When Qin Huairu heard this, she was stunned for a moment. She did not expect that Qin Jingru only met He Yuzhu once and wanted to continue the development, but her purpose was to ask He Yuzhu to come to her in person so that she could take advantage of it. Chance asked He Yuzhu to continue supporting her family.

And when Qin Huairu heard that the two had just met for the first time, He Yuzhu treated Qin Jingru to delicious food. Qin Huairu felt inexplicably jealous. Just like before, as long as He Yuzhu was surrounded by women, Qin Huairu would Try every means to get people away.

Even this time, it was she who took the initiative to invite Qin Jingru into the city.

"No, you should go home first tomorrow"

"Why, cousin, what do you mean by this? Aren’t you the one who wants to introduce me to someone?"Qin Jingru looked surprised.

Qin Huairu's face darkened,"It's nothing. This is the first time you've met. How can you make it clear directly? What's more, you're still a girl, and it's the first time we've met. Whoever calls you Going to someone’s house to eat and drink for free, I think it’s better to wait and see."

Qin Jingru didn't react at first, but when she heard Qin Huairu's explanation, she immediately understood,"Sister, are you unhappy because I didn't come back with food, and you want to drive me away?"

"Qin Jingru, what are you thinking? It was you who ruined this blind date first. You said that you, a single girl, went to a man's house. How unbecoming is it? You also ate and drank other people's food. This is called shamelessness.."

Qin Huairu is a smooth person. There are some words that she would not expose in front of her face.

These words made Qin Jingru's face immediately turn red with anger. Her cousin actually said that she was shameless. If Qin Huairu knew that she was shameless, I went out with Xu Damao at one o'clock, and I knew it, so I didn't scold her to death here.

Qin Jingru was glad that she didn't tell Qin Huairu everything.

However, she was still unwilling to give in and said aggrievedly:"Cousin, how can you say that to me? ? You can't blame me for this. You clearly know that I am not familiar with this place. You left me alone and had to find He Yuzhu to live with. But when He Yuzhu invited me to his home for dinner, You won't be happy"

"Are you angry with me, angry that I didn't take the food home, or is there some other reason?"

Although Qin Jingru didn't bring food home, her cousin wouldn't be so angry and wanted to drive her home.

The person who wants to introduce her partner is her cousin, and the one who wants someone to drive her home is also Her cousin, why is this cousin’s mind so difficult to understand?

Not only Qin Jingru, but even Jia Zhang did not expect that Qin Huairu would drive Qin Jingru away. In her opinion, Qin Jingru was just ignorant and had to be educated twice at a time. Maybe she will have a better memory next time.

But it’s a bit unreasonable to rush home just after calling people. Moreover, her family has to rely on Qin Jingru to cling to He Yuzhu so that He Yuzhu can continue to support him. At her house.

Qin Jingru saw Qin Huairu's expression was not good, and she knew that this matter could not be done without her cousin. She could only endure it, walked over, and begged Qin Huairu:

"Sister, I know I was wrong. I beg you not to drive me away. This time, please help me. I promise that I will never eat alone again. You see, the children are looking at us."

As he said that, Qin Jingru pointed to the three children sitting at the table doing homework. At this time, the three children were also looking at Qin Huairu expectantly.

Qin Huairu didn't want to agree to Qin Jingru, but when he saw the children's eager eyes Looking at her, her heart suddenly softened and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Mom, I'm hungry. I want some chicken soup. BangGeng said first.

"Mom, I also want to drink chicken soup."Dangdang also echoed. When

Huaihua saw her brother and sister saying this, she also followed suit, walked up to Qin Huairu, took her hand and said in a milky voice:"Mom, I'm hungry too, Huaihua is all hungry. I haven’t had chicken noodle soup in a long time."

Huaihua's words made Qin Huairu feel guilty. Jia Dongxu died before Huaihua was born. She finally gave birth to the third child, but her life was much worse than before.

There are many things that Sophora japonica has never eaten, or it will take a long time to eat them, such as fruits and meats. There are many things Sophora japonica does not even know about and has never seen.

As a Mother, she can't let her children eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Qin Huairu's heart feels like needles pricking her heart. But now that their family has trouble even having a full stomach, how can they dare to expect that bowl of chicken noodle soup.

So, After thinking about it, Qin Huairu finally agreed to Qin Jingru's request.

Because only in this way, only when Qin Jingru and He Yu live together, can Qin Jingru bring back some food. She doesn't ask for anything else, just to share some with her three children..

Qin Huairu had to compromise, she looked at Qin Jingru intently,"Jingru, sister, I promise you, but you must remember what you just said, and you must ensure that you do these things, even if you don't follow me. When your aunt comes back with the food, I also hope you can think about your three nephews. They are all growing up and need nutrition at the same time. They can't lose their health."

"Cousin, don't worry, as long as you help me live with He Yu, I will definitely think of your family."

Qin Jingru promised on her lips, but she didn't think so in her heart. If she ended up living with He Yu in the future, she would be even less likely to take things back to her cousin's house.

Because she still had to live with He Yu, she knew My cousin's family is a bottomless pit. She can't always help her family, otherwise her family will be dragged down.

However, she can't express these thoughts now, so she has to stabilize her cousin and agree to it, because in this era , whether it is a blind date or marriage, you need a matchmaker.

After Qin Jingru left, He Yuzhu quickly closed the door and accepted the rewards from the system.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the specific task assigned by the system and successfully intercepting Hu Qin Jingru. The reward is two hundred yuan in cash and a pack of watermelon and cantaloupe seeds.】

【Due to the particularity of the space in this other world, the fruits planted will be harvested within a certain period of time, so the host is asked to pay attention to picking them. 】

After receiving the reward, He Yuzhu couldn't wait to enter his own other world space.

Since I got this alien space last time, I haven't had time to plant anything yet. Today I finally got two packets of seeds, so I shouldn't hurry up and plant them.

He Yuzhu opened up two plots of land and planted two packets of seeds one after another. Immediately, a timetable was displayed on the plot, indicating that there were still 23 hours left to mature.

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