Chapter 143

Sitting in the corner, Zhao Tai looked at his men one by one being put by Liu Qinsong, and felt a little fear in his heart.

“Cui Jingmin, Uncle Cui, save me, save me quickly.”

While talking, Zhao Tae hid behind Cui Jingmin.

At this time, Cui Jingmin was also full of fear.

He is the housekeeper of Zhao Tai’s father. He was sent to take care of Zhao Tai yesterday, and he also brought the two big men.

Cui Jingmin listened to Zhao Tai’s call for help, although he was afraid, but as a housekeeper, he naturally wanted to protect his master.

“My friend, I think there is some misunderstanding between you and my young master. How about we step back, you apologize to my young master, how about we don’t care about your hurting us?”

Cui Jingmin said.

Liu Qinsong was directly amused by Cui Jingmin’s words.

“Although your dog is loyal, his eyes and brain are not so good. I haven’t seen the situation clearly until now. I came here to beat your master. You are telling me this now. Isn’t it brainless?”

Liu Qinsong mocked.

Seeing this, Cui Jingmin was speechless for a while, unable to speak for a long time, so he could only point at Liu Qinsong with dry hands.


Liu Qinsong no longer talks nonsense when he sees this.

It’s a slap in the face of Choi Gyeongmin.

Cui Jingmin’s physical fitness is not very good, and he is relatively thin.

Although Liu Qinsong’s slap didn’t take much effort, he directly slapped him with gold stars.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Tai looked at Liu Qinsong viciously.

He knew that even if he was scared today, he had to do it at this time.

Then Zhao Tai took off his shirt, revealing eight strong abdominal muscles.

“Liu Qinsong, I tell you, I may have practiced boxing abroad. Although you are strong, you are all brute force, so I am not afraid of you.”

Although Zhao Tai said so in his mouth, his body kept moving back.

“It’s really strange for you people. You just have to fight when you fight. You have to take off your clothes? What’s the difference with those bastards who fight in the streets?”

Liu Qinsong said disdainfully.

Zhao Tai was ridiculed by Liu Qinsong, and his anger instantly concealed his fear.

He is the second son of the Zhao Group, so from the bottom of his heart, he thinks he wants to be superior.

Now that Liu Qinsong has spoken of the gangsters on the streets, he is naturally furious.

Then he raised his fist and threw it towards Liu Qinsong’s face.

Just when Zhao Tai’s fist was about to hit Liu Qinsong’s face, Liu Qinsong raised his hand and grabbed Zhao Tai’s wrist.

Then he squeezed it to the side.

Just listening to “click!” Zhao Tai’s arm was dislocated. ,

Zhao Tai was in pain and hissed.

However, Liu Qinsong raised his other arm and hit Zhao Tai’s chin with an elbow.

Zhao Tai vomited blood instantly.

Zhao Tai raised his foot, trying to kick Liu Qinsong away.

But just as he raised his foot, Liu Qinsong’s knee was pressed against his abdomen, and then he applied force.

Zhao Tai was kicked out directly.

Zhao Tai, who was kicked out, clutched his arms, his eyes were full of murderousness, and he stared at Liu Qinsong.

Then the hand covering his arm slowly stretched out to his trouser pocket.

This move was naturally seen clearly by Liu Qinsong.

As soon as Zhao Tai rushed up, Liu Qinsong dodged sideways, and then kicked Zhao Tai’s back.

Zhao Tai staggered, walked a few steps forward, and stabilized his figure after putting it on the cabinet.

But he has an extra folding knife in his hand.

“It’s really interesting. It seems that you have already started to kill, but if you want to kill me, you are not qualified.”

Liu Qinsong finished picking up the mop stick on the ground.

Zhao Tai was so agitated by Liu Qinsong’s words that he lost his mind and rushed towards Liu Qinsong again with a folding knife.

Liu Qinsong saw the opportunity and shook the mop stick vigorously at Zhao Tai’s elbow.

As the mop stick broke, the folding knife in Zhao Tai’s hand fell to the ground, and he also wailed like a pig.

However, Liu Qinsong didn’t let him go so easily, but walked around behind Zhao Tai.

A kick was on Zhao Tai’s thigh, and Zhao Tai was kicked directly on the ground.

“Why? I want to learn how to use a knife with these two brushes? It’s really funny.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he bent down and picked up Zhao Tai’s folding knife.

Kneeling on the ground, Zhao Tai turned to see Liu Qinsong holding a folding knife, and crawled back again and again in shock.

“Don’t kill me. I will give you whatever you want, I can give you as much money as you want, and I can give you a job you want.”

At this time, Zhao Tai’s nose and tears flowed across his face, and his face was full of horror.

However, Liu Qinsong was unmoved and walked towards Zhao Tai step by step.

At this moment, Cui Jingmin, lying on the ground, suddenly grabbed Liu Qinsong’s trousers and climbed up with difficulty.

“Boy, if you do this, aren’t you afraid of ushering in innocent disaster? He is the second son of the Zhao Group. If you do this, will you not be afraid of our Zhao Group’s revenge?”

As soon as Cui Jingmin finished speaking, there was a voice that Liu Qinsong was very familiar with.

“Zhao Group, right? I want to see how brave he is to go against the country.”

As soon as the voice fell, Deputy Director Yang walked in, and then several of Director Wang’s bodyguards rushed in.

“Liu Qinsong!”

“Deputy Director Yang!”

At a glance, Deputy Director Yang, who had just entered, saw Liu Qinsong standing in front of Zhao Tai.

And Liu Qinsong followed the voice and looked towards the door.

The two of them looked at each other, and they were all dumbfounded.

“Deputy Director Yang, I shouldn’t call you, why are you here? Is it Mr. Jiang? But Mr. Jiang doesn’t know the situation.”

Liu Qinsong asked.

“It was Director Wang who called me to come over, saying that his son had his leg broken at school, so I came to have a look.”

Deputy Director Yang explained.

During the conversation between the two, Wang Dawei supported the wall and walked into the room.

But as soon as he came in, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

“Brother Qinsong, you hit them all alone? You are too good, right.”

Wang Dawei said.

Looking at Wang Dawei, Liu Qinsong began to think.

“Wang Dawei? Director Wang, Wang? Both are surnamed Wang!”

“Wang Dawei, your father is Director Wang? Are you the son of Director Wang?”

Liu Qinsong said in disbelief.


ps: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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