Xu Damao saw He Yuzhu's face which was ten thousand times more handsome than before. If he hadn't had a deep hatred for He Yuzhu since childhood, and if he hadn't known He Yuzhu even if he had to grind him to ashes, it would have been hard to recognize that this was He Yuzhu. He was so damn handsome. The heroic spirit bursting from his eyes made Xu Damao lower his head in shame. It seemed that all the shit he had done in his life was exposed, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

Xu Damao had a bad prostate, and he was leaking urine when he put on his pants suddenly.

His pants were all wet.

But Xu Damao had forgotten the feeling of being wet.

He stood there stupidly.

Three years ago, he and He Yuzhu were fighting back and forth.

How was he fighting now?

He Yuzhu's return was like a god descending from heaven.

High above

"That...Brother Zhu...is back."

Xu Damao suddenly showed a humble smile and greeted He Yuzhu.

Xu Damao was very real.

If you can't win, then don't fight.

It's better than losing your life.

The gap is really too big.

He has no way to fight He Yuzhu.

""Xu Damao, you are such a well-behaved cat now. I haven't seen you for three years. It's a bit unlike you." He Yuzhu said to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao rubbed his hands dryly:"Brother Zhu, that's not true. When I see you, I am always very honest."

Xu Damao didn't even dare to lift his waist.


He Yuzhu patted Xu Damao on the waist, and Xu Damao trembled with fear and got goose bumps all over his body.

Now he was afraid of He Yuzhu from the bottom of his heart.

"What a promising future."

He Yuzhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


As Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang went to the courtyard to report the situation, everyone in the courtyard came out at once.

"elder brother!"

"elder brother!"

"You are back!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Woo woo woo……"

"Three years"

"I almost thought you didn't want me anymore."

He Yushui was stunned for a moment after seeing her brother. It was true that her brother had changed a lot from before, as if he had been reborn. He was too handsome and too heroic. But she was finally sure that this was her brother, and then she immediately rushed into He Yuzhu's arms.

He Yuzhu squatted down and hugged his sister


""I will accompany you well in the future."

He Yuzhu patted He Yushui's shoulder and said.

He Yushui had already burst into tears.

Tears soaked He Yuzhu's Zhongshan suit.

He Yuzhu didn't mind.

These were all small things.

He felt that he owed He Yushui a lot.

Hundreds of residents in the courtyard were looking at He Yuzhu seriously at this moment, and they were talking about it.

"After three years of not seeing each other, Yuzhu has grown so tall like a little cow riding a rocket. He must be at least 1.82 meters tall. He should be the tallest person in our courtyard now."

"More than a year ago, He Yuzhu was the head of the group. Now, has he moved up again?"

"My son is sixteen years old now, and he has to ask me for permission to eat peanuts. It is hard to imagine that He Yuzhu joined the army at the age of sixteen and has already begun to experience the test of life and death, the baptism of blood and fire. Although He Yuzhu is nineteen years old now, why do I feel that he looks more mature than a thirty-year-old man, with such a deep look in his eyes?"

"Good-looking, talented"

"He Yushui is so lucky to have such a brother"

"What on earth has He Yuzhu experienced in these years to grow to this point? In three years, he has become a completely different person, not only in appearance and height, but even in temperament."

Several residents of the courtyard nearby also came to see He Yuzhu at this moment.

A high-ranking official.

In the future, when they talk about He Yuzhu just returning to the courtyard, they also come out to greet him, so it is easier to get close to him.

He Yuzhu ignored other voices.

He has fought hundreds of battles, big and small.

Killed hundreds of people. He has already trained a big heart.

External factors can't interfere with him at all.

He Yuzhu used his hands to help his sister He Yushui wipe the tears on her cheeks, and whispered to comfort:"Yushui, don't cry, don't cry, brother will not be so far away from you when he comes back this time, and I will take good care of you until you grow up."


Yushui was still crying. Nodding like a chick pecking at rice.

How can tears stop? They are still flowing, but they are happy.

"Rain column"

"Rain column"

"you are back"

"very nice"

"What is your position now?"

The deaf old lady deliberately waited for a while at home, and then slowly came out. She felt that she was of a higher generation, and she must not be like those other people. Important people are often the last to appear. The deaf old lady was a woman who paid great attention to appearances. She looked at He Yuzhu with a smile, and the first thing she did was not to ask about He Yuzhu's well-being, but to care about He Yuzhu's status.

He Yuzhu replied:"I am the director of the Infantry Research Institute."

When the deaf old lady heard the word director, her face drooped.

Her smile was reduced by more than half.

"Were you demoted?"


""Section chief?" the deaf old lady asked.

Yang Tianlai explained,"Director He is not a section chief. He is a colonel. He was transferred from the brigade commander to our Infantry Research Institute. There are only nine such military research institutes in the country."

Yang Tianlai explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

The residents of the courtyard understood it immediately.

"Brigade commander!?"

The deaf old lady's eyes almost popped out.

He Yuzhu is a colonel!?

"Oh my god, He Yuzhu is such a high-ranking official. If he reaches up, he will be a major general. Major general, my god."An old lady in the courtyard was trembling at this time.

Even if he was an ordinary soldier's family, he was enough to call the wind and rain in the courtyard. No one dared to provoke him.

What's more, He Yuzhu was a colonel. He was far from the same level as them.

They looked at He Yuzhu again. They felt like they were ants.

"Comrade Yang Tianlai, thank you for your hard work. I will report to the Infantry Research Institute on time tomorrow. You can go back. I will stay in the courtyard for the time being and will not go to the military compound."He Yuzhu said to Yang Tianlai


Yang Tianlai drove away.

The reason why He Yuzhu wanted to stay in the courtyard was simple. Her sister almost starved to death. He couldn't just let it go. He had to punish the residents in the courtyard. If it weren't for Li Yong and He Yuzhu's letter, He Yushui might have died long ago. The deaf old lady took care of He Yushui not because she was kind, but because she felt guilty after almost killing He Yushui, and she wanted He Yuzhu to take care of her in her old age.

The residents of the courtyard didn't care whether He Yushui lived or died. It didn't matter. They had no obligation to take care of her. They care about He Yushui, but they hope that He Yushui will die soon and they are thinking about the family property, that's too much. They became friendly to He Yushui because of He Yuzhu's status, not because they are good people.

He Yuzhu gave the deaf old lady a chance.

But she didn't grasp it.

He Yuzhu would never provide for the deaf old lady in her old age.

Since he has traveled through time and space to the courtyard, he will definitely make them jump.

Otherwise, even if He Yuzhu is invincible in the future, he will feel that something is missing.

The deaf old lady:"Zhuzi, come to my house for dinner tonight, and I will welcome you."

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly said:"I'll treat you, and I'll ask your aunt to buy chicken and fish."

He Yuzhu shook his head:"Yushui and I will just have dinner tonight."

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