When He Yuzhu was blown into the air, he could clearly see that two soldiers in the first row of the 10th company were bleeding. Fortunately, he had learned from the system that his physical strength and strength far exceeded that of ordinary people, so he was able to retain a trace of consciousness at this moment. Otherwise, he would have been blown to pieces. War is really a disaster created by humans.

In the case of a slight inequality in military strength, it is really a disadvantage to fight.

Science and technology are crucial.


He Yuzhu was hit hard and fell to the ground. He rolled several times.

He fainted and lost consciousness.

"Platoon leader!"

""Platoon leader!"

Several soldiers from the first platoon saw He Yuzhu covered in blood and hurriedly carried him away from the battlefield.

He Yuzhu had created so many achievements in the 10th Company, and the soldiers admired him very much.

As He Yuzhu fell, many soldiers from the 10th Company felt sorry for him.



Sun Bing shouted.

The enemy's firepower was too strong.

It was obviously difficult to force them all to eat. Other companies were also retreating.

When He Yuzhu woke up again, he found himself lying on a single bed.

"Ah! Arm! My arm"

"Woohoo, my legs are gone, how can I go back to see my parents?"

"Hurry, hurry, there is a seriously injured person, save him quickly"



He Yuzhu heard all kinds of chaotic sounds that made him breathe faster.

When he opened his eyes, he saw doctors and nurses rushing to and fro in the temporary hospital, as well as a large number of wounded. As the Battle of Chosin Lake was in full swing, casualties were inevitable.

He Yuzhu clenched his fists. He had to defend his country, kill more enemies, and protect the Yalu River.

If he killed one more enemy, his fellow soldiers would suffer less harm.

He Yuzhu believed that with his current status, he would not have much impact on the war situation.

He was still just a small figure. He could not reverse the development of history.

With his limited talents, he could only use his full strength and have a clear conscience.

"You finally woke up"

"He's been in a coma for two days."

"You have a strong healing ability, almost twice that of an ordinary person.

The shrapnel from your back wound has not been removed yet.

The doctor is afraid that if you move suddenly while you are unconscious, it will cause an accident, so they will wait until you wake up to remove the shrapnel.

Now anesthetics are in short supply.

You can also see that there are many wounded soldiers.

Anesthetics should be reserved for those seriously injured soldiers.

Can you...

can you not use anesthetics?"

A gentle voice floated into He Yuzhu's ears.

He Yuzhu looked up and saw a nurse in white.

She had a ponytail.

No makeup.

A melon seed face and willow leaf eyebrows. She was so beautiful that she was bubbling.

There was still some wet blood on the nurse's uniform.

Angels are just like this.


The beautiful nurse saw that He Yuzhu had been staring at her, but she was not angry, but reminded him softly.

In this temporary hospital, all the wounded were combat heroes, and the beautiful nurse had nothing but awe for them.

He Yuzhu realized that it was impolite to stare at them, so he stopped staring and said without hesitation:"Let the doctor take out the shrapnel now, no anesthesia is needed."

He Yuzhu thought to himself that the shrapnel on his back should be caused by a bomb.

Damn it.

There must be a few more enemies on the battlefield.

The beautiful nurse was secretly impressed by He Yuzhu's decision to refuse anesthesia without hesitation when she saw that He Yuzhu refused the anesthetic without hesitation.

About half an hour later, the doctor who was too busy to handle the work took the time to come and take out the shrapnel for He Yuzhu.

The whole process was quick.

But it was extremely painful.

And He Yuzhu didn't even frown.

The doctor who performed the operation on He Yuzhu and the beautiful nurse couldn't help but be impressed by He Yuzhu.

"You are such a man."

When bandaging He Yuzhu's wound, the beautiful nurse said admiringly

""Not bad."

He Yuzhu replied calmly.

Soldiers must be able to endure pain that ordinary people cannot endure.

They must face difficult environments and adapt faster than ordinary people.

Only in this way can they reduce casualties in battle.

"Which regiment and company are you from?" The beautiful nurse asked He Yuzhu.

"3rd Regiment, 10th Company"

"He Yuzhu introduced himself.

The beautiful nurse responded:"My name is Tang Qingfang"

"The water is bright and beautiful when it is sunny, and the mountains are misty and strange when it rains. Your name is well chosen, full of poetry, and the person lives up to the name."He Yuzhu praised with a faint smile. Maybe it is because the lover's eyes are full of beauty. Since he felt that Tang Qingfang was like an angel, he felt that she was pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at her.

This woman seemed to have no shortcomings. The messy hair tips due to busyness looked so literary.

"I have to go back to the company."

He Yuzhu stood up and said to Tang Qingfang.

He was the platoon leader of the 10th company.

As an officer, he had to be responsible for the soldiers under his command.


After hearing He Yuzhu's request, Tang Qingfang was stunned for a moment.

"The shrapnel in your back has just been removed, and there are still wounds left after the operation. Don't you want to take care of your wounds before leaving?" Tang Qingfang reminded

"Need not"

"Thank you Nurse Tang for your care"

"Please also thank the doctor who performed the surgery on me."

"My soldiers are still waiting for me, and my company needs me too"

"And I can't occupy the bed, I have to leave it for someone in need."

He Yuzhu was very serious, he got out of bed and walked out of the temporary hospital


Tang Qingfang shouted to He Yuzhu


He Yuzhu turned around.

The two looked into each other's eyes.

The more He Yuzhu looked at Tang Qingfang, the more he thought this nurse was beautiful. It was a pity that this was a battlefield, not a place for romance.

Tang Qingfang's cheeks flushed, and she said softly,"You...you be careful."

He Yuzhu gave Tang Qingfang a harmless smile, and left the temporary hospital directly regardless of the other nurses and doctors' obstruction.

It was about eight kilometers away from the 10th Company.

He Yuzhu ran all the way.

During this process, the wound healed visibly.

It was completely against science.

"Sign in."

He Yuzhu signed in by the way

【Sign in successfully, reward super driving skills, dagger assassination, biologist] System prompt sounded


"Boom boom."

When He Yuzhu was about three or four kilometers away from the hospital, a US bomber flew over the sky.

"Mud horse"

"As disgusting as a fly."

He Yuzhu said.

He really hated the US coalition fighter planes.

During the Korean War, Longguo had fighter planes and its own air force, and there were quite a few planes. It also shot down many US coalition fighter planes. It was just that in terms of performance, it might be a little worse than the US coalition fighter planes, but it was also very aggressive.

In fact, during the Korean War, it was obvious that Longguo's military strength should not be underestimated.

It is no longer possible to be slaughtered by others.

The fate can be in its own hands.

"not good!"

"The temporary hospital of the regiment is in the direction of the bomber!"

He Yuzhu stopped running, his face pale, and an ominous premonition lingered in his heart.



Then there were bursts of bombing sounds from the direction of the temporary hospital.

The sound was deafening.

He Yuzhu stopped moving forward and quickly turned around to run back to the temporary hospital.

The enemy bombers were obviously heading for the temporary hospital.

They had obviously discovered the location of the temporary hospital.

Maybe the US coalition forces would launch a sneak attack on the temporary hospital.

His injuries were cured in the temporary hospital.

That place saved his life, how could he ignore it? He ran back to the temporary hospital, which was devastated by the bombing.

There were corpses everywhere.

There were several familiar nurses and wounded people, with their bodies lying all over the place.

Many doctors and nurses continued to rescue the wounded, and some were digging medicines out of the ruins.

"You... why are you back again?"

Tang Qingfang's voice came from He Yuzhu's side.

He Yuzhu said:"I hurried over when I heard the explosion. I was afraid that the enemy would attack you again."

He Yuzhu said to Tang Qingfang. [Eye of Insight] sensed the danger

"Enemy troops are coming"

"It should be a platoon."

"You guys follow me."

He Yuzhu said to the dozen soldiers who were responsible for guarding the temporary hospital.

The soldiers hesitated and chose to follow He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu commanded the soldiers to hide behind a slope.


He Yuzhu listened to the footsteps and felt that the time had come. He ordered the soldiers to throw grenades, which immediately caused a huge explosion of flying sand and gravel.



The enemy's screams of terror could be heard.


He Yuzhu rushed to the front.

He used the fastest speed to solve the sneak attack of the enemy with zero casualties.

As an excellent commander, he made the battle look very simple.

"Thanks to you, brother."

"Damn, I never thought that the US coalition forces could fight so easily"

"Are they all dead now? I haven't killed enough."

The soldiers who were responsible for guarding the temporary hospital were very excited, and they admired He Yuzhu very much.

"I have to go back to the 10th Company"

"You should also continue to protect the temporary hospital and move as soon as possible. The enemy obviously knows the location of the temporary hospital."

He Yuzhu left a message and went back to the 10th Company.

Tang Qingfang had been busy in the temporary hospital, and from time to time she looked in the direction where He Yuzhu and the guards left.

When she saw that all the guards had returned, but He Yuzhu was missing, she became extremely nervous.

She found a soldier and asked,"Brother Lin, where is He Yuzhu who led you to stop the enemy?"

The soldier replied,"He led us to eliminate the enemy and then returned to his own company."

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