"It turns out his name is He Yuzhu"

"He Yuzhu... This person will definitely become a big shot in the military region in the future. He is decisive and smooth in commanding operations. I really want to be a soldier under him. After fighting a battle with him, I feel so refreshed and satisfied. I still want more."

"If He Yuzhu had not realized in advance that there might be an enemy attack, the temporary hospital would definitely be in danger. He saved a lot of wounded people and medical staff."

"He Yuzhu...a tough guy."

After learning He Yuzhu's name from Tang Qingfang, the soldiers praised him highly.

Tang Qingfang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that He Yuzhu was not in danger of life.

She thought He Yuzhu was in danger when she didn't see He Yuzhu coming back.

The scene of He Yuzhu having his shrapnel removed without anesthesia and enduring the pain was something Tang Qingfang would remember for the rest of her life.

He was too manly and too tough.

At this moment, she heard that He Yuzhu seemed to be brave and resourceful in combat, which was extraordinary, which made him have a much deeper impression on the man.

Tang Qingfang murmured softly:"I don't know when we will see each other next time."


He Yuzhu finally arrived at the 10th Company's base during the raid, but he was dumbfounded when he stood in the mountains and forests.

There was no trace of the 10th Company at all.

It was just that the air was still filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Or rather.

Since the moment the general offensive was launched, the smell of gunpowder has never dissipated within a hundred miles of Changjin Lake.

And it is getting thicker and thicker.

Now the battlefield has become a mess.

Various enemy forces are constantly divided into countless teams to break out.

The enemy's large forces are gathering and are also engaged in a fierce battle with the large forces of the Ever-Victorious Legion.

In this chaotic situation, the 10th Company also obeyed the instructions of the regiment headquarters, frequently changing positions to complete tasks one by one. He

Yuzhu had expected this situation.

When he returned from his injury, the company was gone.

The whole branch was split.

Several Dragon Country fighter planes flew across the sky.

He Yuzhu was quite relieved.

It's not only the enemy that can carry out air strikes.

Dragon Country also has it.

In the future, there will be more and more.

Technology will also surpass

"Da da da"

"Da da da"


He Yuzhu has excellent hearing and can hear gunfire at about 8 o'clock. It should be a small-scale battle.

He Yuzhu went over immediately.

He found a stone wall with an excellent location, which was extremely suitable for sniping.

After arriving at the location, his body blended into the dry grass and ice and snow.

In the scope, he could see that there were nearly 100 troops from the South Korean Third Division, trying to break through the encirclement.

Behind the four cars, there was a deputy battalion commander who was commanding the South Korean soldiers to fight in an orderly manner.


He Yuzhu locked the center point of the scope of his M1C sniper rifle on the deputy battalion commander of the South Korean Third Division and immediately pulled the trigger. The trigger spring loosened, the firing pin was released, and the bottom of the bullet in the barrel suddenly ignited sparks. The gunpowder instantly generated great pressure and was pushed out of the barrel.


The bullet passed through the temple of the deputy battalion commander of the South Korean Third Division and sank into the ground.

The deputy battalion commander of the South Korean Third Division instantly fell to the ground stiffly.

He lost all signs of life.

He was deader than dead.

The soldiers of the South Korean Third Division looked around in horror when they saw the supreme commander died inexplicably.

The originally neat formation suddenly fell apart.

He Yuzhu was hiding nearly 300 meters away from them.

How could he be seen?

"Don't panic!"

"First and second rows, continue to suppress fire using vehicles as cover"

"Our tanks will be here soon."、

"Those people in the Ever-Victorious Corps will all die under the heavy firepower of the tanks!"

After the deputy battalion commander of the South Korean Third Division died, a captain immediately stepped forward to serve as the supreme commander and said loudly in South Korean


A bullet hit the opponent's forehead.

The South Korean captain died.


"The first bird to stick out gets shot"

"You probably haven't heard of this old saying from Longguo."

He Yuzhu sneered.

Two commanders died in succession.

He Yuzhu continued to carry out long-range sniping and shot dead five enemy soldiers in the shortest time.


Seeing this situation, the soldiers of the Ever-Victorious Corps who were confronting the South Korean Third Division immediately launched a more fierce attack.

Bullets were like raindrops.

The flames flew in the air.

He Yuzhu was still shooting from a long distance. Every shot hit the head.

A total of more than a dozen people were shot and killed.

Mainly because He Yuzhu sniped all the opponent's commanders and soldiers with heavy firepower, so the battle became much easier. The soldiers of the Ever-Victorious Corps below had achieved a complete victory in about half an hour. Those people from the South Korean Third Division didn't even break through, and more than half of them were left alive. Only 20 to 30 people fled in panic.

""It's a foolish dream to think of breaking through our Seventh Infiltration Company."

A soldier spat at the retreating soldiers of the South Korean Third Division.

The enemy soldiers of the South Korean Third Division drove away.

The tires were special tires, so even if they were hit by bullets, they could still drive for a while.

They couldn't catch up.

"Which brother secretly helped?"

"I am the commander of the 7th Infiltration Company, Wu Qianli."

""Can you show yourself?"

Wu Qianli shouted loudly.

The sound echoed in the mountains.

He Yuzhu came out.

"Captain Wu"

"I am He Yuzhu, the platoon leader of the 10th Company of the 3rd Regiment of the 59th Division of the 20th Army."

He Yuzhu said to Wu Qianli indifferently, and reported his serial number.

It was also a kind of fate to meet Wu Qianli.

"M1C sniper rifle, this thing is used to perfection in your hands. Without you, we would have suffered a lot of damage in this encounter. Thank you very much."Wu Qianli shook hands with He Yuzhu.

He shook hands tightly.

There was a feeling of heroes appreciating heroes.

"Captain Wu, do you know where our 10th Company is going?" He Yuzhu asked Wu Qianli.

Wu Qianli shook his head and then smiled:"Since you are lost, then stay in our 7th Company. With a sharpshooter like you, we will be invincible in the 7th Company."

He Yuzhu refused:"No, I care about the situation of the brothers in the 10th Company, I have to go back."

Since Wu Qianli didn't know, He Yuzhu said goodbye to him.


"I'll ask our company's messenger to use the telegraph to ask for you."

Wu Qianli called He Yuzhu and thought it was a pity.

It would be great if He Yuzhu was his soldier. He could die of happiness.



A tank came in from the narrow mountain road.

Behind it were dozens of South Korean soldiers from the 3rd Division.

This was the group of people who had gone there before and had brought back tanks.


The soldiers of the Seventh Company felt a little troubled when they saw the tank. They were helpless in the face of such a steel behemoth. He Yuzhu said decisively:"Captain Wu, give me a few explosive packs, I will try this tank." He Yuzhu wanted to fight with the tank. Wu Qianli's face was full of surprise, and then he said:"Comrade He Yuzhu, the tank shell is hard and has excellent earthquake resistance. Even if the explosive packs are thrown on the tank body, it will not cause much damage."

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