"Yushui, if you and your brother can provide for my old age, my second half of life will be settled."

"In the future, if you want to eat or drink something, just tell the old lady. If it can be done, the old lady will definitely help you."

The deaf old lady was still smiling from ear to ear.

This time, her smile was from the heart.

Her eyes were clear.

There was no murderous intent anymore.

The deaf old lady and He Yushui, a child, had nothing to talk about. She touched her head and walked out of the room, muttering,"I'll buy more honeycomb coal tomorrow to make a fire for you. The weather is too cold. You are a little girl with a weak body. You can't let your brother who is far away on the battlefield worry about you." The moment the deaf old lady closed the door and left, He Yushui was no longer calm and her whole body was shaking.

Fortunately, she felt a hint of unkindness in the eyes of the deaf old lady. If she had behaved a little worse just now, she would have died.

He Yuzhu covered his chest. He was still in shock.

He Yushui looked at the newspaper left by the deaf old lady in her room and read softly,"The 59th Division won a great victory and wiped out an enemy division... Company commander He Yuzhu made meritorious suggestions and was promoted to battalion commander"


When He Yuzhu saw her brother promoted to battalion commander, she immediately covered her mouth.


Battalion commander.

Her brother He Yuzhu.

Was actually a battalion commander.

He was already a high-ranking official.

"Woo woo woo……"

"Woo woo woo……"

He Yushui cried with joy

"elder brother"

"I'll wait for you to come back"

"I'll wait for you to come back."

He Yushui cried and said, she was proud of her brother's achievements. She felt that everything she had encountered was worth it. Her brother was flying outside, and he was already flying very high, which made her proud.

Jia Dongxu came out of the house at this time, hired a mule cart, and went straight to the Red Star Commune. He was going to find Qin Huairu. When passing by He Yuzhu's house, Jia Dongxu spat on the ground:"No, Shazhu, you are a stinky cook. You don't stay in the kitchen to cook, but go to the war. You can actually become the battalion commander. I'm so stupid. If you can be the battalion commander, I can be the regiment commander."

Jia Dongxu felt that He Yuzhu was getting better, and his teeth were sore. So sour.

Jia Dongxu got on a mule cart and soon arrived at Qin Huairu's house in Hongxing Commune.

Qin Huairu was reading the newspaper at home, lost in thought.

He Yuzhu's name appeared in her sight again.

This time she didn't hear about it from others, but saw it in the newspaper.


He actually became the battalion commander.

When He Yuzhu was the company commander before, Qin Huairu had some ideas about He Yuzhu.

Battalion commander...

She thought she could take a big risk for He Yuzhu.

She would not marry anyone.

She would just wait for He Yuzhu to return to Siheyuan.

As long as He Yuzhu returned to Sijiucheng, Qin Huairu thought to herself that with his looks, there was no man she couldn't get.

Once she could marry a man who was a battalion commander, she would be so proud to tell others about it.

And he was rich and powerful.

She walked sideways in the village. She could hold her head high wherever she went.

"Ding ding ding"

""Ding, ding, ding."

Qin Huairu heard someone knocking on the door.

Her parents were working in the fields, and she was the only one at home.

"Who is it?"

Qin Huairu did not open the door immediately, but asked cautiously.

In this era, rural areas are not so safe. There are indeed men who break into houses and force young girls to have sex with them. In order to prevent their daughters from not being able to get married, the girl's family dare not make the facts public. In this era, reputation is very important. Some people will even marry their daughters to the perpetrators if they are raped.

"I am Jia Dongxu."

Jia Dongxu's voice came from outside.

Jia Dongxu continued:"Open the door, I got something for you."


Qin Huairu opened the door.

Jia Dongxu was a coward.

He didn't dare to do anything out of line, and Qin Huairu was still very confident in him.

Qin Huairu saw Jia Dongxu carrying two plates of eggs and smiled.

Eggs, good stuff.

Very expensive.


Jia Dongxu put down the two plates of eggs, then smiled and said to Qin Huairu:"You... why didn't you come to see me these days?"

Qin Huairu blinked her beautiful eyes and replied softly:"I always look for you, as if I want a man so much, how bad, what do you think."

Qin Hairu blinked her eyes a few times, and Jia Dongxu was almost unable to walk.

Almost weak legs.

Especially last night Jia Dongxu missed Qin Huairu so much that he fell in love with the fifth girl.

Jia Dongxu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice,"Yes, yes, yes, it is indeed true. It is indeed inappropriate for a girl to always show up in public. I understand, I completely understand you." Qin

Huairu was very proud to see that Jia Dongxu was so easy to coax.

Marrying Jia Dongxu is a good choice.

She can handle it easily.

However, who can blame Jia Dongxu for having He Yuzhu, who is in ridiculously good condition.

Jia Dongxu began to get to the point and said,"When...when will our two families start talking about marriage."

Qin Huairu replied softly,"I don't plan to get married so soon. I'm only eighteen, and you're also eighteen. Marriage is a lifelong thing. Let's get to know each other better."

Jia Dongxu was slightly disappointed:"Oh."

Qin Huairu completely treated Jia Dongxu as a black bass.


On the battlefield.

After several days of non-stop marching day and night,

He Yuzhu led the 16th Battalion to follow the 59th Division and arrived at the 38th parallel. After a day of rest, he led the team to the garrison position arranged by the division. He currently has four companies under his command, with a total force of about 500 people. The combat power he can control now has completely risen to a higher level compared to before.

【Sign-in system rewards: Physical fitness +200, mechanical master, 3 million in cash, 100 boxes of rice, god-level tank driving skills]

He Yuzhu was on the road, sitting in the truck, and took a look at the sign-in rewards in recent days.

Then, He Yuzhu took a sword on the side and played with it.

South Korea has had a military sword system for a long time, so their officers, like Japan, have swords. Didn’t He Yuzhu lead the 10th company of soldiers to capture the commander of the South Korean 1st Division? The commander of the 59th Division awarded the other party’s sword to He Yuzhu.

This sword is extremely well-made.

And sharp.

Most importantly, it has great collection and historical significance.

He Yuzhu kept it in the [Mountain and Water Secret Realm Space]


When we were about to reach the station, we passed a village and suddenly there was an explosion in front of us.

The truck windows were about to shatter.

"Zheng Zhanfei!"

"Zheng Zhanfei!"

"What's going on ahead?"

He Yuzhu got out of the car and shouted to Zheng Zhanfei, the company commander of the 10th Company.

Zheng Zhanfei replied to He Yuzhu:"Company commander... No, battalion commander, according to the report from the investigators, there are South Korean soldiers invading the village and stealing food ahead, about a company."

He Yuzhu heard this and said without hesitation:"Company 1, go around the back, Company 2 on the left, Company 3 and Company 10, follow me to the front and kill them!"

He Yuzhu had just been the battalion commander for a few days, and he simply used the opposite company as a sacrifice!

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