One battalion, to destroy a company.

This was the first time that He Yuzhu fought such a rich battle.

However, He Yuzhu was not arrogant, and he still arranged the tactics properly. This tactic is the simplest four-way encirclement tactic in war, but it is always effective to use it to bully the weak.

Entering the next village, you can immediately see a man in a South Korean military uniform beating an old woman outside a house, punching and kicking, mumbling, and holding half a bag of rice in his hand.

It seems that he felt that the food was too little after robbing it, so he took it out on the old lady.

There was also a three-year-old girl crying next to her.

Facing her grandmother being beaten, the feeling of powerlessness made the little girl heartbroken.

She would probably never forget this scene in her life.

This must be the nightmare of this little girl.


He Yuzhu took out his pistol and shot the enemy soldier dead with one shot.

The blood of the enemy soldier splattered all over the old lady and the three-year-old girl.

With the death of the enemy soldier, the old lady and the three-year-old girl were frightened.

After a moment of calm, they immediately ran towards He Yuzhu. They kept bowing.

They said in Korean:"Thank you, thank you""Thank you so much."

He Yuzhu replied in South Korean:"You're welcome."

He Yuzhu left with a large force.

He saved people, and he didn't need to condescend to accept other people's thanks or gratitude.

He was simply saving people and killing the enemy.

The old lady and the little girl will remember He Yuzhu's kindness and the friendship of the Volunteer Army towards North Korea for the rest of their lives.

Zheng Zhanfei asked He Yuzhu curiously:"Battalion Commander, when... did you learn South Korean?"

He Yuzhu:"When I was a platoon leader, didn't I lead Park Hye Kyo for a while? I learned a few simple things from her."

Zheng Zhanfei scratched his head:"Oh."

Zheng Zhanfei didn't think much about it

"I see that many enemies are scattered in the village and stealing food from each household. Zheng Zhanfei, you lead the 10th company, and form groups of five. If you encounter enemy soldiers bullying the people, just shoot them."He Yuzhu said to Zheng Zhanfei.


Zheng Zhanfei immediately organized the 10th company to disperse into each household.



""Da da da!"

Gunshots and artillery fire began to be heard from a few kilometers ahead.

He Yuzhu said,"It seems that a company in our battalion has already made contact with the enemy. Speed up and move forward."

When He Yuzhu led his men to the front battlefield, there were about sixty or seventy enemy soldiers outside the village.

They also had two cars and a tank.

He Yuzhu saw an enemy soldier who had climbed onto the tank, opened the top cover, and was about to get in.


He Yuzhu shot the other party in the head with one shot.

He must not let the other party get into the tank, as it would be very difficult to deal with. Moreover, if a tank could be captured, it would be a powerful military firepower supplement for the 16th Battalion.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The two enemy vehicles had already started, but were instantly paralyzed by the explosive packs thrown by the soldiers of the 2nd Company.


He Yuzhu said.

Bullets began to fly.

In an instant, more than a dozen enemy soldiers were shot dead.


Another enemy soldier tried to get on the tank, but He Yuzhu shot him in the head again.

"This tank is mine."

"Still want to drive away?"

"No way!"

He Yuzhu said coldly.

How could he let something slip away when it was in his mouth?


The bullet whistled past He Yuzhu's ear and shot into the heart of a soldier beside him, and the dead body fell to the ground.

War is mutual.

It is impossible for He Yuzhu to lead the army to kill the enemy while there are no casualties on his side.

"Damn it!"

He Yuzhu was furious when he saw a soldier die in front of him. He put his pistol into the holster, took out the submachine gun from the passenger seat of the truck, stood at the front of the team, pulled the trigger at the enemy, and the bullets poured out like water.

It took about 20 minutes to resolve the battle.

There were too few enemies. It was just enough to fill the gaps between our teeth.

"Battalion Commander, we haven't found the enemy company commander."

The 1st Company commander reported to He Yuzhu


He Yuzhu nodded to show that he knew.

The enemy had a company of soldiers, so it was not necessary for the company commander to be present.

It was nothing strange.

He Yuzhu went straight to the tank as soon as possible.

Thank the enemy for sending a large tank.

Along the way, every once in a while, the enemy would come to give up their lives and equipment.

Where can I go to reason?


He Yuzhu [Eye of Insight] noticed something unusual.

He turned around and walked towards a house. It was a mud house.

It was bare.

The chicken in the cage was caught. There was a drop of chicken feathers and chicken blood. The chicken must have been killed on the spot. The wooden table in the yard was also kicked down. The firewood pile was thrown all over the mud yard. The enemy must have thought that there might be something hidden in the firewood pile, so they rummaged it everywhere.

"battalion commander"

""What's wrong?" a staff officer asked.

He Yuzhu did not answer, but continued to walk into the yard. He saw a cellar.

He opened the lid and went down the stairs without hesitation.

"don't want!"


As the cellar lid was opened, the screams of the woman inside immediately reached his ears.

He Yuzhu saw an enemy officer in the dark cellar, violating a young girl of about 19 years old.

The young girl was not only violated.

A dagger was stuck in her arm.

Five toes were cut off.

Her face was covered with bloody marks from being bitten.

This local officer was not a human being.

He was simply a beast.


"" Ah!"

The girl screamed in agony.

Several officers from the 16th Battalion followed He Yuzhu down, worried about his safety. Seeing this scene, they couldn't bear to watch. Even though they had been through many battles, it was the first time they had seen such a scene.

This made He Yuzhu think of the massacre of that year.

There are so many cigarette holders made of children's leg bones, bone chains made of finger joints, crutches made of adult leg bones, small bags made of human skin, mirrors wrapped in human skin, etc. circulating on the market. There are too many of them, all of which are materials collected by the Japanese during the massacre.

National hatred and family feuds can never be forgotten.

It is a shame that will be forever imprinted in the blood along with the long river of history.


He Yuzhu opened fire immediately, firing several shots and killing the enemy officer.



The girl took out the gun from the officer's waist, and finally put it to her throat, choosing to commit suicide.

In fact, He Yuzhu could have stopped the girl from committing suicide, but she had lost too much blood and it was impossible to rescue her.

He Yuzhu and others looked at the two bodies and fell silent.

This is a sad story.

Maybe this is the real war.

""Let's go."

After a long time, He Yuzhu led his men away.

Zheng Zhanfei also completed the task of clearing out the enemy from house to house.

For the next period of time, He Yuzhu stayed in a fixed position to guard one side.

Until the end of January 1951.

Relying on the 38th parallel, another comprehensive large-scale battle officially started.

A battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops.

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