It's time to get off work.

He Yuzhu happily returned to the courtyard with a lunch box.

In the lunch box, there are sauced pork ribs fried by the chef himself.

Wang Fude was so happy that he even had to spend his own money to cook a dish for He Yuzhu to take home.

In order not to get entangled with Yan Bugui and others, He Yuzhu took out his elbow from the space after arriving home.

After putting away the lunch box, he realized, why hasn't Yu Yu come home yet?

He Daqing is not here either.

Today is the day to collect wages at the steel rolling mill.

According to the trajectory of his previous life, He Daqing should run away tonight or tomorrow.

He was not interested in He Daqing's absence, but even Yu Yu was not there, which was a bit abnormal.

Because I chatted with the master for a while, I wasted some time after get off work.

Logically speaking, the rain should have gone home by now.

He Daqing would definitely not take him with him when he ran away, so he might as well not run away.

He Yuzhu was restless and decided to go out to look for rainwater.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the gate of the compound, I saw a group of children in the compound going home.

There happened to be rain in the children's pile.

Taking a closer look, He Yuzhu almost became angry to death.

Rainwater was covered in soot.

His little face and hands were dark, dirtier than that beggar and beggar.

He Yuzhu was immediately angry and stood there staring at the rain.

Rainwater seemed quite happy. He yelled and ran towards He Yuzhu with a small bag in his hand.

"Pot pot!"

He Yuzhu:"......"

"Guo Guo, look what I picked up?"

Whose child does He Yuzhu just want to talk about?

I really don't want it if it's so dirty!

"Pot pot, look."

He Yuzhu was a broken jar. He was already dirty anyway, so he simply sat down on the ground. He smiled at He Yuzhu.

But He Yuzhu wanted to cry.

When he saw Yuyu turn his eyes, he also saw Those little teeth are white.

The whole face is simply invisible.

"Brother, coal core can be sold for money."

He Yuzhu stretched his head and took a look. It turned out that this little guy had gone to pick up coal cores with his classmates after school.


How much do these coal cores cost?

A basket of coal cores would only be exchanged for a cornbread.

And got all dirty.

He Yuzhu took Rainwater home and boiled water for her to scrub. clothing......Quite troublesome.

To be honest, He Yuzhu didn't want to do laundry.

I found a pair of old clothes for Yu Yu to change into.

He Daqing has not returned until this time.

He Yuzhu didn't want to care about him, it would be better if he left.

After all this was done, He Yuzhu had time to ask what was going on with the rain. turn out to be......

When Yu Yu got off work, He Daqing didn't pick her up, and she didn't go with Yan Bugui either.

In the end, I went to pick up coal cores with a few children.

She said that she ate meat yesterday and had to pick up coal cores and sell them for money, otherwise He Daqing would think that she was too edible and would not want her.

He Yuyu said it very proudly, thinking that he could make money, and the smile on his face never stopped.

He Yuzhu felt sad after hearing this. It was all He Daqing's fault!

Look at the rain and my clothes again.

Oh shit......

It’s all fucking picking up other people’s old clothes, which are patched over patched.

Others say that He Daqing is quite capable, his salary is high, and he can even bring a lunch box, but......

Everything has changed since I met the White Widow.

It seems that He Daqing was not idle before he met the White Widow.

He often went to the eight major alleys, and he often hooked up with other people's widows.

If it weren't for the fact that Jia and Zhang were so shameless, it is estimated that Jia and Zhang might have become Yu Yu's stepmother.

"Rain, from now on, don’t go collecting coal cores with your classmates or children."

"My brother is now a great chef and earns more money than my father. From now on, we will eat meat every day."

He Yuzhu said, opening the big elbow in the lunch box to show Yu Yu


"Hey! Tighten it up a little!"

Fortunately, He Yuzhu acted quickly.

Rainwater's saliva almost dripped into the lunch box.


He Yuyu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Guo Guo, is this a big chicken drumstick?"

"Wow, I have eaten it during Chinese New Year before"


He Yuzhu didn't bother to correct the rain. This is not a big chicken leg.

"Rain, do you hear it? I'll go home directly after school next time"

"Also, if you don’t study tomorrow, practice writing at home and don’t go out."

"Otherwise, my brother will not come back with big chicken drumsticks to eat in the future."

He Yuzhu said it several times in a row, and Yuyu finally came out of the big chicken leg and agreed to He Yuzhu.

Then He Yuzhu asked Yuzhu to write, and he went to make steamed buns.

He had to find a way to catch Yuyu's academic performance, otherwise Yuzhu At most, he only has a high school degree.

Although he can let Yuyu live a good life, Yuyu still has to marry and live alone.

When steaming steamed buns, He Yuzhu took the elbows in the lunch box and heated them together.

Wang Fude's craftsmanship Naturally, I have nothing to say. Just two minutes after the elbows were put in the pan, the aroma was already slowly wafting out.

Checking my cooking proficiency, I found that the total cost of the steamed buns for this meal was 2,500, which was more than the plain noodles before.

"Oh, Zhuzi, does this smell like pork knuckle?"

He Yuzhu looked up after listening to the sound, and saw Mrs. Jia Zhang standing at the door at some point, smiling, looking quite scary.

But this Mrs. Jia Zhang really has two brushes, and she can actually tell that it is a big pig's knuckle.

"Aunt Zhang, what's going on with you? Didn't we just quarrel yesterday?"

He Yuzhu asked this deliberately. He was not surprised by scenes like this.

Everyone knows that Jia Zhang loves to hang out in the courtyard.

"Ouch! Who cares about your child? Is there steamed pork belly in the pot?"

He Yuzhu was speechless.

How can you be so shameless even if you don't know anything about it?

By the way, what is boiling in the pot? Isn't it in vain for you to ask? Can you still eat it?

"Yes, big elbow"

"My chef from Emei Restaurant makes it himself. Just this elbow is enough for you to eat Bangzi Noodles for ten days."

He Yuzhu deliberately said that he wanted to covet Mrs. Jia and Zhang. After saying that, he beckoned Mrs. Jia and Zhang to come closer and smell it. Mrs. Jia and Zhang really listened to the advice and really entered the kitchen.

He Yuzhu said that the fire is better. Smell.

In this way, under the command of He Yuzhu, Jia Zhang volunteered to help stoke the fire and add briquettes and so on.................................................

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