Pulling a rickshaw?

This guy is so funny, He Yuzhu almost didn't laugh.

With his skills, he can be popular even if he wears any kind of single collar.

"I said Wen San, look at the look in your eyes, and I can tell from just a casual glance that this man is a very wealthy man."

Before He Yuzhu could answer, a person next to him rushed to praise him. At first glance, this person was more tactful than the one named Wen San, and he actually spoke in a nice way.

Wen San rolled his eyes and said:

"Hey! Master Wen, can I see it? want you......"

"Hey, where is this? Just leave the broken car like this casually?"

Before Wen San finished his sentence, two people in police uniforms appeared next to him.

Judging from the tone of his actions, he looked a bit naughty. He was undoubtedly the former patrol officer.

"Comrade, we were here before, waiting for guests and not occupying the road......."

Wen San explained with a smile.

The old policeman interrupted him impatiently.

"Who is he? He is a comrade with you. Have you paid for this month’s tea?"


Wen San uttered one word, his face softened, his body bent down, and a smile uglier than crying appeared on his face.

"Master, do you think there is any business now? Many people have lost their jobs and changed careers, and now they generally like to ride rickshaws."

"You see, we can’t even afford a rickshaw, so how can we have the money?......"

"Deserve it."

The old patrolman kicked Wen San's foreign car.

"If you don't pay for the tea, how can you get any business?"

Wen San lowered his head and muttered in a low voice:

"Now in the new society, everyone is equal, and there is no such thing as tea money."



The old patrolman suddenly raised his hand and slapped Wen Sanyi in the face, cursing and saying:

"Are you going to use the new society to suppress me? Don't worry about society, I will still control you, don't you dare to talk nonsense, I can whip you anytime."

After saying that, the old patrolman raised his hand again and was about to slap Wen San, who was pulling the rickshaw.

He Yuzhu directly grabbed his hand.

"Comrade, we can't just hit people like this, right?"

The old patrolman glanced at He Yuzhu. He was surprised. He didn't expect that He Yuzhu would dare to interfere in his business.

Just when he was about to get angry, He Yuzhu added a little more force, and the old patrolman's expression suddenly changed.

He knew that he had met a capable person. Can't do it forcefully

"Man, this is none of your business, right?"

When the old patrolman spoke, he tugged at his clothes. He Yuzhu understood what he meant. He just wanted to secretly emphasize his identity. If He

Yuzhu doesn't do this, real comrades will not be like him.

Now, he The person in front of him is just what Hao Pingchuan calls Bingyouzi. Such people will be gradually eliminated from the team.


Just when He Yuzhu was about to get angry, an old man suddenly ran up from a distance


The old man realized the slip of the tongue and immediately corrected it.

He Yuzhu saw that the old man had something to do with the old patrol officer, so he let go of his grasp.

"Comrade, my donkey cart has been robbed. Go and have a look."

The old man was out of breath. It could be seen that he was very anxious.

"The donkey cart has been robbed. You have nothing to say to me. Go to the police station to report the crime."

The old patrolman saw that the old man had saved him, so he was willing to talk to him, but he still answered impatiently.

"No, there is a lesbian who is chasing the robbers, but there are three robbers. I am afraid that the lesbian is in danger"

"Uncle, what are you talking about lesbians?"

I don't know what happened. When the old man mentioned lesbians, He Yuzhu subconsciously thought of Bai Ling.

After asking for the route, He Yuzhu opened his legs and chased after her.

He Yuzhu didn't speed up until he reached a place with few people. Without the strength of his legs, this was also the first time he ran with all his strength.

【Ding! If you keep running, you will gain something from your work, your legs will be stronger, and your speed will be +1】

【Ding! If you keep running, you will gain something from your hard work, your legs will be strong, and your speed will be +2】

【Ding! If you keep running, you will be rewarded for your hard work, your legs will be strong, and your speed experience will be +3】.....................

Because He Yuzhu is very fast, the speed experience points are refreshed two or three times faster than usual.



Two minutes later, He Yuzhu, who was chasing him to the outskirts of the city, vaguely heard the sound of gunfire from ahead.

When He Yuzhu arrived, he found that it was really Bai Ling fighting with the bandits.

But the number of people on the other side was not three, but five.

There are also two police comrades on Bai Ling's side, and it seems that one of them has lost his job.

The bandits' firepower is quite fierce, and Bai Ling is about to be unable to withstand it. He Yuzhu found a bunker and was thinking about how to help Bai Ling. Lingshi, suddenly saw one of the bandits taking out a grenade.

Just as he pulled off the grenade ring, He Yuzhu hurriedly fired a flying stone. The flying stone hit the man's arm, and the grenade was also fired by the bandit. There was an explosion next to one of our own.


He Yuzhu was pleasantly surprised to find that his hidden weapon could be launched directly through space, which was great, as it meant there were no restrictions on angles.

Bai Ling was startled when she saw the grenade, near her bunker There is no other bunker.

If you dodge the grenade, you will become a living target if you run out. If you don't dodge the grenade, you will still be injured by the grenade.

Therefore, she can see clearly that someone has injured the person holding the grenade.

Look left and right I looked around and found He Yuzhu a few meters away.

"He Yuzhu......"

Bai Ling later misjudged him, but that person was indeed He Yuzhu. no!

Shouldn't He Yuzhu be cooking at Emei Restaurant?

How would it appear here? but.

Soon she was happy again.

She knew He Yuzhu's hidden weapon. It was a perfect shot and was no less powerful than a bullet.

On the bandit's side, a grenade exploded, killing three of them.

The two were rolling and screaming, and one of them stopped moving.

The remaining two exchanged glances and ran away.............................................................

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