Chapter 157: Maybe it’s not just a stick terrier who steals money?

The stick terrier this kid is very smart to do bad things, the stolen money is not kept at home, hiding at home is easy to find, the stick terrier is hidden outside.

Not far from the courtyard, the stick terrier dug up the money hidden here.

“The stick terrier’s ability to steal money and hide money is good, it seems that everyone should be careful.”

Su Gan turned his head and said to the people in the courtyard. Even if there is no reminder from Su Gan, they will be careful of the stick terrier in the future.

Stealing Xu Damao’s bacon, as well as Xu Damao’s chicken, even his own family’s money was stolen, more than 370 yuan. If this is targeted by a stick terrier and stolen by a stick terrier, I am afraid that I will faint in anger.

“How about this money, the rest of the money?”

Jia Zhang’s count is obviously wrong, if there is one or two pieces less, Jia Zhang’s may think that it was spent by the stick terrier, but there are only more than thirty yuan in total, more than three hundred yuan less.

“That’s all, and that’s all I take.”

The stick terrier said to Jia Zhang.

“Nonsense, I have a total of three hundred and seventy-two yuan and three cents, this is only thirty-one dollars, where is the rest of the money hidden by you, stick terrier you quickly explain it.”

Jia Zhang’s mind was a little dizzy.

“Stick terrier, how much did you spend?”

Yi Zhonghai asked towards the stick terrier.

“I spent more than three dollars.”

The stick terrier replied fearfully.

“Really? Didn’t lie to the uncle? ”

Yi Zhonghai looked into the eyes of the stick terrier.

“I said uncle, the stick terrier is a child, he can still deceive you, I guess Jia Zhang doesn’t know where the rest of the money is hidden.”

Silly Zhu said on the side.

“Silly Zhu, I see that your brain is not normal, before the stick terrier was caught, and he lied that he didn’t steal money, how could he not lie to people?”

Lou Xiao’e stunned.

“What’s the matter with you, stay and go.”

“Silly pillar, who are you letting go on the side? I haven’t hit you in a long time, your skin is itchy, right? ”

Su Gan kicked the silly pillar over.

“If you fight well, you should fight like this, and kill the stupid pillar this bastard.”

Xu Damao excitedly waved his hand and shouted. Looking at Xu Damao’s posture, I can’t wait to do it myself.

“Su Gan, how do you hit someone?”

Auntie lifted up the silly pillar.

Yi Zhonghai stopped the stupid pillar to prevent the stupid pillar from impulsively and Su Gan from continuing to fight, and the stupid pillar could not beat Su Gan, which is a well-known thing

“Did I hit someone? Who saw me hit someone, you ask? ”

Su Gan asked his aunt with an arrogant look.

“You… Everyone saw it. ”

The eldest aunt looked at Su Qian angrily.

“No, I didn’t see it.”

“I didn’t see Su Gan beating people, did Su Gan beat people?”

Most of the people in the courtyard did not want to offend Su Gan, think about who has a grudge with Su Gan, which is better? Hearing these people talking nonsense with their eyes open, the eldest aunt was not lightly angry.

“Su Gan, you specially sneaked up on me, we have the ability to single out the two of us.”

During this time in the workshop, Silly Zhu felt that his strength was greater than before, and he should be able to fight with Su Qian.

“Well, that’s what you said.”

Su Gan felt that the silly pillar was a little inflated, well, it should be educated.

Just when Su Qian and Silly Zhu were about to make a move, the other side, Jia Zhang, had already fought.

“Say, where are you hiding the rest of the money, or you will kill this rabbit cub.”

Even if Jia Zhangshi values the stick terrier again, but his pension money is gone, Jia Zhangshi can’t bear it. Jia Zhangshi stared fiercely at the stick terrier, this time Jia Zhangshi really started.

“Just… That’s the money, I took it. ”

The stick terrier kept crying.

“It should be hit, this kid from the stick terrier really deserves to fight.”

“Jia Zhang’s beating her grandson is really rare.”

“The stick terrier is really hard-mouthed.”

People in the courtyard were watching the excitement, and Jia Zhang was beating the child.

“Shall we go up and persuade?”

Aunt asked Yi Zhonghai.

Didn’t you think that when the stick terrier grows up in the future, let the stick terrier give them a pension, shouldn’t this help stop Jia Zhang?

“Forget it.”

Yi Zhonghai shook his head.

At this time, it is not suitable for persuasion, and Jia Zhangshi, who has no money, is like a mad dog, at this time, dare to go up to persuade, and it is estimated that Jia Zhangshi will bite them when he turns back.

“If you don’t say it, don’t say I’ll do it.”

Jia Zhang stared at the stick terrier, her eyes with ruthlessness. In order to get her pension money back, she had to be cruel to the stick terrier.

“I took the money.”

The stick terrier cried, looking at Jia Zhang with hatred in his eyes.

This time Jia Zhangshi beat him, he remembered it in his heart, and he would take revenge when he grew up.

“It’s not easy to do if you don’t admit it, and you can solve it directly by calling the police, so you don’t believe in the stick terrier.”

Su Gan said next to him.

“Su Gan, you don’t think it’s a big deal to see the excitement, right?”

Silly Zhu glanced angrily at Su Gan.

“What Xu Damao said just now is really right, you are really positive about the stick terrier.”

Su Gan looked at the silly pillar with a smile.

“Shouldn’t it have been said by Xu Damao before.”

“That Jia Dongxu can be green, worse than Wu Dalang.”

Xu Damao quickly followed and said. With Su Gan in front of him this time, he should be fine when he speaks.

However, as soon as Xu Damao’s words were finished, the stupid pillar seemed to bully the soft and feared the hard, and directly put Xu Damao down on the ground with one kick.

“Oh, it hurts me.”

Xu Damao was lying on the ground holding his stomach, sweat dripping from his forehead.

This kick of the silly pillar really hurts.

“If you don’t have the ability, just shut up honestly.”

Qian Yumei said coldly.

Listening to Qian Yumei’s cold tone, Xu Damao felt very unhappy in his heart, in front of so many people, Qian Yumei did not leave him the slightest bit of face.

“Auntie, why don’t you question why the stupid pillar beats people at this time?”

Su Gan asked towards his aunt.


Auntie opened her mouth.

She didn’t wait for Xu Damao, and she faced the stupid pillar in her heart, of course, she wouldn’t help Xu Damao speak.

“Hehe, in fact, you are a double standard.”

Su Qian smiled coldly.

“Enough, the matter on Jia Zhang’s side is more important, let’s stop Jia Zhang’s first.”

Yi Zhonghai shouted, seeing that the eldest aunt was red in the face of Su Gan’s words, Yi Zhonghai also helped to solve the siege. Originally, he didn’t want to persuade now, but now Jia Zhangshi is not easy to mess with, maybe even he scolds.

“Jia Zhangshi, don’t fight, I’m afraid you will have to beat the stick terrier if you continue to fight.”

Yi Zhonghai stopped Jia Zhang in the past and said.

“Yi Zhonghai, you let me go, will you compensate for the money I stolen? If you compensate, I will stop, and if you do not compensate, I will roll. ”

Jia Zhangshi sprayed mercilessly directly at Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai, who was scolded, had a dark face, and after glancing at the lively Su Gan, he said hard: “It shouldn’t look like a lie to look at the stick terrier, he should really not take the money.” ”

“So where did my pension money go?” Did you take it, you compensate me for my pension money. ”

Jia Zhang shouted while dragging Yi Zhonghai.

“Who took your pension money, what do you mean by dragging my family Laoyi.”

Auntie couldn’t help it.

“Husband, do you think the stick terrier lied, or did he really not take it?”

Lou Xiao’e leaned into Su Gan’s ear and asked softly.

“Not sure.”

Su Gan looked at the stick terrier, he didn’t seem to be lying.

Just stick terrier this guy, if he is beaten, he will definitely honestly explain, he has confessed that he stole money, and if he lies again, it will not be normal.

“I think the stick terrier should have been taken, this kid is full of lies, and when our son is born, he must not be taught to be a stick terrier.”

Lou Xiao’e is very indifferent to the stick terrier.

Those who steal chickens and touch dogs, and their grades are not good, and they are not polite to people. Su Gan narrowed his eyes and did not speak, he had a different opinion. Perhaps the person who stole Jia Zhang’s pension money is not just a stick terrier.

However, Su Gan did not voice his conjecture.

“Don’t run, don’t run, bunny.”

Jia Zhang saw the stick terrier running away, and immediately chased after him.

Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief, if it weren’t for the stick terrier running away, Jia Zhangshi went to chase the stick terrier, he would definitely be entangled by Jia Zhang.

“There’s no good show to watch, let’s go back.”

Su Gan remembered that he hadn’t eaten yet, but Jia Zhangshi should not stop these days, there are still more than thirty yuan left in the pension money, I am afraid that Jia Zhangshi will wipe his tears every day.

Everyone who returned to the compound had smiles on their faces, well, most of them had smiles on their faces, even the silly pillars were happy.

Silly Zhu didn’t have any good feelings for Jia Zhang, just because Jia Zhang’s roadblocker, he didn’t even have a chance to talk to Sister Qin. The stick terrier ran home.

“Mom, Jia Zhang is going to beat me.”

The stick terrier asked Qin Huairu for help.

Hearing the shouting of the stick terrier, Qin Huairu’s eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then he quickly put down the locust flower and shouted to Jia Zhang: “Mom, don’t fight, the old Jia family still expects the stick terrier to inherit the lineage.” ”

Hearing Qin Huairu’s words, Jia Zhangshi sobered up, but thinking of her pension money, she still couldn’t help it.

“Then you let the stick terrier get my pension money back to me.”

“Stick terrier, you quickly return grandma’s pension money to grandma.”

Qin Huairu hurriedly said to the stick terrier.

“I really took those, I spent a total of three dollars, and the rest of the money was returned to my grandmother.”

The stick terrier said aggrievedly towards Qin Huairu.

He really took the money.

“Mom, you heard it too, maybe it wasn’t all taken away by the stick terrier, maybe you put it somewhere else.”

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi said.

“No way, I put all the money together.”

Jia Zhang was convinced that his money was all in one piece.

She still suspects that the stick terrier stole the money, it is impossible for the stick terrier to steal money and only take a part of it, it must have been taken away by the stick terrier

“Stick terrier, you go to work first.”

Qin Huairu said towards the stick terrier.

The stick terrier covered his swollen ass and went to do his homework.

“Mom, you can stare at the stick terrier a little these days, if it’s really the stick terrier who hides the rest of the money, he will definitely go and take it out Qin Huairu and quietly said to Jia Zhang.”

Jia Zhang’s eyes lit up slightly, yes, if he was really hidden by the stick terrier, as long as he stared at the stick terrier, he would definitely find the money.

“I didn’t expect Qin Huairu, you are quite smart.”

Jia decided to do just that.

The old Jia family is counting on the stick terrier to inherit the lineage, and Jia Zhang’s can’t beat the stick terrier into an accident, and the stick terrier that he hit so hard just now won’t hand over the money, and it is useless to continue fighting.

In the backyard, Xu Damao’s eyes flickered when he returned home.

Since cleaning the toilet, his life has been visibly worse, not that he has no money, but he is reluctant to spend it when he has money. After all, now that I earn less, I can’t go to the countryside to find things from the commune, so I can only reduce my quality of life.

“Jia Zhang’s pension money must have been hidden by the stick terrier, if I can find it first.”

Xu Damao started the idea of Jia Zhang’s pension money.

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