Chapter 189

After arriving at Liu Qinsong’s office, Xu Damao looked at Liu Qinsong with resentment.

He knew that these were deliberately arranged by Liu Qinsong, but after all he wanted to ask him, so he didn’t dare to say anything.

“Xu Damao, I know what you are thinking, I asked you one last time, did you think clearly?”

Liu Qinsong said.

Xu Damao looked at Liu Qinsong with a complex expression. If it weren’t for the treatment of illness, he would never give Liu Qinsong his house.

“Director Liu, I figured it out clearly. As long as you can cure my illness, this house will belong to you.”

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he put his real estate certificate on Liu Qinsong’s desk.

Liu Qinsong picked it up and glanced at it, then sneered.

“Xu Damao, it seems that you sincerely don’t want to treat the illness. In addition to your name, this real estate certificate contains Lou Xiao’e’s name. You can’t be the master alone!”

Xu Damao was taken aback after hearing this, and then immediately picked up the real estate certificate and took a look at it. It really had Lou Xiao’e’s name on it.

“Director Liu, I made it very clear when I divorced Lou Xiao’e before. The property belongs to Lou Xiao’e, and the house belongs to me. She also personally agreed.”

Xu Damao said.

“Is the promise useful? Is it all up to you? I only recognize the name on the property, and I will come to me after you have processed everything. Now you can go.”

Xu Damao wanted to say something more, but saw Liu Qinsong waving at him.

Upon seeing this, Xu Damao had to get up and leave.

Walking on the road, Xu Damao cursed. He didn’t expect Lou Xiaoe to keep such a hand after divorcing him. If one day Lou Xiaoe suddenly repents, then the house will still score half of her.

Thinking of this, Xu Damao felt an unnamed fire in his heart, and he wanted to ask Lou Xiao’e to find out.

Soon Xu Damao came to Lou Xiao’e’s restaurant.

As soon as he walked in, a waiter greeted him.

“Sir, what do you need?”

Xu Damao glanced at the waiter, then said.

“I’m looking for your boss, let her come out and see me, just say that my name is Xu Damao.”

Seeing Xu Damao coming here prepared, the waiter didn’t dare to neglect and left soon.

After learning that Xu Damao had come to her restaurant, Lou Xiaoe rushed out immediately.

“Xu Damao, what are you doing here? If you want to eat, just order, or if you don’t eat, leave here immediately.”

Lou Xiaoe said angrily.

Seeing Lou Xiao’e’s attitude, Xu Damao immediately took out the real estate certificate and threw it on Lou Xiao’e.

Lou Xiaoe took it, and then opened it to check.

“Xu Damao, what do you mean? I told you when I got divorced. I don’t want the house. Now you come over and give me this thing. What do you want to do?”

Lou Xiaoe said.

Seeing Lou Xiao’e saying this, Xu Damao sneered.

“What do I mean? Lou Xiaoe, you don’t pretend to be stupid. How can your name appear on this real estate certificate? Do you think it is not enough for you to take away the money? Now you have to fight for the house? Come out, you are such a scheming woman.”

Lou Xiao’e was inexplicably accused by Xu Damao, and the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

“Xu Damao, you don’t fart here. I don’t know anything about the real estate certificate. You don’t spray manure here. You can get out of me now and leave my restaurant. You are not welcome here.”

Lou Xiaoe kept pushing Xu Damao after speaking.

“Lou Xiao’e, I tell you, let me go, as long as you follow me to the relevant department and erase the name on the real estate certificate, I will leave here immediately, and I will never harass you in the future!”

Xu Damao said,

“Xu Damao! The beauty of what you think, I don’t even know about this, so I won’t help you. I’m going to do it yourself. I still have to do business and I don’t have time to mess with you.”

Lou Xiaoe turned and walked towards the kitchen after speaking.

Xu Damao immediately grabbed Lou Xiao’e’s arm and slapped Lou Xiao’e in the face with a slap.

“Lou Xiao’e, you bitch, I know you are not funny, you must be greedy for my property, right? See if I won’t kill you today.”

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he moved his feet to Lou Xiao’e.

Several customers in the restaurant wanted to stop when they saw it, but Xu Damao said that this was his ex-wife, and it was his family’s affair, and outsiders couldn’t control it.

When the guests heard this, they all quieted down.

Seeing no one in the restaurant to help out, Lou Xiao’e yelled at the kitchen quickly.

“Fool, help!”

Hearing Lou Xiaoe’s cry, everyone in the kitchen rushed out.

“Xu Damao! What are you doing? Still not letting go of Lou Xiaoe.”

After speaking, the silly Zhu rushed up and pushed Xu Damao away.

“Silly Zhu, this is our family affair, what kind of hand do you outsider intervene.”

Aunt Xu said.

“¨ Put your mother’s ass, you and Lou Xiao’e are already divorced, what are you doing now and grab her? You are called a hooligan. Believe it or not, I will call the police and arrest you.”

Said the silly column.

Xu Damao was taken aback after hearing this, and then smiled.

“Okay! You call the police. When the police arrive, I will tell the police that Lou Xiao’e is a liar and map my house.”

Xu Damao finished talking and found a place to sit down.

After hearing this, Sha Zhu turned his head and looked at Lou Xiao’e.

Upon seeing this, Lou Xiaoe explained the ins and outs of the matter Yiyi.

After listening, everyone nodded.

“Xu Damao, I don’t know what you said when you divorced Lou Xiaoe, but now that Lou Xiaoe’s name is on the real estate certificate, there is a copy of Lou Xiaoe’s in the house. She didn’t ask you if she was already pitying you. No matter how unreasonably you want to make trouble, don’t want this house!”

After the silly Zhu said, he pulled Lou Xiao’e and walked towards the kitchen.

When Xu Damao saw this, he wanted to follow, but was stopped by Fatty Jin.

Looking at the kitchen knife in Fatty Jin’s hand (the king’s one), Xu Damao swallowed his mouth.

“Okay, you all bully me, you have the ability to wait for me!”

Xu Damao left the restaurant in embarrassment after speaking, and then came to the real estate department and began to inquire about himself.

However, the answer he got was “Since Lou Xiao’e’s name is written on the property, then this property has a copy of Lou Xiao’e.”

In other words, it is not okay to hold the house Lou Xiao’e, Xu Damao must also give her a copy if she wants it.

It also means that Xu Damao can’t transfer the house to Liu Qinsong at all.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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