As for whether Qin Jingru would have anything to do with Xu Damao again in the future, He Yuzhu couldn't control it.

He Yuzhu's words made Qin Jingru's heart tremble. She was glad that she didn't go out with Xu Damao. She almost became the third party who destroyed other people's families.

"Brother He, can I call you Brother He?"

Qin Jingru began to get close to He Yuzhu. She thought He Yuzhu was a great person. He was not only kind, but also capable.

He Yuzhu smiled and said,"Of course."

To be honest, He Yuzhu was not willing, but in order to ruin the affair between Xu Damao and her, he had no choice but to chat and laugh with Qin Jingru here.

Qin Jingru saw He Yuzhu nodding, and she smiled and said:"Thank you, Brother He, if it weren't for you You just reminded me that I was almost deceived by Xu Damao. You are such a good person."

"What I said there was just telling the truth and telling you who Xu Damao is. However, you should stay away from people like Xu Damao in the future to avoid being deceived by him again."

"Well, I listen to you, Brother He. Thank you so much for today. You see, you treated me to such a meal again and gave me suggestions. Can I still come to your house for dinner in the future?"


Qin Jingru was very happy. The look in He Yuzhu's eyes changed. She felt that she was lucky today because she was almost wasted by Xu Damao on such a good marriage.

At this moment, Qin Jingru's favorable impression of He Yuzhu was gradually increasing. Sheng Sheng is also quite satisfied with him. Not only is he not stupid, but he is very shrewd. Moreover, he has so many delicious food at home and lives in such a big house. This is simply his ideal partner.

Qin Jingru and He Yu We stayed and chatted for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, we proposed to go home.

"Brother He, I will go back first, otherwise my cousin should be anxious"

"Okay, you go back."

He Yuzhu's purpose was achieved, so there was no need for him to keep Qin Jingru in his home.

After Qin Jingru said goodbye, she hurried towards her cousin's house and happened to meet Qin Huairu who was about to come out.


"Oh, you damn girl, where have you gone? I've been looking for you for a long time."Qin Huairu glared at Qin Jingru and didn't look good.

Qin Jingru said truthfully:"I, Brother He invited me to dinner, so I went to his house."

What? I went to He Yu's house.

Qin Huairu didn't expect that Qin Jingru, who was new to the courtyard, would go to He Yu's house alone, and she didn't know it.

"What did you say? He Yuzhu invites you to dinner? Also went to his house."

Qin Huairu asked in confusion.

Qin Jingru replied with a proud look on his face:"Yes, the chicken noodle soup made by Brother He is delicious. His craftsmanship is really not just a boast, he is a good one."

When she mentioned the chicken noodle soup, Qin Jingru was still swallowing saliva when she thought about it now, and her face looked even more happy. Didn't she know that her proud expression was seen by Qin Huairu, who made her teeth itch with hatred.

Qin Huairu felt sad. He Yu ignored her for several days and did not bring her a lunch box. However, behind her back, he invited Qin Jingru to dinner, and it was chicken soup noodles.

"How can you go to He Yu's house alone? I am your introducer, and you don’t wait for me to introduce you. You two men and two women are alone, and if people see you, you still know how to gossip!"

Qin Huairu complained, but it was actually because He Yuzhu invited Qin Jingru to dinner, but did not invite her.

Jia Zhang, who was holding the soles of her shoes at the side, had a gloomy face. She curled her lips and said:"Jingru, you We went to He Yu’s house for dinner, why don’t you bring some back to our family?"

Qin Jingru wanted to show off that she had eaten toffee and biscuits at He Yu's house, but when she saw her cousin's face and heard what her aunt asked, she swallowed the boast as soon as it reached her lips. Go back.

Qin Jingru had no choice but to reply:"Auntie, this is my first time at someone's house, so I'm too embarrassed to bring it home. Don't worry, I will definitely remember to take some home next time."

Jia Zhangshi snorted coldly,"Jingru, I'm telling you, you must take this matter to heart. You have to know why your sister called you into the city."

"Well, I know, Auntie, I will really remember it next time."

Qin Jingru was actually very willing in her heart, but she still agreed.

After all, she had to rely on her cousin for this matter. Without her cousin's help, she couldn't handle it alone.

So Qin Jingru walked over and pulled her Pulling Qin Huairu, he apologized and said:

"Sister, don't be angry. Next time I go out, I will tell you in advance so that you won't worry. I have food and I will bring some back."

Qin Huai was angry. She was angry with Qin Jingru for taking matters into her own hands and going to He Yuzhu's home without her permission. She was angry with Qin Jingru for eating alone, but she was even more angry with He Yuzhu.

What did He Yuzhu mean by this and why? Ignore yourself, but only want to treat your cousin to dinner?

"Jingru, when you went to He Yu's house, was it he who invited you, or did you go there on your own? And does he know your relationship with me?"

Qin Jingru replied:"Of course it was He Yuzhu who invited me, and he also knew that I was your cousin and that it was my first time to come to the courtyard, so he invited me to his home."

Since He Yuzhu knows all this, why did he act like this?

Did He Yuzhu really fall in love with Qin Jingru, or did he just invite Jingru to his house for his own sake?

Could it be that He Yuzhu He still has her in his heart?

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu felt better and the expression on his face softened a little.

"As soon as someone invited you, you went to a single man's house alone and even ate there. I think you just didn't think of us."

Jia Zhang is still complaining to Qin Jingru. Although Jia Zhang is usually very annoying, she still has a way of judging people.

Her words directly penetrated Qin Jingru's mind. Qin Jingru had never planned to bring anything home. After all, I always eat other people’s food, and I’m too embarrassed to take it.

"No, Auntie, how could I forget you? I came back just to discuss this matter with you."

With that said, Qin Jingru pulled Qin Huairu's arm again and said:"Cousin, please introduce me to He Yu to live in tomorrow. The two of us are married. I will bring whatever delicious food I have to your house in the future. Come.

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