Chapter 190

When Xu Damao learned the truth, he wanted to die at this time. He originally planned to sell the house he was holding when he really couldn’t make it, but now everything he thought of has turned into a bubble. .

At this time, he didn’t have much money, so he had to find a job as soon as possible.

With this feeling in mind, Xu Damao returned to his house and soon fell asleep.

By the time Xu Damao woke up again, it was already ten o’clock in the evening.

Xu Damao was hungry at this time, but he was lazy to cook, so he planned to go to the street outside the courtyard to see if he could find something to eat.

After coming to the street, Xu Damao quickly found a fried rice restaurant, ordered some food and a bottle of wine, and dealt with it casually.

After being satiated and satiated, Xu Damao began to recall what happened during the day.

However, what happened during the day made him think more and more angry, so that he didn’t feel sleepy at all.

“Brother, brother! You look like you should not be able to sleep tonight, so why don’t I take you to a place to have some fun for you?”

Just as Xu Damao was slapped on the table with anger, a gangster next to him noticed him.

“Who are you? What do you want to do? Where to have fun.”

Xu Damao said drunkly.

“Brother, don’t ask so deeply, the place I take you is a place where men like to go!”

After the gangster finished speaking, he held Xu Damao and walked into the distance.

And this little bastard was the one who took the stick to the Fourth Sister before, and this time there was no exception.

After arriving at the Fourth Sister’s shampoo room, the little bastard yelled inside, and the fourth sister rushed out.

“What’s the matter? Why did you bring a drunk over here? What should I do if I don’t give money at that time?”

The fourth sister looked at the little bastard dissatisfiedly and said.

“Sister Si, this kid is rich, and he drank a lot of alcohol alone. Then you put him on the bed, and when he wakes up, you will ask him for money. If you don’t give it, you will give it to us.”

The fourth sister nodded after listening.

The gangster saw Xu Damao and walked towards the courtyard.

Qin Huai, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, walked out of the room to check like the three of them.

“Xu Damao? Why is he here?”

Qin Huairu exclaimed.

The fourth sister and Da Jiao Yanzi and others looked at Qin Huairu.

“What? You know him?”

Fourth Sister asked.

“Yes, what I told you today is that he broke my son’s head!”

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, the fourth sister walked to her.

“It seems that it is really a narrow road to the enemy. Today, the fourth sister, I will help you be fair. When he wakes up from the wine, you will cooperate with us and promise to get back all of your son’s medical expenses at that time.”

Then the fourth sister pulled Qin Huairu into the house and ordered a few words.

Qin Huairu was a little worried at the beginning, but when he thought of his awesome appearance, he agreed.

Around four in the morning, the drunk Xu Damao gradually woke up and began to look at everything around him.

“Where is this? Why am I here?”

Xu Damao shouted.

The fourth sister walked in after hearing the voice, pretending to be pleased.

“Boss, you woke up! Are you satisfied with the girls yesterday?”

Fourth sister asked with a smile.

Xu Damao looked confused after hearing this.

“Girl? What girl? What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand you?”

“Boss, don’t be joking. You ordered our three girls yesterday. Since you are awake, please pay for it.”

The fourth sister said.

But Xu Damao still looks like he doesn’t know anything.

Seeing Xu Damao’s expression, the fourth sister quickly explained.

“How could I do this kind of thing, you must have lied to me?”

Xu Damao roared immediately after hearing this.

The fourth sister then walked out of the room and waved at the opposite room. Qin Huairu and others came to Xu Damao’s face.

Xu Damao immediately exclaimed when he saw that the person was Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu? Why are you here? This is where you work?”

Seeing Qin Huairu, Xu Damao also understood where it was, but he still couldn’t remember what he did last night!

“Boss, do you remember now? You have to give a total of sixty yuan, please speed up, we are also ready to get off work!”

The fourth sister said.

Xu Damao had no money at all at this time, so he picked up his clothes and rushed out the door.

However, as soon as he rushed out of the shampoo room, a group of punks surrounded him.

“Yo! Brother, you’re so courageous, why? Are you going to eat for nothing?”

Said the little bastard.

Xu Damao was scared and confused, and then the memory in his mind began to emerge, as if he was thinking of something.

“It’s you, you brought me here, you and the people inside are the same, right!”

The gangsters surrounding Xu Damao burst out laughing.

“Even so? I just helped you lead the way, and didn’t force you. You did everything after you entered. What does it have to do with me?”

As soon as the gangster said this, Xu Damao understood everything.

At this time, the fourth sister also walked out with someone.

“Boss, what do you mean, I can tell you, no one can eat free food with me. Now I will give you a chance. Either give money or keep your crime tools. You can choose one yourself!”

Xu Damao suddenly broke into a cold sweat after hearing this, and then looked at Qin Huairu on the side.

“Qin Huairu, we are in a yard, you have to speak for me!”

Qin Huai looked at Xu Damao with a bitter expression on his face.

“Xu Damao, you beat Bangshou like that, and now you want me to speak for you? Do you think it’s possible?”

Qin Huairu said.

Upon seeing this, Xu Damao knew that he was begging Qin Huai as useless, and then his legs softened and knelt on the ground.

“Brothers, I don’t have any money with me right now. If you let me go back, I will definitely send the money when I go back.”


Before Xu Damao finished speaking, the gangster raised his hand and slapped Xu Damao on the face.

“Let you go back? Do you think we are a fool? If you let you go back, do you still have to come back?”

The gangster waved his hand after speaking, and the others rushed forward, punching and kicking Xu Damao.

The kicking place was between Xu Damao’s legs, and Xu Damao fainted instantly.

After seeing Xu Damao fainting, the fourth sister said.

“Okay, find a garbage dump and throw him in. The garbage should stay in the garbage dump.”

The gangster nodded, and then everyone carried Xu Damao out of the alley.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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