He Yuzhu came to Sun Bing and the instructor and volunteered, having discussed it with squad leader Zheng Zhanfei.

After getting their consent, He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei immediately led the team to avoid the constant monitoring of the telescopes of the high-altitude observers. It was a dark and windy night, and they quickly ran to the foot of the mountain, clinging to the mountain wall, and climbed up from the steepest and most unexpected position.

When they reached the mountainside, they found two patrol soldiers of the US coalition forces.

Each of them was holding an M3 submachine gun, which made Yang Jin, Qian Dagui and others drool. The equipment was too good. These two US coalition enemies were not only two lives, but also a walking arsenal.

"I'll do it."

He Yuzhu said.

He was most confident in himself.

If his teammates died, he would not be able to bear it.

"He Yuzhu"

"Can one person do it?"

Zheng Zhanfei put a hand on He Yuzhu's shoulder when he was about to rush out, and asked very seriously.

It's a matter of life and death.

This is not a joke.


""It's OK."

He Yuzhu smiled casually.

Zheng Zhanfei nodded and stopped trying to stop him.

He Yuzhu rushed out from a patch of dry grass, took a quick step, and held a military dagger in his backhand.


The dagger immediately slashed the throat of a US coalition soldier.

Blood gushed out.

He could no longer even shout.

Another patrolling enemy found that his companion was killed by He Yuzhu and immediately pointed his gun at He Yuzhu.


He Yuzhu thrust his dagger directly into the opponent's temple.

At the same time, He Yuzhu covered the opponent's mouth to prevent him from making any sound before dying.

The bodies of the two enemies fell to the ground.

He Yuzhu walked down and gestured to Zheng Zhanfei and others in the distance, indicating that the two enemies had been dealt with.

Zheng Zhanfei and others immediately joined He Yuzhu

"Deputy monitor"

"You are a tough guy."

Hu Guangzhi glanced at the two bodies on the ground and gave He Yuzhu a thumbs up.

He Yuzhu did not react at all.

His physical fitness was ridiculous.

Killing these two people was like cutting tofu.

It was an act without any difficulty and was not worth mentioning.

"Don't touch the corpse yet."

"Let's take this hilltop first."

Zheng Zhanfei saw Yang Jin half squatting to touch the corpse, kicked him on the butt and reminded him coldly.

They are risking their lives now. God knows if a bomb will explode under their feet or a bullet will pierce their heart in the next second. They must be cautious and tread on thin ice. Only in this way can they survive. Only by surviving can they be qualified to continue to deal with the enemy.

Yang Jin did not refute, obeyed the order unconditionally, and immediately flashed to a place with a bunker on the side.

He Yuzhu said:"Next, let me open the way first, and then you go up. There are seven people at once, and the target is not small."

Zheng Zhanfei nodded without hesitation:"Okay."

He Yuzhu took the lead and continued to go up.

One hand holding a pistol and the other holding a dagger


He Yuzhu kept approaching the enemy position and met a lone enemy. He didn't know whether the enemy had just finished urinating or had a shower secretly. Anyway, he was alone. He Yuzhu stabbed the enemy's cervical vertebrae from behind.

A fatal move.

Killing the enemy on the battlefield is to kill with one move.

Any extra action is an extra move.

There was only about 40 meters left to the position, and He Yuzhu stopped.

Because if he went further, the number of enemy patrols would increase.

And they were very dense.

And there were lights.

It was easy to be discovered.


"We should gather all the grenades we have on us, let the enemy have a good fight, and then kill the nearest patrol team." He Yuzhu suggested to Zheng Zhanfei.

Zheng Zhanfei nodded without hesitation.

There were seven of them. They had a total of 20 homemade grenades, and 10 MK grenades captured in the annihilation battle.

He Yuzhu was responsible for throwing the homemade grenades. Wang Defa threw the MK grenades.

Ten grenades in a bundle.

He Yuzhu held one bundle in each hand.

He and Wang Defa pulled the pull ring at the same time.

"1, 2, 3, throw!"

After waiting for three seconds, He Yuzhu and Wang Defa threw grenades at the enemy camp.

Since they were close to the enemy, they could sense which side had more people.

They could maximize the damage caused by the grenades.



Thirty grenades exploded in different positions, scattering in many directions, with countless flying sand and rocks, and it felt like the mountain was shaking.

The impact was deafening.

He Yuzhu and others lying on the ground all had tinnitus to varying degrees.

He Yuzhu was the first to stand up, and while the enemy was also in a state of tinnitus, he pulled the trigger of his pistol, firing continuously, killing seven enemy soldiers.

Sun Bing at the foot of the mountain heard the explosion, his eyes stern:"Go! Fight for the high ground!"

""Beep, beep, beep." The charge horn sounded at this moment.

Like a whirlwind, the 10th Company once again wiped out a complete annihilation.

In this battle, the 10th Company wiped out a total of 62 enemy soldiers.

When everyone else was clearing out the supplies, Sun Bing found He Yuzhu's Class 1 and laughed at all the soldiers in Class 1:"You Class 1 have made great contributions.

When we rushed up, the enemy had lost at least one platoon by your bombing, and their defenses were also blown to pieces, and they were completely defeated.

The seven of you directly caused the enemy to lose most of their combat effectiveness.

This time, our company won another hearty victory.

Damn, who would have thought that we could achieve such a great victory over the US coalition forces?"

"You have made great contributions."

Zheng Zhanfei, Yang Jin, Qian Dagui, Hu Guangzhi, Wang Defa and Li Yong were all delighted by Sun Bing's generous praise.


"It will be worth it even if I die in the future if I can play such a big role."

Wang Defa said with emotion

"Wang Defa, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zheng Zhanfei reminded Wang Defa to stop saying such unlucky words.

Wang Defa stopped talking and just kept laughing.

The instructor came over and said to Han Wu:"Comrade He Yuzhu, you have made many outstanding achievements. Captain Sun and I have unanimously decided to make you a platoon leader. I feel that you can play a greater role as a platoon leader."


He Yuzhu said loudly.

Han Wu then looked at Zheng Zhanfei:"You will be the deputy platoon leader of the first platoon." He then said to Wang Defa and Yang Jin:"Wang Defa will be the squad leader of the first squad, and Yang Jin will be the deputy squad leader."

Zheng Zhanfei, Wang Defa and Yang Jin were all grinning.

They all looked at He Yuzhu with gratitude.

Without He Yuzhu, they knew they would not have been able to be promoted so quickly.

In the next two days, the 10th Company would build fortifications, lay mines, and be ready for battle at all times.

They would wait for orders from their superiors.

""Captain, the battalion headquarters has sent a telegram saying that we will launch the Changjin Lake general offensive at 4:30 pm on the 27th."

When He Yuzhu, Sun Bing, Han Wu and others were talking about military defense, the communicator ran over and said.

Sun Bing and Han Wu immediately looked serious.

"General Offensive"

"We have hundreds of thousands of troops."

"A battle that will go down in history is about to begin"


"Blood is boiling."

Sun Bing murmured.

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