After Li Fanghong bought the big villa with all the money.

Li Fanghong and the salesperson returned to the sales department.

Li Fanghong said to the salesperson: "Come here, some people, help me move the black box!"

"Okay!" Several salesmen nodded.

Then they came to Li Fanghong's car together.

Li Fanghong took the key, opened the door of the back seat, and moved the boxes out, taking all eight boxes to the cashier of the sales department.

Sophora japonica stared straight at her.

Several salesmen and cashiers began to ask for some funds.

It took a long time to count, and then I replied: "780,000 is enough."

"Well," Li Fanghong took the remaining 20,000 yuan and put it into the box.

As for Sophora japonica, seeing so much money for the first time, her eyes were immediately dazzled.

"Mamma Mia......" Sophora Hua sighed.

Next, is the process of buying a large villa.

After the procedures of the sales department are completed, Li Fanghong has to go to the relevant department "180" to handle some subsequent procedures.

At this moment, the salesperson gave Li Fanghong the keys to the gate and the keys to the room, a bunch of them.

Li Fanghong took a large bunch of keys, and then drove to find a place to park the car.

The two are now living in the big villa.

Li Fanghong came to the front of the villa.

Li Fanghong opened the door, and sat comfortably on the sofa in the large living room.

"Comfortable, this sofa is better than the one at home, let me tell you something." Li Fanghong sighed.

Qin Huairu, on the other hand, took the door key, went to the second floor to open the rooms one by one, and chose a good room to sleep in.

"Wow, that's good, yo! There's also a piano~" Qin Huairu came to the piano, and then began to play the piano, but Qin Huairu had never learned it before, so she could only play randomly.

Li Fanghong came to the door, leaned against the door, and watched Qin Huairu play the piano carelessly.

"Learn when you have time! This piano is so good, at least a few hundred yuan. This villa is really comfortable to buy, and a lot of furniture is fully equipped!" Qin Huairu smiled.

"Yeah, it's really good," Li Fanghong smiled.

At this moment, Qin Huairu said, "Should we just live in such a big villa?"

Li Fanghong nodded: "Yes! This is our happy little world! We can be as happy as we want,"

"Hmm~ That's great!" Qin Huairu nodded happily.

"By the way, let's not go back to the courtyard today. I'll live here for a month first! Let's have a good time!" Qin Huairu said.

"No problem!" Li Fanghong responded.

Then Li Fanghong put his arms around Qin Huairu's shoulders, and the two leaned their heads against each other, snuggling together sweetly.

It is five o'clock in the afternoon.

Sophora japonica took the bus and went back to the courtyard.

Because Sophora leaves work later than Jia Dongxu, Jia Dongxu will go back to the courtyard first.

Siheyuan at the moment.

Jia Dongxu got off work at Zha Steel Factory, and returned to the courtyard in a daze.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu heard that some people in the middle court were talking about it.

Neighbor: "Hey, did you know that today Li Fanghong and Qin Huairu went home with eight black boxes and went out! I don't know what they are doing!"

When Jia Dongxu heard it, his eyes were bulging again.

"Eight black boxes? Could it be... Li Fanghong went to buy a big villa?" Jia Dongxu was in a bad mood.

Then went home.

Jia Dongxu put his hands on the table and held his head.

Mrs. Jia Zhang saw it, and comforted her: "Relax your heart! Besides, you may not necessarily buy a villa..."

"Hey! Anyway, Li Fanghong must be a good thing!" Jia Dongxu knocked on the table a few times with uncomfortable hands.

Later, Sophora came to the gate of the courtyard.

Come to the middle courtyard.

Huaihua also saw the neighbors talking about it, so she said: "I know what Li Fanghong did with eight boxes. He went to buy a villa. He bought it with 800,000 yuan, and the deal was 780,000 yuan! A discount of 20,000 yuan!"

"Ah?" The neighbors were taken aback when they heard this, and then they were deeply envious.

At this moment, the third aunt asked curiously: "Hey, Li Fanghong! How big a villa did you buy?"

Sophora Sophora limply replied: "A total of 5,000 square meters! Just the garden of the villa! More than 4,000 square meters, bigger than our courtyard!"

"Hey! Tsk tsk tsk! Then Qin Huairu is truly blessed!"

"What I said before, Qin Huairu married Li Fanghong! Absolutely right! Now it has come true..."

Neighbors chattered.

At this moment, Sophora japonica walked into the house.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jia Dongxu sullen.

When Jia Dongxu looked up, he saw that Huaihua had returned, so he asked excitedly: "Li Fanghong! Did you buy a villa in the villa area where you are?"

"That's right... I paid 20,000 yuan in return! And the villa is fully furnished, and the furniture alone is worth a lot of money... I dare say that his villa is definitely worth it!" Huaihua envied explain.

As for Jia Dongxu, when he heard it, he collapsed on the chair in a daze.

It's like losing hope in life.

"A discount of 20,000 yuan? Hehehe... woo woo woo~" Jia Dongxu couldn't hold back when he thought of this.

Twenty thousand, how many years does Jia Dongxu have to work with his current job?

If Li Fanghong spends a small fraction, Jia Dongxu can't earn it for decades...  

"Hey..." Jia Zhang looked at Jia Dongxu's uncomfortable appearance, sighed himself, and then turned to wash the dishes.

At this moment, Xiao Dang said enviously: "I'm so envious, if only I were Li Fanghong's daughter."

Stick stem: "Yeah, I also think... If only I were Li Fanghong's son, then I would be more comfortable.

"What! Two rebels!" Jia Dongxu immediately tugged at the ears of the two of them angrily.

"Ouch! We were wrong... Let's just feel sorry for it! It's not true..." Sticky Xiaodang wailed.

"Hmph! Then you can't say that!" Jia Dongxu roared angrily.

Afterwards, Jia Dongxu sat on the chair, patted his thighs frantically with both hands, and roared: "Hmph! My luck will definitely come! Definitely!"

Jia Dongxu also looked forward to luck, after all, Jia Dongxu has nothing.

At this moment, Sha Zhu was at home, occupying He Daqing's rocking chair, and then rocked it back and forth.

"Hey, Dad, I can see that you really enjoy it! This rocking chair is such a pleasure! Hehehe!" Silly Zhu said.

He Daqing came to the room from the kitchen at this time, "You boy, take advantage of my cooking and occupy my rocking chair! I won't cook this dish, you can fry it!"

"Don't... You have been running away for so many years, you can't compensate me, hahaha!" Silly Zhu smiled naively.

Silly Zhu didn't blame yesterday, He Daqing refunded Yan Jiecheng 2,000 yuan privately, and his anger has dissipated.

Who called He Daqing is his silly father, and he couldn't say anything about He Daqing, even if he said it, He Daqing's tricks would be different if he played foolishly.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the third aunt knocked on the door.

"What's the matter with 0.8?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Silly Zhu, Huaihua said! Li Fanghong bought a big villa of 5,000 square meters today!" The third aunt gossiped.


Silly Zhu was stunned.

Big villa, how sweet it is to live in.

I remember that when it snowed in the winter of 2056, I went to Lou Xiao'e's villa to stop by myself to prevent Lou Xiao'e from marrying Xu Damao.

At that time, I saw Lou Xiao'e's villa, and left an indelible impression on Sha Zhu at that time, and vowed to buy the villa myself in the future.

However, Silly Zhu has been in his forties now, and there is no shadow of the villa.

Now Li Fanghong bought the villa first, and it is still 5,000 square meters, which is much bigger than Lou Xiaoe's villa.

"Envy! That's all I can say. Tomorrow Saturday, go to Li Fanghong's villa to have a look! How beautiful it is!" Sha Zhu thought to himself.

In the minds of the residents of this courtyard house, Li Fanghong, a neighbor who has bought a villa, naturally has to watch it curiously. .

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