Just after dinner, the mistress went to boil water to make tea. He Yuzhu thought about clearing the rice bowl first.

"Ouch, Zhuzi, when you come to your master's house, can you take care of it? How can you, the mistress, get along like this?"

When the wife heard what Wang Fude said, she hurriedly ran into the room to stop He Yuzhu. This was the first time He Yuzhu had encountered such enthusiasm.

"Wife, I think it’s hard for you. I’m still young, so this little job is nothing."

He Yuzhu still wanted to fight for it. After all, it was the first time he came to the master's house. As an apprentice, he couldn't act like the master.

But the master's wife refused to let him go. She said hello and asked He Yuzhu to sit down and wait for the tea, and then quickly started to clear the dishes.

When the master was clearing away the dishes, He Yuzhu saw that her fingers seemed to be a little deformed.

It should have been caused by the cold and dampness. Just as he was on the way to Wang Fude's house, he also discovered that the master's walking posture was not right. I was injured, so I wanted to treat them both.

"Master, did my father hurt your waist today?"

Wang Fude was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that He Yuzhu could see this. He waved his hand and said:

"Hey, I don’t blame your dad. I have an old injury on my waist. It’s okay. Applying herbal medicine for a few days will relieve it."

"It's up to you, don't get too quarrelsome with your father, after all, we are still father and son."

He Yuzhu also knows that it is indeed not easy to be a chef, and there are many occupational diseases.

Wang Fude and others really relied on luck in that era.

Many people were scared of hunger and wished they could find a chef's apprentice to learn the craft, and at least have a bite to eat. But many people can't learn it, it's too tiring, and they're also covered in occupational diseases.

I heard from Wang Fude that he has problems with his waist, neck, and arms to varying degrees. He usually applies herbal medicine, and he can't do without plasters.

When it was serious, he would take some painkillers, and then make two decoctions, and he could persist for a while. He

Yuzhu didn't know these things in his previous life, but in this life, he had to take care of them.

"Master, I know some medical skills, how about I give you two injections?"

"you......What did you say?"

Wang Fude thought he heard wrong and wanted to confirm it again.

It wasn't that he didn't believe He Yuzhu, but that He Yuzhu had given him more surprises. He was already different from ordinary people in terms of cooking skills, but he could also do medicine?

He really wanted to I wonder if He Yuzhu has the time and energy to learn this.

"Master, I’m serious, why don’t you try it?"

"Even if it doesn't work, there's nothing wrong with it."

He Yuzhu persuaded him again.

"No, no, the master either doesn’t believe you or......What a surprise."

Wang Fude hurriedly explained, and then his heart suddenly crossed:

"Okay, Zhuzi, if the master trusts you, just give him a shot!"

To be honest, Wang Fude doesn't believe that much in acupuncture. He has tried several famous doctors and has had some effects.

But they are all short-lived and useless after a while. He always treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

He simply believes He Yuzhu didn't want to deny him.

He Yuzhu didn't say much. Only facts are convincing. He quickly inserted needles into Wang Fude's corresponding acupuncture points.

A total of six needles were used. After six needles were inserted, Wang Fude's face changed.

Because He has already experienced the effect.

This feeling is completely different from the previous acupuncture.

Although the pain did not disappear immediately, he felt a warm current surging at the tip of the first needle.

This warm current wrapped up the painful feeling, and slowly , until all the pain is swallowed up.

Oh my god!

Wang Fude can't believe that He Yuzhu has such superb medical skills.

You know, even the famous Chinese medicine masters in Sijiu City can't do anything about his disease. He can only Assisted relief.

He Yuzhu's two hands are obviously better

"Master, how do you feel?"

"If it's still OK, then I'll start injecting needles into your neck and shoulders."

He Yuzhu asked Wang Fude and did not make the decision without authorization.

At this time...

Wang Fude has been deeply shocked by He Yuzhu's medical skills.

He couldn't even speak, he just nodded fiercely, he believed in his apprentice.

He Yuzhu exposed Wang Fude's arm and started inserting needles from his neck.

In less than two minutes, He Yuzhu had already inserted all the needles.

Wang Fude froze motionless, for fear that moving would affect something.

"What are the two masters and apprentices doing?"

After the water was boiled, the mistress carried the boiled water into the house to make tea. She saw Wang Fude looking strange from a distance.

When she got closer, she was surprised:

"Oops, Zhuzhu, you still need an acupuncture? Do you know medical skills?"

"Lao Wang, you......How does it feel?"

The master's wife is in her thirties, and when she asked Wang Fude what to say, she still looked as playful as a child.

"Madam, do you also suffer from rheumatism in your hands?"

Before Wang Fude could speak, He Yuzhu asked:

"Does the pain get worse every time it rains or a cold wave comes?"

"Right, how did you know about Zhuzhu? Did your master ever tell you that? He

Yuzhu shook his head and said:

"Wife, the master didn't tell me, but I can see the problem with your hands."

The master's wife exclaimed:"It's amazing.

"Wow, Zhuzhu, you are so powerful, come and give me a prick."

As soon as I said it, I felt something was wrong again, so I asked weakly:

"If your master does this, can I do it?"

Wang Fude frowned and said in a somewhat anxious voice:

"Pillars, can your wife pierce them?"

"Her disease is also quite torturous. He

Yuzhu nodded and said:

"Don't worry, master, I can prick it, but I need to prick it a few more times and prepare some decoction."

"The same goes for you."

After saying that, He Yuzhu motioned to Master's wife to sit down.

Master's wife was very polite and asked He Yuzhu to hold off the prick first, and then she made tea before sitting down.

Although Wang Fude and Master's wife's illness is not likely to kill immediately, it is very difficult. Treatment is very labor-intensive.

It is also very torturous for sick people.

Half an hour later, He Yuzhu took away the injections one by one, and Wang Fude and his wife both looked happy.

They felt more comfortable than ever before.

Wang Fude was They never dreamed that just by going to He Yuzhu's house, they would be able to cure the illness that had troubled them for many years.

Although He Yuzhu emphasized that it was not a cure and that he still needed to insist on acupuncture, Wang Fude and the woman were really I feel relaxed as never before

"Master, this acupuncture needs to be done a few more times. From now on, I will come to give you acupuncture every morning and evening."

The master's wife nodded and thanked him. Wang Fude couldn't say it out loud, but he was also very grateful. He couldn't get rid of it because he felt that he had never taught He Yuzhu any real skills.

But what Wang Fude didn't know was that He Yuzhu's previous life was full of gratitude. I learned all my cooking skills from him.

Finally, He Yuzhu gave the two of them a prescription and told them how to take it. After that, they sat together and chatted for a while.

Wang Fude's house had two rooms, and He Yuzhu stayed by himself that night. One room.

The next day, He Yuzhu gave the two people another acupuncture and went out early with the master.

He asked the master to rest for a few days, preferably in bed. The master listened to the advice and went to Emei Restaurant to explain everything. He Yuzhu had full authority to handle everything.

He Yuzhu thought it was still early and planned to go back to the courtyard to see. Yuyu was not going to school today. He wanted to see if Yan Bugui taught Yuyu as promised.

His foot strength has improved a lot now. If he travels ten kilometers at full speed, If he ran, it would only take about ten minutes. However, this would consume a lot of physical energy.

Therefore, he trotted slowly and fast, pretending to be exercising.

While he was running, a foreign cart pulled by the roadside waved to him.

"Yo, man, stop a step"

"Man, what's the matter?"

He Yuzhu stopped and asked, observing the man at the same time.

This man must be in his fifties, although many people have now switched to rickshaws.

But this man is still pulling an old foreign car that needs to be run.

"I said, man, it’s a pity that you can’t pull a rickshaw."................................................

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