Chapter 132

Although Liu Qinsong ignores Wang Dawei, Wang Dawei still introduces Beijing University to Liu Qinsong in perplexity.

Of course, the content of the introduction is not about history and culture, but about the beauty of the schoolgirl.

The price of introducing these is that Mr. Chen was kicked out of the class and stopped for a class outside.

“Ding Dong~” As the bell reminded of the end of get out of class, Teacher Chen announced that the morning class was over, and the students in the classroom left the classroom one after another.

Wang Dawei, who was standing outside the classroom, rushed into the classroom immediately after hearing the bell bell.

“Brother Qinsong, wait for me to take you to the canteen of Beijing University for dinner. Let me tell you that the canteen of Beijing University is first-rate, and there are many beautiful schoolgirls who work and study in the canteen to help us. We can take the food. Chance, sneak a bit of those people’s hands.”

Wang Dawei started to smirk as he talked.

“Did you come here to study? I always think you are like a dude like this.”

Liu Qinsong looked at Wang Dawei helplessly and said.

“Brother Qinsong, don’t be so serious. Although you may be five, six, seven or eight years older than my elder brother, since you come to Beijing University, you should have the vitality of a young man. Don’t be so rigid, and I come to Beijing University as a messenger. With a degree, my dad has already arranged things with me for my future.”

Liu Qinsong was taken aback after hearing this.

“I don’t see that you are still a background person, I am a little curious, do your parents have no opinion on your appearance?”

Liu Qinsong asked.

Wang Dawei was a little embarrassed. Then said.

“Then what, Brother Qinsong, I actually don’t have any background, but my dad has something to do with it. I can’t have much specific content, I’m sorry.”

Liu Qinsong saw that Wang Dawei said so, and didn’t ask any more.

As far as the situation is concerned, Liu Qinsong doesn’t hate Wang Dawei, but maybe because of their age, they don’t have too many topics in common, but this does not prevent them from making friends.

Just when Liu Qinsong was chatting with Wang Dawei.

Zhao Tai walked to the two of them and said arrogantly.

“Wang Dawei, I recognized this newcomer as a big brother so quickly, you really are born to be a little brother.”

“Zhao Tai, what do you want to do? Didn’t you see me chatting with Liu Qinsong? If you know it, get out.”

Wang Dawei said.

“Why don’t you want to do it, it’s just that you offended me when you were in class, so I plan to teach you something.”

When Zhao Tai finished speaking, he slapped his slap and slapped Wang Dawei’s face.

Liu Qinsong on the side saw this scene and instantly grabbed Zhao Tai’s arm.

“This classmate, you come here to interrupt our chat first, and now you want to beat people, isn’t it a bit too much?”

Liu Qinsong said coldly.

At this time, Zhao Tai’s hand was firmly grasped by Liu Qinsong. Zhao Tai took two hard strokes, but couldn’t get it out.

“Let go, you savage, do you know who I am? I am the second son of the Zhao group. Offend me you have no good fruit.”

Zhao Tai looked at Liu Qinsong viciously and threatened.

Originally Liu Qinsong didn’t plan to behave like Zhao Tai, but he didn’t expect Zhao Tai to threaten him.

Then slowly press the palm of your hand, and then gently shake it.

Zhao Tai was directly thrown out.

After a while, Zhao Tai clutched his arms and slowly climbed up. He looked at Liu Qinsong with a sinister face.

“Liu Qinsong, right, I remember you, you will wait for me, I will go back to find someone to clean you up.”

After Zhao Tai finished speaking, he clutched his arms and left the classroom.

When Wang Dawei saw Zhao Tai leaving, he approached Liu Qinsong with a look of surprise and gave a thumbs up.

“Fuck, Big Brother Qinsong, you can throw Zhao Tai on the blackboard with a single flick. What do you do? Do you practice weightlifting? Or teach me two tricks?”

Facing Wang Dawei’s endless chatter, Liu Qinsong had a headache.

“I said, Wang Dawei. Didn’t you mean to take me to the canteen of Beijing University? Let’s go now.”

Liu Qinsong turned off the subject and said.

After Wang Dawei listened, he patted his forehead, and then he remembered their previous conversation.

“I was interrupted by Zhao Tai, I almost forgot, go, Brother Qinsong, I will take you to the canteen of Beijing University now.”

Then Liu Qinsong was led by Wang Dawei to the canteen of Beijing University.

At this time, it is the meal, so the canteen is very crowded, especially the window of a rice bowl, which can be described as a long queue.

“Why are there so many family members? Is it better?”

Liu Qinsong asked.

Wang Dawei glanced at the one Liu Qinsong was talking about and said…

“Brother Qinsong is right. This rice bowl tastes really good, especially the Sichuan rice bowl, which is simply a must- The meat is too little, but it doesn’t matter, as long as the senior sister is beautiful.”

Then Wang Dawei took Liu Qinsong to the back of the window and began to line up.

Fifteen minutes later, it was finally Liu Qinson’s turn.

“Classmate, what would you like to eat? We have… Brother Qinsong?”

Inside the window, He Yushui looked at Liu Qinsong outside the window with a surprised look, with an incredible expression on his face.

“Then what, senior sister, I want a spicy tofu rice bowl.”

Liu Qinsong chuckled and joked.

He Yushui only then reacted, and then picked up a bowl of rice that had already been served, and dug all the vegetables over it.

When handing the rice to Liu Qinsong, he whispered: “Wait, I will find you.”

This scene was clearly seen by Wang Dawei standing behind him.

At this time, Wang Dawei looked incredible, and anyone with a long mouth could lay an egg.

After Liu Qinsong left with a meal, Wang Dawei slowly walked to the window and said.

“Senior sister, give me a spicy tofu rice bowl.”

“Pop!” He Yushui dug a small spoonful of spicy tofu over the rice, and then handed it to Wang Dawei.

Seeing Liu Qinsong’s bowl full of dangdang meals, and then at the few pitiful pieces of tofu in his bowl, Wang Dawei felt aggrieved.

Afterwards, Wang Dawei and Liu Qinsong find you a place where no one is sitting.

“Brother Qinsong, what’s the situation? You know Yushui-senpai? And this is too partial.”

Wang Dawei said aggrievedly.

“When she comes over, you can ask her yourself.”

Liu Qinsong finished talking and started to eat.

When Wang Dawei saw this, he didn’t say anything, and also bowed his head and started to eat.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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