"Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan"

"It's a small world."


He Yuzhu touched his nose. He had just come back and ran into Bai Ling from"Glorious Times" and Ding Qiunan from"People Are Iron and Rice Is Steel". What a coincidence.

He Yuzhu thought, at this point in time, I wonder if Zheng Chaoshan, the big spy, has been caught. I'll go and see if I have a chance.

Zheng Chaoshan is so bad that he must not be left alone.

"Brother, do you know the female police officer and the victim just now?" He Yushui asked He Yuzhu, full of doubts. He Yuzhu seemed to be saying their names. After He Yuzhu returned from a foreign country, He Yushui could not understand He Yuzhu at all. She felt that the previous He Yuzhu was a pool of clear water, which could be seen through at a glance, but now he is like a sea of stars, which is elusive.

He Yuzhu said:"I only know their names, it can't be considered as knowing them."

"Oh." He Yushui nodded.

The bicycle shop was right next to it.

He Yuzhu led He Yushui into it.

"I plan to buy a Phoenix brand all-manganese steel bicycle"

"How much is it?"

He Yuzhu and He Yushui walked around and looked at the bicycles briefly, then asked the clerk in the bicycle shop.

There are only a few good bicycle brands, Forever, Fei Ge and Phoenix.

The quality is pretty good.

He Yuzhu thought the Phoenix logo was pretty good, so he chose Phoenix brand bicycles.

From the perspective of an experienced person, Forever brand bicycles eventually developed better, and even after 60 years, they still have a place in the bicycle market.

"Two million three hundred thousand."

The bicycle shop clerk replied


He Yuzhu didn't even blink, paid directly, and showed his household registration book.

The clerk thought at first that He Yuzhu was so young that he definitely couldn't afford a bicycle, and that he was just here for a stroll. He never expected that this kid was really a good product.

The clerk quickly recovered from his daze, took the household registration book and registered He Yuzhu's information. After checking, the clerk stamped a voucher.

""Brother, there are five new all-manganese steel Phoenix 28 bicycles in the store, just pick one."

The clerk was very polite to He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu picked one at random.

He let He Yushui sit on the back seat and took her to the vegetable market.

The brand new Phoenix bicycle was very light to pedal, and the black paint was as if it had been waxed, shining brightly. When people passing by on the street saw He Yuzhu riding a bicycle, almost 100% of them turned their heads.

A bicycle made in 1953 is no different from a Porsche made in 2024.

He Yuzhu bought a pound of pork, two pounds of beef, some vegetables, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and some condiments at the vegetable market.


""He Yushui is blessed with dinner today." He Yushui tilted her head, not to mention how excited she was.

She held on to the corner of He Yuzhu's clothes tightly.

Her brother is back.

She never wants him to leave her side again.

He Yuzhu could feel He Yushui holding on to his clothes.

His sister had not had an easy time in the three years when he was away. She was very strong.

"That is He Yuzhu from our Siheyuan"

"Hello, Director He"

"Hello, Director He"


He Yuzhu rode his bicycle with He Yushui back to the courtyard, and saw seven or eight middle-aged men, probably in their forties or fifties, standing at the door. Yi Zhonghai stood in the front and introduced He Yuzhu to them with a smile. They immediately came over to greet He Yuzhu, smiling so hard that their eyes almost closed.

"Yu Zhu, this is Kang Feisheng from the Dongdajie Subdistrict Office, this is Lin Dakang, the deputy director of the East District Police Station, this is the head of the security department of the steel mill, Liu Dong……"Yi Zhonghai quickly introduced He Yuzhu.

Kang Feisheng from the Dongdajie Subdistrict Office was the first to shake hands with He Yuzhu:"Director He, I have heard a little about your deeds during the Korean War. You are really a hero in your youth. I admire you. If you have any problems in Dongdajie in the future, feel free to come to me." He Yuzhu looked at Kang Feisheng.

Before he joined the army, he was still the military control committee.

Now he is a subdistrict office.

Three years is indeed enough for a lot of changes to happen.

"Hello, Director Kang."

He Yuzhu shook hands with various leaders, big and small.

All of them greeted him with a smile, so he had no reason to turn his face away.

More connections, more ways.

Very good.

These leaders came to visit He Yuzhu specially after learning that he had returned to Siheyuan. They were very good at dealing with people, and did not bother He Yuzhu too much. They said a few trivial things and then left.

Or they could be leaders. They knew how to do things.

They knew how to behave.

"Rain column, good, good"


"I knew that you were the most promising one in our courtyard."

Yi Zhonghai praised He Yuzhu.

Or was he complimenting him.

He Yuzhu said to Yi Zhonghai indifferently:"Uncle, I don't need you to judge whether I have a future or not, and your words have no impact on me." He Yuzhu pushed Yi Zhonghai away.

He took He Yushui's hand and went back.

He Yushui clenched his fists.

He felt so relieved.

His brother did a great job.

Yi Zhonghai was the uncle in charge of the courtyard. Without his support, would the deaf old lady dare to starve He Yushui to death? Yi Zhonghai

's aunt must be in cahoots with the deaf old lady.

Although He Yushui is young, she knows all the tricks inside.

After Yi Zhonghai was pushed away, his old face flushed and he felt extremely ashamed.

What's going on.

He Yuzhu seemed to have a big opinion on the deaf old lady and him.

"What happened? What made Sha Zhu unhappy? Now Sha Zhu is a colonel, so I can only flatter him and not offend him. He may just say one word to make me, the manager of the courtyard, step down. I thought that when Sha Zhu returned to China, I could still enjoy the benefits, but I ended up being humiliated."Yi Zhonghai frowned, wondering what he had done wrong, otherwise He Yuzhu would not be like this for no reason.


"Stealing a chicken but losing the rice"

"You almost starved to death."

"You almost killed someone's sister, and you still want He Yuzhu to pay tribute to you in the future? To provide for your retirement?"

"What a wild idea."

Liu Haizhong hid on one side and saw He Yuzhu knock Yi Zhonghai away with his own eyes. He couldn't stop laughing.

It was a pleasure to see.

Yi Zhonghai said coldly:"You said it well, but why didn't you give He Yushui a bite of food? You are also an accomplice!"

Liu Haizhong shrank his neck. He was speechless for a moment.


"Anyway, He Yuzhu doesn't care about you now."

"But maybe they will pay attention to me."

Liu Haizhong sneered.

Yi Zhonghai bumped Liu Haizhong's shoulder and left.

At this time, He Yuzhu went to the kitchen, tied an apron, and made four dishes and a soup in about an hour.

Braised beef, scrambled eggs with chili peppers, shredded pork with fish flavor, stir-fried vegetables, and beef meatball soup

【With the blessing of God-level cooking skills, the food made by He Yuzhu is undoubtedly delicious


"elder brother"

"My stomach is about to burst"

"It's very yummy"

"Your cooking skills have improved a lot."

After the meal, He Yushui sighed

"Ding ding ding"

"Ding ding ding.

There was a knock on He Yuzhu's door.


He Yuzhu opened the door and saw Liu Haizhong's second son Liu Guangtian and Yan Bugui's eldest son Yan Jiefang.

"Brother Zhuzi"

""Brother Zhuzi."

The two men bowed and addressed He Yuzhu respectfully.

They looked fawning.

They were like eunuchs.

They were timid.

These two must be up to no good.

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