
The deaf old lady was a little confused when she heard He Yuzhu's words.

She had been helping He Yuzhu take care of He Yushui.

Logically, shouldn't He Yuzhu be grateful to her? The deaf old lady was even ready for He Yuzhu to kowtow to her.

It would be so glorious to have a colonel who had killed countless enemies on the battlefield kowtow to her.

To be honest, the deaf old lady always woke up with a smile in her dreams these days.

Originally, she thought that she could just let a young man take care of her in her old age.

Who would have thought that the young man became a colonel.

She made a fortune.

As long as He Yuzhu protected her, she could run around naked in the courtyard in the future, and no one would dare to say a word to her.

A colonel, this is.

For ordinary people, it can be said that he has a lot of hands and eyes.

But reality seemed to give the deaf old lady a hard slap in the face. Not only did He Yuzhu not kowtow to her, he didn't even say a word of thanks, and he didn't even have a meal with her.

Including Yi Zhonghai and the aunt, who were smiling, their smiles were frozen at this time.

The deaf old lady just thought that He Yuzhu had been on the battlefield for too long and might have forgotten the ways of the world, so she continued:"You and Yushui can come to my house for dinner. You see, your uncle and aunt are planning to buy chicken and fish. Our families have always had a very good relationship. It is reasonable for us to welcome you back."

He Yuzhu only had two words:"No."

His tone was very cold.

He Yuzhu's face was cold, which made the residents of the courtyard feel uneasy.

He Yuzhu came back this time.

It seems that he has bad intentions.

At least he didn't come to the courtyard to repay his gratitude.

They had taken advantage of He Yushui when he was most helpless.

So facing He Yuzhu's expression, they all felt guilty.



"Do you want to eat anything? Let's go to the market and I'll buy a bicycle. Since the Infantry Research Institute is very close to home, I must live here. Buying a bicycle will make it more convenient to go to and from work."

He Yuzhu said to He Yushui.

He Yushui's eyes rolled in his eye sockets:"I want to eat fish"


He Yuzhu smiled.

He squatted down and pinched He Yushui's cheek.

Then he went to the bicycle shop with her.

Buy a bicycle first and then buy vegetables.

When the residents of the courtyard heard that He Yuzhu was going to buy a bicycle, they were envious. He is worthy of being a high-ranking official.

He bought a bicycle right away.

He is rich and willful.

The deaf old lady watched He Yuzhu and He Yushui leave. Her eyes, which were originally tender, instantly became as sharp as a knife.

The deaf old lady muttered:"This silly Zhu, what's the matter, I helped him take care of He Yushui for so many years, but he is so indifferent to me.

Could it be that...

he knew that I abused He Yushui and deliberately wanted to starve her to death? It shouldn't be, He Yushui, this girl, must have forgotten about this matter.

Even if she didn't forget, this silly Zhu met her for the first time today and didn't say a few words.

He Yushui didn't have time to tell He Yuzhu those things, so why is he so indifferent to me?"

"Or has it been the years of war that have turned Sha Zhu into a cold-blooded animal? That's not right. He was clearly doting on He Yushui just now. He still loves her very much."

The deaf old lady scratched her head. She was puzzled.

Yi Zhonghai and Auntie also came to the deaf old lady.

Yi Zhonghai said,"Grandma, what does this Zhuzi mean? You have helped her take care of He Yushui for many years, but he doesn't give you face. I think he doesn't even treat you as a human being. Even Xu Damao, He Yuzhu just said some nonsense to him."

"I know where to go"

"I'll contact him again in a few days."

The deaf old lady said indifferently.

The deaf old lady went back home.

She was hunched over.

She was disappointed.

Auntie and Yi Zhonghai were also unexpected.

They wanted to climb up the high branch of He Yuzhu, but they didn't expect that this would be the result.

The residents of the courtyard were also afraid that He Yuzhu would not help them in the future.

None of the beasts in No. 95 Nanluoguxiang were very polite to He Yuzhu because he was a war hero. They all had something to ask for and wanted to suck blood.

Hundreds of people.

None of them were good people. It was against the will of heaven. He Yushui looked up at He Yuzhu.

"elder brother"

"Why did you refuse to go to the deaf old lady's house for dinner just now?"

He Yuzhu touched He Yushui's little head and said,"Yushui, there are some things that I know. The deaf old lady is not a good person. I can't get too close to her."

When He Yushui heard what He Yuzhu said, his eyes widened and he looked at He Yuzhu.

"elder brother"

"Did you know that the deaf old lady almost starved me to death?"

He Yuzhu nodded.

In front of his sister, he didn't need to hide anything.

""Brother, how did you know?" He Yushui tilted her head and looked at He Yuzhui ignorantly.

He Yuzhui smiled but said nothing.

He had his own way.

With the system, he must not tell He Yushui.

The less she knew, the safer and freer she was.

He Yushui did not ask.

It was best that her brother came back.

Along the way, He Yuzhui told He Yushui about the dangerous things he encountered on the battlefield.

He Yuzhui directly skipped the bloody side, worried that it would have a negative impact on He Yushui's young mind.

He Yushui kept covering her mouth, full of worry about her brother He Yuzhui, especially when she learned that He Yuzhui had been blown away by a bomb and stayed in a temporary hospital for a few days.

She almost cried again.

He Yuzhui quickly told her a story about a school beauty to tease her.



Passing by a small alley, He Yuzhu vaguely heard a woman's cry.

He Yuzhu grabbed He Yushui


He Yushui didn't understand what He Yuzhu was doing.

She didn't hear any sound.

He Yuzhu immediately made a silent gesture to He Yushui.


Before He Yuzhu made any move, a short-haired female police officer rushed into the alley.

Not long after

, the short-haired female police officer grabbed a bald young man and came out. Next to her was a long-haired young woman who was buttoning her clothes. Her face was wet with tears, but her clothes were not torn. It seemed that she was not violated by the bald man, but she must have been taken advantage of by the bald man.

He Yuzhu's [Insightful Eye] noticed that there was a dagger hidden in the cuffs of the bald young man.

Suddenly, the bald young man stabbed the short-haired female police officer in the abdomen with the dagger.

""Be careful!"

He Yuzhu shouted.

He kicked the bald young man to the ground.

The dagger fell, making a clanking sound.

The short-haired female police officer punched the bald young man in the mouth, causing him to spit out two teeth. She immediately took out handcuffs and handcuffed him.

The bald young man dared not move again.

"Thank you. I would be in trouble without you. I am Bai Ling, the chief of the Intelligence Division of the East District Police Station."

"What's your name?"

The short-haired female police officer took the initiative to shake hands with He Yuzhu, then flicked her short hair and asked

"He Yuzhu."

He Yuzhu replied.

Bai Ling said readily:"He Yuzhu, can you please leave an address? I will reward you handsomely in the future. I owe you a life."

He Yuzhu waved his hand:"No need, Officer Bai Ling, it's just a small favor. You should just take the criminal to the police station first."

Seeing that He Yuzhu refused to tell the address, Bai Ling did not insist. She thought to herself, she can find out.

"What's your name? Occupation?"

"Ding Qiunan, intern at the Steel Mill General Hospital."

He Yuzhu watched Bai Ling leave with the long-haired young woman who was almost violated and the bald man, and heard a little of the conversation between Bai Ling and the victim.

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