Chapter 133

Just as the two were eating, He Yushui came to Liu Qinsong’s side.

“Brother Qinsong, why are you here? Don’t tell me when you come, I’m not prepared at all.”

He Yushui said.

“I promised Mr. Jiang, so I came here, and I just arrived this morning. I just finished class and it was time for dinner. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Wang Dawei on the side watched the conversation between the two and suddenly stood up. His move shocked He Yushui.

“I understand, I know everything.”

Wang Dawei said.

Seeing Wang Dawei who suddenly stood up, Liu Qinsong was speechless.

“I’m an adult anyway, can I keep the key point in my work? Besides, you understand, what do you understand?”

After listening, Wang Dawei walked around the table and walked between Liu Qinsong and He Yushui and said.

“I understand everything, Brother Qinsong, you and Sister He Yushui are brothers and sisters, right? No wonder you see you so close.”

Liu Qinsong and He Yushui were speechless at the same time.

“You understand? You understand a hammer. My surname is Liu and Yushui. How come we are brothers and sisters? You got kicked by a donkey.”

Liu Qinsong said.

As soon as Liu Qinsong said this, Wang Dawei was instantly stunned. After 26, he seemed to think of something, and looked at the two of them in disbelief.

“No, don’t you… are you in a relationship?”

“Why? Doesn’t it look like?” He Yushui said.

He Yushui’s words were like a bolt from the blue sky, and Wang Dawei felt that the sky had fallen in an instant.

“Brother Qinsong, you are an old cow eating tender grass! How can you eat it?”

Wang Dawei said.

Liu Qinsong and He Yushui were speechless again.

“Qinsong, who is this person? I feel…”

He Yushui did not continue.

“The brain is sick, right. But other people are not bad, I think it can be rescued.”

Liu Qinsong said what He Yushui had to say.

Watching the two sing and play together, Wang Dawei instantly felt that he was superfluous and began to return to his place to eat.

Soon, Wang Dawei was eating a bowl of “dog food.”

“Brother Qinsong, Yushui-senpai, I’m done eating, I have something to do, so I’ll leave first, you guys talk slowly.”

After Wang Dawei finished speaking, he quickly left the canteen.

Seeing Wang Dawei’s appearance, He Yushui and Liu Qinsong were amused.

“Brother Qinsong, I have no class in the afternoon, should we go shopping?”

He Yushui said.

Faced with He Yushui’s invitation, Liu Qinsong naturally would not refuse, so he readily agreed.

Then the two began to wander around in the small courtyard and talked about what they didn’t.

The closeness of the two naturally attracted the attention of many people.

“Brother, do you think that person and the kid we did this morning?”

Said the thin security guard.

And his words quickly attracted the fat security guard and the small security guard.

The two looked in the direction of the thin security guard’s fingers, and they saw Liu Qinsong as expected.

“This kid, I know he has no good intentions. He dares to deceive female students in broad daylight. Now we can get a handle. We have to send him to Mr. Jiang. Then, we won’t have to After leaving, maybe Mr. Jiang can reward us.”

After speaking, the fat security guard took the two of them and walked towards Liu Qinsong.

“That kid in the morning, you can, dare to molest the students of our school in Beijing University, and come with us to Mr. Jiang’s side.”

The fat security guard walked to Liu Qinsong and said.

“It’s you, shouldn’t you guys get out? Why are you still here, have you not eaten enough?”

Liu Qinsong said, protecting He Yushui behind him.

“It’s up to you whether we leave or not. As long as we stay in this school for a day, we will do our duty faithfully.”

Said the thin security guard.

“I really put gold on my face, why are you fired from Mr. Jiang, don’t you know it yourself?”

Liu Qinsong looked at the three people in front of him with contempt.

Liu Qinsong’s eyes were naturally clearly seen by the three of them, and the anger of the three of them came up in an instant.

“Big brother, second brother, this kid is despising us, let’s stop talking nonsense with him, just grab him and send him to Mr. Jiang.”

As soon as the little security guard finished speaking, he rushed in Liu Qinsong’s direction first.

Fat security guards and thin security guards followed closely behind.

Seeing the three security guards rushing towards him, Liu Qinsong narrowed his eyes, and the anger in his heart rose.

The fat security guard held the baton towards Liu Qinsong’s head and was about to hack it down.

Liu Qinsong pulled He Yushui sideways to dodge, then slightly bent over and hit the fat security man’s abdomen with a heavy fist.

The fat security guard felt that the sky was spinning, and fell to his knees on the ground.

In this short instant, the thin security guard also rushed up with his baton.

Liu Qinsong kicked his legs too waist, and the strong force directly kicked the thin security guard to the ground.

But the little security guard who was going to come up first stayed in place for a long time and didn’t dare to move.

“Why? Wasn’t you the fiercest one? Why are you shrinking to the back now?”

Liu Qinsong walked slowly towards the little security guard, taunting.

The security guard originally planned to escape, but he just saw Liu Qinsong’s speed and fierceness of his shots, and instantly lost his thoughts of resistance.

Seeing Liu Qinsong getting closer, the fat security guard’s knees softened.

Kneeling on the ground with a “plop”, repeatedly begging for mercy.

Looking at the little security guard who was kneeling on the ground, Liu Qinsong coldly snorted, “Coward!”

Then he kicked him to the ground.

“From now on, if you slap yourself a hundred slaps, I will let you go. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Liu Qinsong said.

At this time, the little security guard was also frightened, and without saying anything, he slapped his face into his face.

“Brother Qinsong, are we just looking at it?”

He Yushui said.

“See what it means to slap people, I’ll take you out to play, ignore them.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he took He Yushui and walked outside the school gate.

After Liu Qinsong left, the little security guard stopped and then swayed his two older brothers up.

And all of what they did was clearly seen by Zhao Tai who was hiding behind the tree.

Originally, Zhao Tai was just passing by. Seeing Liu Qinsong and the three security guards had an argument, he hid and watched.

I originally hoped that the three security guards would teach Liu Qinsong a lesson, but I didn’t expect Liu Qinsong to be so good.

“Although these three idiots are useless, they seem to have a lot of hatred with Liu Qinsong. You can take advantage of them then.”

Zhao Tai thought of it this way, and then walked towards the three security guards.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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