"Silly Zhu, you little brat, you actually found Dong Lu from the city of Sijiu and found my door. You bastard, you have no conscience. He Daqing will never go back with you even if he works like a slave in my house. He doesn't want you and He Yushui anymore. You know, he is no longer your father, and you are not his son."


"Just give up on this idea."

"How come I didn't starve you to death?"

"He Daqing is really guilty of giving birth to such an unbelievable child like you. You are asking for trouble and you don't know how high the heaven is."


He Yuzhu's head was dizzy and his consciousness was hazy. When he opened his heavy eyelids, he saw a woman who was about 40 years old. She had sallow skin, a fat body, a mean face, and was wearing a bright red sweater. She stood at the door of the adobe house with her hands on her hips, drooling, pointing at his nose and yelling.

He Yuzhu shook his head. He finally woke up.

Then his eyes burst into surprise.

He was... traveling through time!

He Yuzhu realized that it was October 1950, and he traveled to the body of He Yuzhu, who had the same name as himself.

About half a month ago, He Yuzhu's father He Daqing disappeared, leaving the sixteen-year-old He Yuzhu and his four-year-old sister He Yushui to depend on each other. It was from others that He Yuzhu learned that He Daqing eloped with a widow. After asking around, He Yuzhu asked for the address of the widow's hometown. Now the situation is that He Yuzhu has come to Donglu Province alone and found the residence of his biological father He Daqing and the widow after eloping.

"say something"

"Do you want money or people?"

"We don't have money, and we can't go back with you. Tomorrow He Daqing will have to dig sweet potatoes for our children from the fields. Without him, what will I eat and drink? What will my three children eat and drink?"

"You shouldn't have come."

"unnecessary effort"

"Tsk, no wonder his nickname is Shazhu"

"What a fool."


"Since He Daqing has eloped with me, do you think he will go with you if you come to him? He is at home, and since he has not come out yet, it has already explained everything. He does not want to see you at all."

While the yellow-faced widow Zhao Yulian continued to humiliate He Yuzhu with words, she also poked He Yuzhu's forehead with her index finger.

She wished she could dig her nails into He Yuzhu's eyebrows and pierce him to death.

"I think you are tired of living."He Yuzhu said coldly. He spoke each word with great emphasis.

The original owner, He Yuzhu, came to Donglu alone to persuade He Daqing to go back.

At this time, He Yuzhu, with a God's perspective, knew that He Daqing would never go back to Sijiu City with him, so there was no need to cry and beg He Daqing to go back, or to persuade him earnestly.

The widow Zhao Yulian was so shameless. She had obviously abducted He Daqing, but she was justified in scolding He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu couldn't stand it.

"Huh?" Zhao Yulian originally thought that He Yuzhu might kneel down and beg her to meet with He Daqing, but she never expected that He Yuzhu would dare to be so tough.

Zhao Yulian stretched out her hand and was about to poke He Yuzhu's brow with her index finger, cursing:"Little arm bastard, I'm just tired of living, what can you do to me"


A clear and loud sound was heard.

It was He Yuzhu's slap, which hit Zhao Yulian's face hard.


He Yuzhu slapped Zhao Yulian again with his backhand.


Zhao Yulian cried out in pain and fell to the ground



He Yuzhu kicked Zhao Yulian several times.

"Vicious Woman"

"There are still shameless people like you in the world."

He Yuzhu stopped kicking until he was tired.

Zhao Yulian had been beaten black and blue by He Yuzhu and fainted on the ground.

Suddenly, the door opened.

He Daqing came out with two big bags under his eyes.



He Daqing saw Zhao Yulian fainted on the ground and quickly knelt down to hold her in his arms. He leaned over to listen to Zhao Yulian's heartbeat and found everything normal. He was sure that her life was not in danger, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Then He Daqing looked at He Yuzhu, his eyes red and full of anger:"You little bastard, you dare to hit your mother, I will beat you to death."

He Daqing took off his shoes and was about to raise his arm to hit He Yuzhu.

"Fuck you!"

He Yuzhu kicked He Daqing backwards and he fell to the ground.

"What kind of person is Zhao Yulian? Is she worthy of being my mother? She kidnapped you to Donglu, raised her children, and took away all the money in the family. If it weren't for the deaf old lady and the old man who were willing to help me and Yushui, we would have starved to death. I only have one mother, but she has died of illness."

"As for you, since you have decided to abandon me and Yushui and live with the widow in Donglu, then let it be. Yushui and I will sever our father-son relationship with you."

He Yuzhu said in a cold tone.

He Daqing sneered:"Sever it if you want to. Without you and He Yushui, Yulian and I can live together and I have nothing to worry about." He

Daqing said:"Wait, I will write two handwritten letters to sever the father-son relationship, in duplicate, signed and sealed. You, Yushui and everything in Sijiu City will no longer have anything to do with me."

He Yuzhu raised his eyebrows.

He Daqing was so heartless that he had lost his humanity.


He Yuzhu nodded in agreement.

Soon, he put the certificate of severing the father-son relationship in his pocket and turned to leave.

There was no point in saying more.

The sun was pulling his figure.

Getting longer and farther away.

The autumn wind was bleak.

It rolled up a cloud of dust on the ground.

【The host activates the god-level sign-in system】

【Sign in every day to get random system rewards】

【Release of novice gift pack, mountain and water secret space, physical fitness +30 (normal average physical value 20), full-level five elements boxing, two million]

He Yuzhu walked out of the mountain village, and a mechanized system voice suddenly rang in He Yuzhu's mind.��

System credit!

He Yuzhu showed a harmless smile.

In this life, he will turn the world upside down.

As his physical fitness increased too much, He Yuzhu's height increased by three centimeters, from 1.65 meters to 1.68 meters. His appearance changed slightly, and he looked like a sword, with starry eyes and heroic spirit.

He Yuzhu simply thought about browsing the [Shanshui Secret Realm Space]. There were exotic flowers and plants everywhere, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and large rivers and rivers with countless plants growing. With such a portable space, he was destined not to starve to death.

"Brother, as agreed, shall I take you to the county train station?"

There was a horse-drawn carriage parked on the road outside the mountain. The carriage master was holding a whip in his hand and dozing on the flat four-wheeled wooden carriage. When he saw He Yuzhu, he said to him.

This was the carriage that He Yuzhu had taken when he came.


He Yuzhu nodded slightly.



As the carriage was moving, more than a dozen military vehicles rushed past quickly, bringing gusts of cool breeze, making He Yuzhu's hair flutter.

""It's really awesome to be a soldier."

He Yuzhu sighed.

Soldiers have a unique steely toughness.

It's precious.

In his previous life, He Yuzhu was a 985 liberal arts student. The biggest regret was that he didn't have the opportunity to be a soldier.

"They are soldiers of the Ever-Victorious Army."

"Elite Division"

""The record is brilliant."

The groom said proudly.

Because his son was a soldier in that unit, and he was a deputy squad leader.

He Yuzhu looked at the military vehicle unit that disappeared from his sight and fell into deep thought. Now was the time to fight against the US and aid Korea. Why would he go back to the old city and be a shit cook? He should join the front line, defend his country, fight with guns and roses, and go through life and death. Only then can he be a real man.

"No more going to the county town"


"Go to the nearest recruitment point"

"I want to join the army."

He Yuzhu said firmly.

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