you can move in with your bags! Moreover, if you pay the entire amount at one time! We also have a discount! We will give you a discount of 20,000! Only you Seven hundred and eighty thousand!"

One discount is a discount of 20,000 yuan! With Jia Dongxu's current salary, he won't be able to earn it for decades!

At this moment, Qin Huairu stared blankly at Li Fanghong, waiting for Li Fanghong's reply, whether to buy this big villa or not.

Li Fanghong finally said: "I bought it! One-time payment!"

"Okay!" The salesperson burst into laughter from ear to ear.

And Qin Huairu was also excited, wanting to jump up and down the door. .

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