"Zhuzi, you are the proudest boy today. You can see that you have received fifty yuan without any effort, and some of our gentlemen have helped you clear your grievances. Why don’t you express your gratitude?"

The third uncle Yan Bugui did not rush home, but came forward and said jokingly.

Those shrewd little eyes looked directly at the big unity in He Yuzhu's hand. He Yuzhu naturally knew this What kind of calculation did Yan Laoxi have?

He smiled and said:"Third uncle, if I remember correctly, I was wrongfully accused of stealing chickens. From the beginning to the end, as the third uncle, you never stood up and said a word for me."

"No, Zhuzi, the third uncle has believed in you from the beginning, believed that you would not do such a thing, and believed that you could prove your innocence. Now I have discovered that those people who called you Silly Zhu are really stupid."

"No, Lao Yang, who do you think is stupid?"

As soon as the third uncle said these words, he immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

Today, He Yuzhu shook his fist in public, but Liu Haizhong still clearly remembers that half of his face at this moment Is it still hurting?

Isn't it just because I called him"Silly Lord"? This kid was like a gunshot, he stepped forward and punched him indiscriminately.

This hurts the self-esteem of the second uncle, how embarrassing it is.

The third uncle rolled his eyes at the second uncle and said dissatisfied:"Old Liu, are you too sensitive? I just said casually, how can you blame yourself for everything?"

"Now, when you say some people are stupid, aren't you talking about me?......"

Liu Haizhong was not convinced either, and the two uncles started to fight.

He Yuzhu just smiled when he saw this scene, then patted Xu Damao's shoulder, curled his lips, and walked back to his home.

"Everyone went back to their respective homes, each looked for his own mother, and went home to drink chicken soup."

Xu Damao, who was patted on the shoulder by He Yuzhu, was about to scold He Yuzhu angrily, but he suddenly felt a heat on his forehead. He turned to the second uncle and third uncle who were still arguing and said:

"That's enough. You two old fools are making a lot of noise. Go home and argue. Don't embarrass yourself here."

As soon as Xu Damao's words came out, everyone present was dumbfounded.

This Xu Damao was possessed by evil spirits, and he actually uttered arrogant words.

Before the two uncles could react, Xu Damao cursed again:"You, Fatty Liu, in the courtyard You are the most treacherous. Don’t think that everyone doesn’t know that you have always wanted to be in power, but you don’t look in the mirror first. Not only do you have a low education, but you also have poor abilities. Your sons have not been educated well, and you still want to be an official. What are you dreaming about? Go ahead."

Well, Liu Haizhong's eyes widened, and anger rushed to his forehead,"You, you, Xu Damao, what did you say?"

Hahaha, the third uncle gloated and looked like he was watching the fun,"Xu Damao, although the second uncle is like this, you won't say it directly in front of everyone. Hey, what are you doing, kid? So ignorant."

Xu Damao's words originally angered Liu Haizhong, but Yan Bugui came to persuade him and almost fainted.

"Third uncle, don’t be proud. You’re not much better. Fortunately, you are still a people’s teacher. Don’t have any more little calculations in your belly. Weren’t you just coveting the chicken soup in He Yuzhu’s pot? Money in hand? You speak too much against your will, you are not afraid of retribution"

"You, Xu Damao, there is no ivory coming out of your dog's mouth, you are talking nonsense."

When Yan Bugui was proud, he didn't expect that Xu Damao would not let him go, and he suddenly became angry from shame.

"If I don’t teach you a lesson today, why did your parents give birth to such an outspoken beast like you?"

As he said that, Yan Bugui picked up the broom on the side and hit Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was also surprised. He couldn't control what he said just now. He couldn't control his mouth and started talking to the two uncles. Although those words were from his heart, they didn't I need to say it face to face.

"Okay, Xu Damao, even the uncle in the courtyard dares to fight, let’s see if I don’t beat you to death today."

Liu Haizhong also joined the ranks of punishing Xu Damao.

"Ah, help, those words were not said by me. You two uncles heard it wrong. They were not said by me."

Xu Damao reacted immediately. When the third uncle's broom was about to hit his head, he quickly ran away.

"Xu Damao, don’t run away. Tell me clearly today. You......"

Suddenly, the courtyard was full of chaos. The third uncle and the second uncle surrounded Xu Damao and started fighting.

"Brother, what happened in the courtyard? Why did the second uncle and the third uncle chase Xu Damao?"

As soon as Yu Yuzhu returned home, before he could put down his schoolbag, he couldn't wait to ask He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu smiled and said,"Xu Damao said something unknown to the two uncles. What about the three uncles? Aren't you in a hurry with the second uncle?"

"Oh, let me tell you, Xu Damao deserves to be beaten. He deserves to be beaten, and he must provoke the two uncles in the courtyard."

Yu Yu put down his schoolbag and stuck his head out to see what was going on outside.

"Okay, stop reading. Let me tell you, none of the three of them are good people. They all have their own agendas. You should stay away from these people in the future, you know?"

The three people fighting outside were He Yuzhu's deliberate act. From a hospital-wide meeting, you can see what everyone in the hospital is thinking. When I watched the TV series before, I didn't believe there was such a person.

Now I Having seen it in person, and having these things happen to me, and experiencing it in person, can this make He Yuzhu have a good impression of this group of people?

But for his sister, she is still too innocent and is often not at home. He Yuzhu must be reminded of the faces of these people.

"Got it, brother."

Before, He Yuzhu would never talk to Yuyu like this, let alone teach her how to behave. What happened today? As soon as she came back, she told herself to stay away from the people in the courtyard. Yuyu felt a little strange, but she didn't tell her anything. I took it to heart.

Because the food my brother cooked was so delicious at the moment,"Wow, there is braised pork.""

Yu Yu exclaimed, then picked up a piece with his hand and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's so delicious. This braised pork is also so fragrant."After eating one piece, I wanted to eat a second piece. Yu Yu just stretched out his hand and was hit by He Yuzhu.

"Go wash yourself off, a girl's family doesn't like to be clean, let's see how you can get married in the future."

He Yuzhu patted Yuyu's hand gently and said dotingly.

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