So, the first uncle said:"Da Mao, I think this matter can be solved by our courtyard ourselves. Since Bangge has taken the initiative to admit his mistakes, after all, he is still a child, we adults will give him a chance to change his ways. Yes." Bar?"

"Master, how could this kid proactively admit his mistakes? He didn't ask me to catch him. He also stole my chickens. We can't just let it go. I can't lose money today. I have to pay for a chicken. Chicken?"

Xu Damao got angry thinking about the embarrassing thing about losing money.

The first man frowned. This matter is really difficult to handle. Xu Damao only compensated the fifty yuan because he slandered He Yuzhu. This can't be done. Let He Yuzhu spit out the money.

He Yuzhu saw the old man looking at him, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything

"Master, don't look at me. There is no way I can withdraw this fifty yuan. This is the punishment Xu Damao got for framed me."

The fifty yuan is indeed nothing to He Yuzhu, but he just doesn't let go.

Because he knows that as long as he lets go this time, there will be a next time, and next time Qin Huairu's family will still think that he He is easy to bully, as long as he begs him a little, he will relent.

The matter reached a deadlock, Qin Huairu looked at He Yuzhu with a choked voice and said:"Zhuzi, this fifty yuan is nothing to you, anyway, your salary is high , otherwise, just give the fifty yuan back to Xu Damao!"

Haha, what a big joke. He Yuzhu was so angry at Qin Huairu's words.

He asked back:"What do you mean my salary is high? The highest salary in our hospital is the first uncle. He is 99 yuan a month. How can it be? If you don't get this money, you should ask the uncle to come up with it. Why?"

When the first man heard this, he rolled his eyes at He Yuzhu. Why did he get involved in this matter again? It was really outrageous.

But the first master did not express it. He just looked coldly and stopped talking.

Qin Huairu saw No one answered her, and she cried again,"Master, you see, everyone knows the situation of my family. It is an orphan and a widowed child. The children are greedy and hungry. That's why they stole Xu Damao's chicken. It's actually great. Terrier is not bad, he is just hungry"

"This, this is all my fault, I am unable to take good care of this whole family, I......"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Huairu burst into tears and burst into tears.

The people who were talking a lot below also stopped talking at this time, and everyone looked at Qin Huairu with sympathetic eyes.

Or maybe Qin Huairu is from the acting department, and her tears come at every turn, and her words are aggrieved. Even if she doesn't care, she has won the hearts of most people through this performance.

Even the second uncle Liu Haizhong had a hint of unbearability in his eyes, let alone the hypocrite first uncle Yi Zhonghai!

The uncle said:"Okay, Qin Huairu, don't cry. Since the child didn't do it on purpose and has come out to admit his mistake, I will make the decision on this matter. I will pay Xu Damao five yuan and I will pay for it." She paid for it."

The First Master is indeed a first-rate master, and he knows how to be preemptive. He is using his status as the First Master to suppress Xu Damao. It is more cost-effective to pay five yuan than fifty yuan.

When Qin Huairu saw the first man standing up for him, his face suddenly lit up with joy.

But how could Xu Damao just let it go? He said angrily:"No, you want to send me away for five yuan. I lost fifty yuan today, and I also got a chicken. This is not a good thing." Maybe we can just forget it."

The first man glanced at Xu Damao with a sullen expression, and said with sharp eyes:"Then what do you want?"

"Then, how can I get back the fifty yuan I paid for He Yu’s accommodation? I, I can’t suffer such a big loss!"

Xu Damao still felt guilty for asking for the fifty yuan, and he still asked the elder for the money.

The elder frowned tightly and said:"Xu Damao, you don't know what kind of situation Qin Huairu's family is in. , where did you ask her to get the fifty yuan? We all belong to the same hospital, and you have to be merciful and merciful. You should only stop when it is appropriate."

"Yes, Xu Damao, don't be too cruel. Look at how pitiful a woman Qin Huairu is. Can you bear it?"Second uncle Liu Haizhong also advised.

"And the fifty yuan you gave is what you deserve to compensate He Yu for living here."

This, this, several uncles are pointing the finger at Xu Damao.

Xu Damao lost his wife and lost his troops. Not only did he lose his money, but he also had the reputation of bullying the widow.

Haha, it's really interesting. He Yu lives nearby. , watching this scene with my own eyes, I really understood. It was not only He Yuzhu who understood these things, but also Lou Xiao'e. She didn't say much during the whole process, as if it was not her family that lost the chicken, and she just watched all this with a cold eye.

However, at this moment Lou Xiao'e stepped forward and pulled Xu Damao, winked at him and said:"Stop talking, let's forget it. We accept this loss and go home.""

"What? What's the meaning?"Xu Damao didn't understand it yet and was trapped in the situation.

Lou Xiao'e gave him a big eye roll and said angrily:"Go home, we will consider ourselves unlucky."

"I don't care. If you pay me five yuan, you have to pay ten yuan anyway."Xu Damao continued

"Okay, then I'll pay you ten dollars."The uncle agreed. In order to settle the matter, Yi Zhonghai would rather pay this money."

"Okay, let’s all disperse, it’s getting late, let’s go home!"

The elder waved his hand and after speaking, everyone dispersed in a hurry. In fact, everyone had wanted to leave for a long time, but it was only because of the majesty of the three elders that they did not leave early.

However, it is difficult for everyone to say about the outcome of such a conference. What? After all, there are more people watching the fun and less people who really want to solve the problem. Anyway, if the money loss does not fall on themselves, everyone would rather have one more thing than one less thing.

"That's it. What about my money?"

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Xu Damao panicked and asked anxiously about his money.

He Yuzhu smiled and said,"It's okay. It's a blessing to suffer a loss. Besides, it's not a loss for you. You just have to look at everything carefully before talking."

Xu Damao's back molars were almost broken in his anger, and he glared at He Yuzhu fiercely,"He Yuzhu, this matter all depends on you. I'm not done with you."

"Haha, what do you want to do? It’s not me who stole your chicken. This injustice has its owner and its owner. Whoever makes you pay money is the one you go to. Well, these fifty yuan can give me a meal. Okay."

He Yuzhu deliberately held the five big unity cards in his hands to show off.

Seeing He Yuzhu who had taken advantage and behaved well, Xu Damao was so angry that he clenched his fists. If he could beat He Yuzhu, he would have been beaten long ago. Let’s do it now.

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