He Yuzhu interrupted Wu Qianli and continued speaking:"Captain Wu, I think you must have misunderstood. I didn't mean to throw the explosive pack over. I asked for the explosive pack because I planned to throw it to the bottom of the enemy tank. The bottom is more fragile than the front shell. As long as there are enough explosive packs, it should be able to cause damage to the cockpit inside."

Wu Qianli stood in awe.

He Yuzhu dared to say so, and there was no doubt that he would dare to do so.

Wu Qianli said:"Comrade He Yuzhu, it would be extremely dangerous for you to do that, and you might not be able to come back."

Wu Qianli obviously didn't want He Yuzhu to do that.

He Yuzhu has helped the 7th Company enough.

Letting He Yuzhu go and risk his life again makes it seem as if all the 7th Company are cowards.

A deputy squad leader of the 7th Company said:"Captain, I'm going to stuff the explosive pack under the enemy tank."

"I go"

"Let me go, Captain."

""I'll do it."

Soldiers from the 7th Company volunteered one after another.

Faced with the giant tank, the cold steel castle killing machine, the only way now is to find its weak point and blast it. He Yuzhu's plan is the only way they can think of in the current emergency. Otherwise, facing the breakout of the tanks, the 7th Company can't stop it at all.

Looking at the soldiers of the 7th Company who were not afraid of life and death,

He Yuzhu was very moved.

As a future time traveler

, these people are elders in a sense.

The relative peace in later generations is exchanged for their blood.

They are more than just great.

These soldiers, the tragic and glorious history should not be forgotten.

On the contrary, if the soldiers from the period of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea traveled through time and space seventy years later, the people on the street would not even know how many years the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea started and ended, or even this matter. How chilling it should be, because it was a tragic victory in which countless people paid with their lives.

He Yuzhu said firmly:"I'll do it"

"I am 80% sure.

Wu Qianli was stunned.

""Is there an 80% chance that I can come back alive?" Wu Qianli began to ask.

He Yuzhu said,"Yes."

Wu Qianli hesitated for a moment.

"Comrade He Yuzhu"

""Explosive packs."

Wu Qianli handed five explosive packs to He Yuzhu.

Five explosive packs, with strong explosive power.

As long as they were placed at the bottom of the enemy tank, they would definitely kill all the people inside.


He Yuzhu pulled the rings of three smoke bombs from his arms, suppressed them for some time, and threw them all around the tank. Suddenly, a large amount of smoke filled the air. One smoke bomb covered the tank, and two smoke bombs blocked the surrounding enemy soldiers.


He Yuzhu threw a flash bomb over.

Wu Qianli and other soldiers of the 7th Company were all dumbfounded.

This guy is so fat. He has everything.

No wonder He Yuzhu insisted on going up himself.

He Yuzhu and the 10th soldiers have won so many battles in a row, it is impossible that they don't have some supplies.

"Captain Wu"

"Cover me."

He Yuzhu reminded.

He Yuzhu held the explosive pack and went into the smoke bomb.

Wu Qianli and some soldiers from the 7th Company kept shooting at the smoke bombs around He Yuzhu, providing firepower network cover.

"Someone wants to blow up the tank!"

"Shoot into the smoke bombs!"

A captain from the South Korean Third Division shouted.


A soldier from the 7th Company was shot.



Two enemy soldiers from the South Korean Third Division were shot dead.

He Yuzhu shuttled between various bullets. The bomb he was hit by a few days ago was purely a mistake. In addition, his physical fitness has been strengthened again in the past few days. He will never allow such a situation to happen again. From now on, he will be unscathed. [Eye of Insight] pays full attention to all bullets. Even the tiny dust is calculated by He Yuzhu. He constantly predicts the landing point of the bullet in advance. I don't know how many bullets have passed by my ears.

Only those who participate in the war will understand.

Everyone is betting their lives.

And He Yuzhu's chip is relatively large.


He Yuzhu held a military dagger in his hand and killed an enemy soldier who was standing in front of the tank in the smoke bomb.


He Yuzhu killed another enemy in the smoke bomb with one blow.

The smoke could not block He Yuzhu's sight.


He Yuzhu took out a lighter, lit the fuse of the explosive pack, and immediately retreated.

Five explosive packs could blow even a bunker to pieces.

It should not be underestimated.



He Yuzhu took out his pistol. While he was running away, he did not forget to shoot two enemies.

He wanted to kill as many enemies as possible.

He would never let himself be idle.




He Yuzhu counted down the time for the explosion.

He suddenly leaped forward.


The explosion was so loud that it could break a person's eardrums and turn their brains into tofu dregs. Flames shot up into the sky.

The tank was directly overturned.

A large number of fragments of the tracks burst out and scattered everywhere.


He Yuzhu was hit by the explosion in the air and flew farther, falling in front of Wu Qianli and other soldiers from the 7th Company.

"Comrade He Yuzhu!"

"Comrade He Yuzhu!"

Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the 7th Company quickly carried He Yuzhu to a place with a mountain wall shelter.

He Yuzhu slowly opened his eyes.

He was just a little blinded by the explosion.

"I'm fine."

He Yuzhu said


"Kill them all!"

Wu Qianli patted He Yuzhu's shoulder and ordered his soldiers to annihilate all the South Korean 3rd Division squads. With He Yuzhu's ignition of the explosive pack just now, almost half of the enemy troops were killed, and the enemy was so shocked that they couldn't recover for a while. Wu Qianli and his men killed the second wave of enemy troops with almost zero casualties.

Wu Qianli didn't even go to collect the spoils himself, but came over to shake hands with He Yuzhu again.

"Comrade He Yuzhu"

"Many thanks"

"You are not a soldier of our 27th Army."

"But let you live and die"

"I don't know what to say."

Wu Qianli was a little embarrassed besides thanking He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu smiled casually:"We are all Dragon Country people, all Dragon Country soldiers, and one family. As long as we can kill the enemy, that is the best result. We are not divided into groups."


Wu Qianli saluted He Yuzhu.

Everyone in the 7th Company also saluted He Yuzhu.

"Company Commander"

"The 10th Company of the 20th Army has been contacted. They are at 5 o'clock and have been ordered to participate in the task of clearing the communication route between the 59th Division and the 32nd Division."

A communicator came over and said to Wu Qianli.

He Yuzhu naturally heard it.

"Captain Wu"

"In this case, I won't bother you any more."

"I have to return to the team."

He Yuzhu said


"Get on your bike"

"We can catch up even faster."

Wu Qianli said.

He felt uncomfortable if he didn't send something to He Yuzhu.

It just so happened that their team had seized a bicycle.

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