Zheng Zhanfei asked Sun Bing and Han Wu:"Captain, instructor, we have occupied this high ground. What is our specific mission?"

Sun Bing replied:"Blocking."

Han Wu explained:"Our corps has surrounded the enemy's 1st Division, 7th Infantry Division, and 3rd Division like a pocket, quietly. Our mission is to block them here. If anyone runs to our side, we will be responsible for beating them, just like closing the door and beating a dog."

Zheng Zhanfei looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

Sun Bing smiled and said:"The enemy never thought that we would have hundreds of thousands of troops all at once. They will be scared to death by then."


It was 4:29 pm on the 27th.

All the people in the 10th Company were highly focused.

He Yuzhu kept observing the surroundings through the scope.

It was quiet.

Strangely quiet.

Was this the eve of the war?

It seemed that there were no signs.

The temperature in Changjin Lake was more than 20 degrees below zero.

No birds flew over here.

He Yuzhu took the opportunity to sign in for today.

【Sign in successfully, reward the host with 1 million cash, a longevity pill (increase life span by 200 years), and full-level medical skills.

He Yuzhu swallowed the [Longevity Pill] directly into his mouth.

It melted in his mouth.

A majestic life force spread throughout He Yuzhu's body.

He felt an indescribable comfort.

"Four thirty, on time."

Sun Bing suddenly said




The time is up.

The sky is suddenly filled with all kinds of flares.

The flares exploded.

Colorful. Covering the sky and blocking the sun.

The sky is now overshadowed by the flares.

"It is a great blessing to see such a scene in one's lifetime."Wang Defa, the squad leader of the next squad, said with emotion.

He Yuzhu nodded.

If you have not been to Changjin Lake in person, you can't really appreciate the shock caused by the various flares at this moment.

Unprecedented in history.

Then there were continuous sounds of various artillery shells from all directions.

The war has begun.

Sun Bing reminded everyone loudly:"Be alert, once an enemy passes by, or wants to rush to the heights, we must fight to the death and guard the heights. Our location is a strategic location. The task assigned to us by the organization must be completed even if we fight to the last soldier!"

Sun Bing's words stimulated everyone.

This is a war.

No one can guarantee which will come first, victory or death.

The 10th company guarded the heights for several hours without any incident.

"Company Commander"

""An enemy convoy is passing by."

A soldier said.

There is a road below one side of this high ground.

Five military vehicles were seen passing by on the road.

Each military vehicle had at least two squads of soldiers.

"Aim and shoot!"

Sun Bing said


He Yuzhu held a sniper rifle in his hand.

He shot the driver of the leading car in the head.

The leading car crashed directly into the mountain wall.

The narrow road was immediately blocked, and the cars behind could no longer move.

Han Wu saw with his own eyes how He Yuzhu used a sniper rifle to shoot the enemy. His eyes were wide open. He Yuzhu did not use a scope at all. It was almost a long-distance blind sniper.

It was so terrifying.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The 10th Company was just hitting live targets.

As the 10th Company had won many victories and seized many weapons, their equipment was not much different from that of the US coalition forces.

They also threw bombs down like they were free.

Six or seven mortars were squatting on the ground, firing continuously.


He Yuzhu fired another shot, shooting an enemy in the head.

"I'll do it!"

He Yuzhu saw that the two soldiers didn't know how to use the M1A1 howitzer, so He Yuzhu quickly went over and loaded and fired all the actions by himself.

At this moment, the enemy troops below had not yet all gotten off the vehicles and completely dispersed.


Howitzer bombs exploded in the enemy crowd.

The huge roar echoed in the mountains.

Dozens of enemy soldiers were blown to pieces, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Limbs also flew everywhere.

This is war.

Human life is worthless.

In the era of hot weapons

""Good job!"

Sun Bing said loudly.

He Yuzhu's shot directly dealt a heavy blow to the enemy.


Two enemy soldiers tried to sneak up to the high ground, but they stepped on a landmine and were killed.

"Charge at me!"

"No one can escape!"

Sun Bing took the lead and ran down from the fortifications with a submachine gun.

He Yuzhu led a row of people to rush down as well.

"Da da da"

""Da da da."

Everyone was almost blood-thirsty.

The sound of gunfire was endless.



He Yuzhu held a pistol and fired continuously.

Two enemy soldiers fell to the ground.

He Yuzhu saw that Yang Jin had no bullets left and was fighting with an enemy soldier. Seeing that an enemy soldier behind him was about to shoot him in the back with a pistol, He Yuzhu aimed at He Jin's enemy soldier and killed him with one shot, and then shot again, killing the enemy soldier who was fighting with He Jin, killing two more people in succession.

""Platoon leader."

Yang Jin looked at He Yuzhu with gratitude.

He knew that he had walked through the gates of hell.

With He Yuzhu, who was like a god of war, the 10th Company had no doubt won another great victory.

They seized a large amount of supplies again.

For two consecutive days, the 10th Company occupied the high ground and kept shooting at the passing enemy troops, just like collecting tolls. Any enemy troops passing by must be killed.

The 10th Company has made great achievements in the war.


At the same time, in No. 95 Nanluoguxiang,

He Yushui was curled up in the kitchen corner of her home, all dirty.

She tightened her belt.

She hadn't eaten for two days.



He Yushui keeps shedding tears

"elder brother"

"When will you come back"

"I... I'm almost starving to death."

He Yushui murmured softly. After she finished crying, she wiped her tears and dragged her extremely tired body to beg for food from house to house. She was so hungry that she had no choice but to do this.

"Aunt Wang"

"Do you have anything to eat at home? Even if it's expired, can you give me some?"He Yushui asked weakly.

Aunt Wang couldn't bear to see He Yushui like this, so she took a steamed bun from home and gave it to He Yushui.

The deaf old lady was chatting with other old ladies in the front yard at this moment. Seeing He Yushui like this, she had no expression on her face, and even her heart was full of coldness. She wished that He Yushui would die of malnutrition.

An aunt said to the deaf old lady,"Old lady, didn't Sha Zhu give you a sum of money after joining the army and asked you to support He Yushui temporarily, and the letter stated that you would be provided for her in her old age, why did you raise He Yushui for more than half a month and suddenly ignore her.

The deaf old lady spat on the ground and said indifferently,"There are not enough soldiers who died heroically in the newspapers recently.

Shazhu is a new soldier who joined the army in another province.

He doesn't even have anyone he knows to take care of him.

Moreover, there has been no news from him for so many days.

He must have died outside.

If Shazhu is dead, how can he provide for me in my old age? Why should I support He Yushui?""

"It would be best if He Yushui died of starvation or illness sooner"

"This way, we can also divide up his two houses."

The deaf old lady's eyes were full of cruelty.

She had never really been kind to He Yuzhu. She just wanted He Yuzhu to take care of her in her old age and give her a clock.

Auntie looked at the deaf old lady deeply.

She didn't expect that the deaf old lady could be so indifferent to life.

"You and Yi Zhonghai are not allowed to help He Yushui."

The deaf old lady reminded.

The first aunt was silent.

She was shocked by what the deaf old lady did, but she really wanted the two houses of He Yushui and He Yuzhu. She and Yi Zhonghai were extinct, and they were not sure what they would do in the second half of their lives. It was definitely a good idea to save more money.


Changjin Lake. The

10th Company where He Yuzhu was stationed received an order to abandon the high ground, shrink the battlefield, and encircle the enemy forces to a smaller area.




It was another spectacular attack.

The enemy's 1st Division was surrounded. They used tanks and various vehicles to form a solid wall. The shells were extremely dense, and the military firepower exceeded everyone's expectations.


A shell landed at He Yuzhu's feet.

He Yuzhu and two other soldiers from the 10th Company were blown away.

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