Chapter 131

The conspiracy of the three security guards, Liu Qinsong, naturally did not know.

At this time, Liu Qinsong has followed Mr. Jiang to an office.

After the two sat down, Mr. Jiang asked Liu Qinsong to pour a cup of tea and said.

“Qinsong, when you come here this time, I want to arrange for you to take a literature class. After all, you have a good literary foundation. I don’t know what you think about it.”

Liu Qinsong listened to-and then began to think.

Because of his systematic blessing in literature, he is already quite excellent, and in science, although there is also a systematic blessing, he has never used it, and he knows that he will use it the most in the future-mathematics. .

After some comparison, Liu Qinsong looked up at Mr. Jiang.

“Mr. Jiang, you know, I have a job myself, and it takes a lot of time to study literature, so I don’t plan to study literature, but want to study science and mathematics.”

Liu Qinsong said.

After listening, Mr. Jiang was taken aback, then nodded and said.

“Your literary foundation is very good. I recommend you to study literature, but since you said that, I can’t say anything anymore. Mathematics is math, but I still have to say it. If you pass the graduation exam two years later No, I won’t give you a diploma.”

Liu Qinsong nodded after listening.

Seeing that Liu Qinsong knew, Mr. Jiang stopped talking nonsense. He walked outside and called the secretary. After a few orders, the secretary took out some forms and student IDs from the office next door.

“I have prepared these things for you. You can take them to the classroom and report later. As for the housing problem, you can decide on your own. Whether you live in school or go back, it’s up to you.”

Mr. Jiang said.

Liu Qinsong took a look at his student ID and was about to go to class.

Because Liu Qinsong didn’t know the way when he came in for the first time, it was naturally Mr. Jiang’s secretary who brought Liu Qinsong to the classroom.

After Mr. Jiang’s secretary walked into the classroom, he had a few conversations with the teacher inside, and then left the classroom.

After the secretary left, the teacher in the classroom called Liu Qinsong in, and then said.

“Classmates, this is your new classmate, Liu Qinsong, who just enrolled in school today, welcome everyone.”

However, Liu Qinsong was greeted not by applause but by a burst of sorrow.

“Teacher, is this really our new classmate? The grade seems to be almost 30, right!”

“Teacher, this man seems to be a worker, right? How did he get in school?”

The students underneath began to discuss in a rush.

“Bang” the teacher slapped the book on the podium fiercely.

The noise underneath soon ceased.

Seeing that no one questioned any more, the teacher turned his head to look at Liu Qinsong.

“Student Liu Qinsong, I’m sorry, my students are too rude, you can directly ask me if you have anything in the future, my surname is Chen, and I’m in the office next door.”

Teacher Chen said.

Liu Qinsong nodded after hearing this, and then found a place next to the window under the arrangement of Teacher Chen and sat down.

Not long after Liu Qinsong sat down, a young man with eyes leaned over and whispered.

“Student Qinsong, my name is David Wang. If nothing else, I should be at the same table with you for the next semester, so if you don’t understand anything, you can just ask me.”

Facing David Wang’s enthusiastic greeting, Liu Qinsong naturally did not refuse. He simply greeted him and took out the textbook.

“Student Qinsong, I think you are not too young, why did you think of coming here to go to school? Is there a special purpose? Or is it that you fell in love with a teacher in our school?”

Wang Dawei asked curiously.

Liu Qinsong was speechless for a while and could only choose to ignore it.

When Wang Dawei saw this, he wanted to ask something, but he heard Teacher Chen suddenly call his name on the podium.

“Wang Dawei, what are you doing during class time, don’t you know that you can’t chat during class?”

Teacher Chen said.

Wang Dawei quickly argued after hearing this.

“Mr. Chen, I didn’t chat, I just…just discussing your blackboard with new classmates.”

Wang Dawei was suddenly named, and he was frustrated, and he casually found an excuse to make a fool of himself.

“Since you are discussing the problem on the blackboard with Qinsong, please come up and explain this problem to other students!”

Teacher Chen has been a teacher for so many years, so naturally there is a way to deal with students like Wang Dawei.

And Wang Da was dumbfounded underneath. He just made an excuse just now, how could he really solve this problem.

“Teacher Chen, let me do it. I was teaching Wang Dawei just now. I only talked about half of it, so he still doesn’t understand it.”

·· ······Find flowers 0 0

Liu Qinsong next to Wang Dawei suddenly stood up and walked to the podium.

“Yo! Uncle, you wanted to be popular the first day in class, but don’t be out of stage then.”

A boy wearing various big brands sat down and said.

When Wang Dawei saw Liu Qinsong stand up for himself and was ridiculed by others, he was instantly angry and pointed to the boy’s nose and cursed.

“Zhao Tai, don’t think that you have two bad money in your family and you can just talk about others. If your dad didn’t pay for it, what qualifications do you, a wealthy young man who is not educated and skillful, have to sit here.”

The boy named Zhao Tai was naturally unhappy after hearing this. He was about to fight back, but was scolded by Teacher Chen.

“Wang Dawei, Zhao Tai, do you think this is the market? This is the school. If you are arguing, just let me go out.”

….. …….. …….

After being scolded by Teacher Chen, the two fell silent.

And Teacher Chen looked at Liu Qinsong who was solving the problem.

After a while, Liu Qinsong put down the chalk.

On the blackboard, there are a series of formulas and problem-solving mistakes.

When Teacher Chen saw this, he stepped forward to check, and suddenly his chin almost fell off.

Because Liu Qinsong’s problem-solving process is all correct, and at the same time he used two kinds of problem-solving methods.

“Ms. Chen, am I doing the right thing?”

Liu Qinsong said.

Only then did Teacher Chen react, and then said.

“Liu Qinsong’s problem-solving method and formula are correct, and I have seen his other problem-solving idea for the first time, but the result is completely correct.”

Teacher Chen’s words instantly made the bottom boil.

After returning to his seat, Wang Dawei immediately approached Liu Qinsong and said.

“Damn, Brother Qinsong, you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. At your level, I think Teacher Chen has nothing to teach you, so I think you must come here for another purpose. I guess you come here for sure. It’s the pick-up girl, right.”

Liu Qinsong was speechless again,


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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