When the coachman heard that He Yuzhu wanted to join the army, he became very serious and said,"Brother, the army is in need of people because of the war to resist the US and aid Korea. But you can't just become a soldier. It's very difficult and the threshold is very high. Especially joining the army to resist the US and aid Korea means that you will encounter countless difficulties and obstacles in the future, and even sacrifice your life. Are you sure you want to join the army? I can stop and let you think about it carefully."

He Yuzhu:"I am sure, don't stop, take me to the recruitment point directly."

The coachman looked back at He Yuzhu.

He was in awe of this young man.

""Okay." said the coachman.

【Sign in]

He Yuzhu signs in for the [God-level Sign in System]

【Sign in successfully, reward host physical fitness +50, photographic memory, insightful eyes]

He Yuzhu's eyes are clearer than ever before

【The Eye of Insight gave him a stronger ability to observe than anyone else in the world.

There was no conversation along the way.

About thirty minutes later, the carriage master brought He Yuzhu to the conscription office not far from the county town.

Many young people came and went in an endless stream.

Many men and women could be seen sighing and leaving, obviously all of them were eliminated.

""It's harder to join the Korean War than to be someone else's son-in-law."

A young man muttered.

Full of patriotic enthusiasm.

The coachman reminded He Yuzhu sincerely:"Once you are conscripted, if you want to quit, you will be a deserter."

He Yuzhu smiled casually.

"Thank you.

He started to queue up to sign up for the army.

He Yuzhu's physical fitness was amazing.

He met all the requirements perfectly.


With an officer's seal, He Yuzhu officially became a soldier.

Soldier He Yuzhu


The next day.

He Yuzhu and other recruits were riding on a military truck.

He was assigned to the 10th Company of the 3rd Regiment of the 59th Division of the 20th Army.

On the camp playground, after the company commander gave a speech to a dozen recruits, He Yuzhu was taken away by the squad leader Zheng Zhanfei.

While taking He Yuzhu to the dormitory of the first squad, Zheng Zhanfei said enthusiastically:"Comrade He Yuzhu, you are not very old, but you are able to participate in the army that is about to go to the battlefield to resist the US and aid Korea. This courage is admirable. In the army, you don’t have to worry about not fitting in or being bullied. Everyone is a group of like-minded people."

He Yuzhu nodded heavily.

In the military camp, everyone works together to defend the country.

Unite with each other





Soldiers from other squads were constantly receiving training on the playground, and their slogans were extremely loud.

Soldiers armed with live ammunition patrolled back and forth.

Several soldiers were wiping several mortars. They were always ready for battle.

He Yuzhu's blood began to boil.

The atmosphere was full.

Accompanied by squad leader Zheng Zhanfei, He Yuzhu went to collect his own bedding, military uniform, and toiletries. He was also introduced to the other six comrades in the class.

They were Zhou Rui, Wang Defa, Hu Guangzhi, Yang Jin, Li Yong and Qian Dagui.

Qian Dagui was about 1.7 meters tall, and he was obviously a veteran. He was about 26 years old, with calluses all over his palms. He said to He Yuzhu:"Comrade He, you are the youngest in our class. Don't worry, we will all take good care of you in the future." Yang Jin smiled and said,"Call me Brother Jin."

He Yuzhu did not hesitate:"Brother Jin."

Yang Jin was extremely satisfied:"I will protect you in the future."

He Yuzhu had no problem integrating into the class.

He Yuzhu asked the squad leader Zheng Zhanfei,"Squad leader, when can I be allocated a gun?"

He Yuzhu's question made everyone in the class laugh.

Zheng Zhanfei smiled and said,"If you can snatch a gun from the enemy on the battlefield, I will apply to the company to let you have a gun." Zhou

Rui said,"Xiao He, I haven't had a gun for more than a month since I joined the army. I only have two grenades."

Yang Jin said in a deep voice,"The current situation is stable.

The military supplies and weapons in our unit are not as sufficient as imagined.

I am also a two-year veteran, so I was allocated a Type 38 rifle.

But don't worry, when the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is over, our country will surely take off.

Science and technology, military, economy, medicine, everything will stand on top of the world again.

Even if I can't see that moment, future generations will definitely do so.

I am willing to sacrifice my blood and life for it.


Zhou Rui:"I am willing to sacrifice my life for my country."

Hu Guangzhi:"It seems that everyone is ready to die at any time. For the prosperity of the country, I have already put life and death aside."

He Yuzhu listened to their willingness to sacrifice their lives for the country, and his hair stood on end.

He was in awe.

He suddenly realized that he had not only come to a company.

It was also a gathering place for heroes.

In this era, every red soldier has worked hard and outstandingly, and is worthy of praise.

Regarding guns, He Yuzhu just asked, he knew very well that during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, many soldiers did not even have weapons.

He will definitely snatch weapons from the enemy on the battlefield.

There is no doubt


""Train to improve physical fitness."

Squad leader Zheng Zhanfei said seriously.

It's not a good thing for Laowo to chat in the class.

Everyone had no objection.

Zheng Zhanfei led everyone in the class to start running circles.

After one thousand meters, they stood in military posture for half an hour.

Zheng Zhanfei noticed He Yuzhu's condition and was very surprised:"Xiao He, you haven't sweated after tossing for so long?"

He Yuzhu asked back:"You can sweat like this?"

Zhou Rui, He Jin, Wang Defa and others beside him were sweating profusely and looked at each other.

He Yuzhu's invisible pretense made them speechless.

Being ridiculed by a rookie.

Wang Defa said:"Xiao He, you are quite crazy, come and compete in throwing grenades."

He Yuzhu nodded and had no objection.

The company had fake grenades specially for training. Wang Defa took them all and placed a basket fifty meters away.

"You throw first"

"Let's see who can throw more accurately."

Wang Defa said


He Yuzhu threw it and it went into the basket accurately.


"You are quite good at guessing. Keep going." Wang Defa chuckled.


He Yuzhu threw it again.

It went into the basket again.

"call out!"


He threw the ball seven times in a row, and all of them went into the basket accurately.

Everyone in the class became very serious and dumbfounded.

Other classes also came over.

"Who is this guy? He is so accurate."

"Amazing talent"

"Soldiers of the Holy Spirit"

""So accurate."

He Yuzhu kept throwing.

All the twenty fake grenades in his hand went into the basket.

Everyone was numbed.

Even the captain of the 10th Company, Sun Bing, was attracted.

"Who is this guy?"

Sun Bing asked.

Zheng Zhanfei saluted and said,"Captain, this is our new recruit from Class 10, He Yuzhu."

Sun Bing:"Give this kid five grenades. They are so accurate. If the grenades are placed on the battlefield, he might be able to play a miraculous role."

""Yes!" Zheng Zhanfei said loudly.

Zheng Zhanfei poked He Yuzhu with his hand and whispered,"Xiao He, why don't you thank the company commander quickly?"

He Yuzhu said loudly,"Thank you, company commander!"

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