"Master Wang, someone is looking for He Yuzhu."

He Yuzhu heard that it was the waiter on the floor who was passing the message.

Wang Fude responded, and he and He Yuzhu stood up at the same time.

When they came to the hotel lobby, He Yuzhu saw Duomen at a glance.

There was a young beauty beside him, He was also wearing a uniform.

He Yuzhu didn’t recognize him, but he guessed it might be Bai Ling whom Duomen mentioned before.

"Comrade He Yuzhu."

Domen did not say hello to Wang Fude first this time, but directly called He Yuzhu.

Then he turned to introduce to the beautiful woman in uniform beside him:

"Team leader Bai Ling, this is He Yuzhu"

"Comrade He Yuzhu, this is our Team Leader Bai, Bai Ling"



He Yuzhu and Bai Ling said hello to each other almost at the same time.

Bai Ling looked He Yuzhu up and down and said with a smile:

"Comrade He Yuzhu is not simple, he is so powerful at such a young age"

"You actually solved a case that even our Public Security Bureau had no clue about!"

"And he also arrested Qian Mian in one fell swoop."

In front of the beautiful Bai Ling, He Yuzhu was a little dazed, but he quickly calmed down.

"Team Leader Bai, it was just a coincidence."


Domen answered.

"I've been a policeman for so long, why didn't I get a first-class honor by chance?"

First class merit?"

"Duoye, you mean......?"

Before He Yuzhu could react, Wang Fude seemed to realize something and asked Duomen directly.

Duomen smiled and looked at Bai Ling.

Bai Ling's red lips parted slightly, revealing a row of white teeth:

"Yes, Master Wang. Your apprentice is very capable and has won first-class individual merit."

"We will personally deliver the specific rewards to your home tomorrow."

He Yuzhu is still a little dazed. He can't help but look at Bai Ling. Bai Ling not only has a nice voice, but also has clear lines on her small mouth, white teeth and red lips.

"Zhuzi, you have achieved first-class merit."

Wang Fude seemed even more excited than He Yuzhu. When He Yuzhu didn't respond, he touched him with his elbow again:




"one......First class merit?"

Honestly, He Yuzhu doesn't think it's good to have first-class personal skills. He thinks it's better to add some proficiency in cooking through the system.

"Oh, I know, that......I have to go to work tomorrow and there may be no one at home."

He Yuzhu has finally come to his senses.

Although his words are a bit ungrateful, he does have to go to work tomorrow.

Also, he really doesn't want people in the courtyard to know about his outside affairs.

After thinking about it, He Yuzhu asked Bai Ling a little embarrassedly:

"By the way, Team Leader Bai, is there any reward for this first-class merit?"

This was the first time Bai Ling met such a direct person, but she felt it was very good and not hypocritical.

She also said truthfully:

"The rewards are not that big, just a certificate of honor for meritorious service and a little cash reward."

Domen couldn't help but take another look at He Yuzhu.

He thought to himself: This kid really doesn't understand anything.

Is first-class merit so good?

This time He Yuzhu's first-class merit is considered a special case, mainly for publicity and encouragement. The cooperation between the police and the people, and the whole people working together, make it easier for the saboteurs to hide and attack the saboteurs more effectively.

Of course, He Yuzhu himself deserves a lot of credit for arresting Qian Mian and seizing the spy list.

Otherwise, these dozen or so I don’t know what sabotage actions this enemy agent can carry out.

It’s a pity that there are a few people on the list who have incomplete information and their whereabouts cannot be traced for the time being.

"Well, certificates and so on, if you are busy, forget it, in terms of cash......"

"In case of cash......I do have to go to work."

He Yuzhu originally wanted to just send the cash directly to Emei Restaurant for him, but he felt that he couldn't say it.

Look at the police comrades around him, have they ever asked for anything?


He felt that he was not that great.

He needs money now. It can be said that he is penniless. Otherwise, he would not care about any rewards.

Of course, he didn't care that he would be looked down upon by others.

Bai Ling suddenly felt that the He Yuzhu in front of her was a bit special.

That's first-class merit.

How many people can't get it even if they want it, so why does it seem so dispensable to him?

It's not even worth a few taels of broken silver. actually.

He Yuzhu is just short of money now.

He has a system and skills, and has many opportunities to make contributions, but what he lacks most at the moment is money.

After a few words of conversation, Manager Lin Mingtai also appeared with several leaders.

"Team leader Bai, Mr. Duo. Lin

Mingtai greeted Bai Ling and Duomen first, then turned around and said to Wang Fude:

"I said Master Wang, why don’t you invite Team Leader Bai to the private room?"

"Team Leader Bai comes here rarely, and it's always not good to just stand and talk like this. Lin

Mingtai came to Bai Ling, and after greeting them one by one, he pretended to blame Wang Fude.

Wang Fude blamed himself again and again, and hurriedly smiled and invited Bai Ling and Duomen to go to the private room for tea.

Bai Ling smiled and waved her hand and said:

"No, no, no, Manager Lin"

"We are out to do some errands, and we also want to see the breakfast stall owner. The main reason for coming to your store is to inform Comrade He Yuzhu about his meritorious service, and to learn some details from him."

Afterwards, Duomen stayed to explain the matter to Lin Mingtai and others, which was equivalent to being a human being. Emei Restaurant has developed from Shu City to Sijiu City for almost two years, and the officials are very supportive. Bai Ling called He Yuzhu aside alone. He made detailed records.

Naturally, He Yuzhu did not dare to hide anything. He told her in detail. When He Yuzhu mentioned hidden weapons, Bai Ling showed great interest. Before leaving, he reminded He Yuzhu that he had time to tell her in detail about hidden weapons. After

Bai Ling left, He Yuzhu was directly invited by the boss.

If the employees in the store get first-class merit, the entire store will become famous, which is equivalent to a wave of advertising in disguise.

When he learned that He Yuzhu’s cooking skills were excellent, The boss decided on the spot to reward He Yuzhu with one month's salary, which is 450,000 yuan.

He also decided to ask the purchaser to prepare some dishes tomorrow to celebrate He Yuzhu's success. It was also the first employee dinner of Emei Restaurant.

The most important thing was He Yuzhu. Chef, let’s try the dishes and promote him to become a chef....................................

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