Chapter 142

Inside the Beijing University, Liu Qinsong just found a place to stop the car and walked towards his classroom.

As soon as Liu Qinsong entered the classroom, Wang Dawei limped up to him and said hello.

“Brother Qinsong, where have you been these days?”

Although Wang Dawei came over to say hello, Liu Qinsong’s attention was on his feet.

“What’s the matter with your feet?”

Although Wang Dawei and Liu Qinsong have a certain age gap, Wang Dawei’s personality is very appetite for Liu Qinsong.

Therefore, Liu Qinsong has long regarded Wang Dawei as a friend, otherwise he would not have made an appearance for him before.

Wang Dawei glanced at his feet, then said nonchalantly.

“Twisted myself, it will be fine in two days, don’t worry.”

When Wang Dawei said this, he was obviously reluctant, and even forced a smile.

Liu Qinsong didn’t say much when he saw this, and he helped Wang Dawei sit on a chair and grabbed Wang Dawei’s foot.

Then he broke it hard. Just listen to the “click” sound.

Wang Da cried out in pain, then stood up and thundered.

“Brother Qinsong, what are you doing, don’t know my feet…my feet? My feet are better?”

As Wang Dawei spoke, he looked at Liu Qinsong in surprise.

“No, Brother Qinsong, how did you do this? Teach me!”

Wang Dawei said.

Seeing Wang Dawei’s expression, Liu Qinsong couldn’t laugh or cry. He was furious just now. He wanted to find his own theory, and now he wants to teach him things by himself. This Wang Dawei’s face change is too fast.

“It’s nothing to teach you this, but I’m wondering if your foot was sprained. I found out when you just had your foot treated. You have injuries in other places except your ankle. Tell me honestly. , Who hit you.”

Liu Qinsong asked with a serious face.

“Brother Qinsong, I really twisted this accidentally by myself. No one hit me.”

When Wang Dawei saw Liu Qinsong asking him with such concern, he was a little touched, but he didn’t want to bring Liu Qinsong in because of his own affairs.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qinsong opened Jianzhen’s eyes directly.

Soon the course of events appeared before Liu Qinsong’s eyes.

The day after Liu Qinsong and He Yushui finished dating, Zhao Tai took the three security guards and blocked Wang Dawei in a corner.

After that, Wang Dawei was beaten severely, and he said that he still had trouble with Liu Qinsong.

When Liu Qinsong learned the truth, his eyes were full of anger.

As a person who is older than all the students here, Liu Qinsong originally didn’t want to care about these students.

But Zhao Tai had already bullied his friend at this time, and Liu Qinsong naturally wouldn’t just swallow it like this.

“Zhao Tae did it, right?”

Liu Qinsong said.

Wang Dawei was stunned on the spot. He didn’t expect that Liu Qinsong would know the truth.

“If you really treat me as your eldest brother, tell me the truth, and I will give you a head start, otherwise we won’t talk again.”

Liu Qinsong said.

After listening, Wang Dawei could only nod his head.

“Brother Qinsong, I was indeed beaten by Zhao Tai, but you must not go to Zhao Tai, I will be fine if I bear it.”

Wang Dawei said.

Liu Qinsong heard nothing, got up and walked outside the door.

When Wang Dawei saw Liu Qinsong like this, he knew that Liu Qinsong was definitely going to Zhao Tai. He vented himself, and he was moved again.

Wang Dawei originally wanted to catch up, but his feet were just right and he was running fast.

Looking at Liu Qinsong as he walked farther and farther, Wang Dawei’s eyes were slightly mimicked, as if he had made some decision.

Then he turned around and walked towards the school’s canteen, because there was only a phone there.

When he arrived at the commissary, Wang Dawei dialed a phone skillfully, and soon a man’s voice came from the phone.

“Dad, I was bullied, and that person interrupted my leg. Come and deal with it.”

Wang Dawei said.

If Liu Qinsong heard the voice on the phone, he would definitely recognize it. It was Director Wang of the Light Industry Bureau.

“Isn’t it to tell you not to cause trouble? Forget it, I will let you Uncle Yang go to deal with it.”

Director Wang hung up after speaking.

At this time, Liu Qinsong found Zhao Tai who was playing poker with three security guards in a student dormitory.

At this time, behind Zhao Tai, a middle-aged man and two wicked men were sitting.

Looking at Liu Qinsong angrily, Zhao Tai put down the playing cards in his hand and mocked.. ……

“Who was I at the time? You were a coward who had been hiding for two days. Why? Do you want to give your little brother Wang Dawei? I told you, I was looking for you, but I didn’t expect you to come here first.”

Then Zhao Tai made a gesture, and the three security guards and the two Hanchao rushed towards Liu Qinsong.

When Liu Qinsong saw this, he picked up the mop placed in the corner of the wall, stepped on his head and turned into a stick.

The security guard who rushed up first received a stick firmly in his stomach, and then fell to the ground and couldn’t get up again.

Upon seeing this, the thin security guard picked up the bench and threw it at Liu Qinsong.

However, with the physique of a thin security guard, how fast can a stool be thrown out?

Liu Qinsong stretched out his hand to easily take the bench off, and then hit the thin security guard with a stick in the leg.

The thin security guard fell to the ground.

Zhao Tai looked at the scene in front of him and cursed “crap.”

Then two big men and a small security guard rushed forward.

Liu Qinsong didn’t panic either, holding a stick in one hand and a stool in the other.

The stool was thrown at the little security guard. The little security guard couldn’t dodge, and was hit by the bench. He immediately broke his head.

The two big guys flanked back and forth, and the moment the big guy threw Liu Qinsong on the bench, he hugged Liu Qinsong tightly from behind.

Liu Qinsong struggled and found that it was not easy to break away, and another big man had already arrived in front of him.

Liu Qinsong immediately stretched his hand back, and came and beckoned the monkey to steal the peach.

The big man holding Liu Qinsong had an instant pain, and the strength of his arms was also weakened a lot.

Liu Qinsong took the opportunity to force his arms and waist, and used a trick to throw his shoulders.

After getting rid of the big man holding him, Liu Qinsong kicked the big man who came towards him.

Liu Qinsong didn’t have any strength with this kick, and kicked the big man’s chest fiercely.

In an instant, the big man fell to the ground and fainted.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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