Chapter 158 Li Huaide wanted to grab Su Gan’s handle.

In the courtyard, Xu Damao was not the only one who had thoughts about Jia Zhang’s more than 300 yuan pension money, after all, they did not steal this money. If you can find it from the outside, the money is your own.

The temptation of three hundred yuan is not small, many families can’t earn three hundred yuan a year, but think of the temptation of these three hundred yuan. The stick terrier was stolen, and Jia Zhang’s lost money, opening the era of the quadrangle’s treasure hunt.

They all want to get the treasure of the holy stick terrier. Except, of course, Su Qian and Lou Xiao’e.

Lou Xiao’e couldn’t look at the money, and she didn’t have this idea, but Su Gan guessed who was in the hands of this money now. In the rolling mill, inside Li Huaide’s office.

“Su Gan and Ding Qiunan are very close, are you sure?”

Li Huaide squinted.

“Well, I’ve seen the two of them walk in, I’m sure.”

Liu Lan nodded.

“Is this a handle to Su Gan, can we threaten Su Gan to hand over the photo.”

The intimate photo of her and Li Huaide is in Su Gan’s hands, and Liu Lan has never been at ease, even if there has been nothing in the past month or two, Liu Lan is also worried.

It’s like a thunder that explodes without knowing when. Why is Liu Lan worried, Li Huaide is even more worried.

If something really happened, he definitely lost more than Liu Lan, Liu Lan had nothing, otherwise he would not be his mistress, but Li Huaide is different.

He has a family and a business, and if it is really exposed, it will be ruined.

“There is no evidence.”

Li Huaide frowned.

If you see that it can not be used as evidence, it will not threaten Su Gan.

“Do you also want to get a camera and take a picture of Su Qian and Ding Qiunan together?”

Li Huaide frowned, he didn’t know where Su Gan’s camera came from, but it was difficult to get this kind of camera now. Now it is supplied by ticket, even if he is the deputy director, he can’t get a ticket for the camera.

He could get the kind of big camera in the 733 photo gallery, but it was too obvious.

“I don’t wait for the next time Su Gan and Ding Qiunan come together, I’ll notify the people of the security department.”

Liu Lan said to Li Huaide

“No, absolutely not.”

Li Huaide vetoed Liu Lan’s idea without hesitation.

The two of them walked together to chat, but there was no evidence, and Su Gan’s cunning would definitely be fine. At that time, if he guesses that he and Liu Lan are dealing with him, he will definitely turn his face.

Su Gan held their handle in his hand, they didn’t have Su Gan’s handle. If you really turn your face, it is obviously not good for them.

“You don’t have to worry about this matter, you don’t come to my office during work, and the impact is not good after being seen.”

Li Huaide instructed Liu Lan.

After sending Liu Lan away, Li Huaide thought about it, and then went to the warehouse.

“Deputy Director Li.”

Seeing Li Huaide’s warehouse manager say hello, those who originally played chess immediately did not dare to play.

They can be regarded as touching fish, and it’s okay to touch fish in private, but it’s not good to be seen by the leader. Li Huaide didn’t care about this, he was thinking about things.

“Is your Deputy Director Su here?”

Li Huaide asked.

“In, right in the office.”

“Okay, you guys work.”

Li Huaide walked towards Su Gan’s office.

“Yo, how come Brother Li is free.”

Su Gan was a little surprised to see Li Huaide.

During this time, Su Gan did not ask Li Huaide to let him help with things, and it is said that Li Huaide should not come to him. Su Gan could see that Li Huaide did not want to see him.

“Of course, there is something to come, and it is also a very important thing, something related to you.”

Li Huaide had a serious expression on his face, and Su Gan seemed to have committed something big.

However, Su Gan’s reaction was quite flat.

“Things related to me, I haven’t done anything in the factory, I’ve been staying in the warehouse management department, no one will cause me trouble, right?”

A smile suddenly appeared on Su Gan’s face, and he asked Li Huaide with a smile.

“Brother Su Gan, this matter is indeed not a trivial matter, someone reported to me, saying that your relationship with Ding Qiunan in the infirmary is not ordinary, Brother Su, you are messing with the relationship between men and women.”

“And someone else has the evidence, but fortunately, the evidence has been destroyed by me, you can rest assured of this, but in the future, Brother Su, you should pay attention.”

Li Huaide also smiled and said to Su Gan.

“Oh, then I also have to thank Brother Li for his help.”

Su Gan couldn’t see any expression on his face, which made Li Huaide frown secretly.

Hearing this news, there was no change in his face, Su Gan’s city was probably deeper than he expected, and he originally thought that he could at least make Su Qian panic.

“The relationship between the two of us, where do you need to say thank you.”

Li Huaide thought a lot in his heart, but on the surface, he said it very slippery.

Su Gan and Li Huaide sat down and chatted for a while, without talking about the topic just now.

“I heard that the pigs grew quickly, and it seems that this pig raising thing is considered a success.”

Li Huaide changed the subject.

“This is what you proposed Brother Li, when the people in the factory eat pork, they will definitely think of your good.”

“It’s all about serving the workers in the factory.”

Li Huaide smiled like a smiling tiger.

“By the way, Xu Damao in your courtyard recently begged me to go back to being a projectionist, do you say I promise or not?”

Indeed, during this time, Xu Damao did not give him a gift, and Li Huaide did not confiscate Xu Damao’s gift at all.

The main thing is that the gift given did not reach the level of making Li Huaide’s heart move.

“Punishing him for cleaning the toilet, if you let him go back to being a projectionist, wouldn’t it be a little deterrent.”

“But I think Xu Damao has been cleaning the toilet for a long time, and it is not bad to arrange for Xu Damao to go to the forging workshop to exercise.”

Su Gan listened to Li Huaide’s words and spoke.

This can be regarded as helping Xu Damao, well, maybe it is a help, cleaning the toilet is dirty, and being a forger is tiring, especially a forger apprentice.

But the forger is at least a little decent, which can be regarded as helping Xu Damao.

The reason why he helped Xu Damao was not that Su Qian’s conscience found out, but that Xu Damao’s smell was too heavy.

If he lived in the front yard or the middle yard, it would be okay, but Xu Damao lived in the backyard, and Su Gan did not dare to come out every day when Xu Damao passed by.

It’s good to let Xu Damao clean the toilet, but it’s not good to affect himself.

“Then arrange for him to work as a forger to exercise.”

The gifts given by Xu Damao are getting bigger and bigger, although Xu Damao has offended him, but Li Huaide this guy is sometimes quite generous.

In the original work, the silly pillar hit Li Huaide, and in the end, Li Huaide did not treat the silly pillar. Besides, he won’t get along with money. In Xu Damao’s original work, he gave a gift to Li Huaide before he became the deputy director.

After a few more words, Li Huaide left. Su Gan’s eyes narrowed.

“It seems that Li Huaide is becoming more and more uneasy about my threat.”

“Do you want to deter me with fake news?”

Su Gan sneered.

Su Qian and Ding Qiunan walked very close, but they had not been caught doing anything excessive in the factory, so it was strange that someone took this report, let alone evidence.

When Li Huaide said this, he probably wanted to tell Su Gan that he also had Su Gan’s handle in his hand.

For example, the evidence has already been destroyed, if there is really evidence, based on the relationship between Su Qian and Li Huaide, is it really possible for him to destroy it?

He said this mainly to tell Su Gan that he also had evidence of Su Qian in his hands. However, Su Gan knew that the so-called evidence was false.

“There are indeed many people in the factory, and we should pay attention to it in the future.”

Su Gan said to himself secretly.

The relationship between him and Ding Qiunan is, of course, not exposed if it is not exposed.

At noon, Su Qian sneaked to the side of the infirmary, Sister Li was not here, Ding Qiunan was there, she knew that Su Qian would come to her at noon.

There was a rest sign hanging at the door, and Ding Qiunan pulled Su Gan into the lounge.

“Qiu Nan, someone has already eyed our relationship.”

Su Gan’s words made Ding Qiunan, who saw Su Qian’s happiness, pale.

“That… So what to do? ”

Ding Qiunan was obviously a little flustered.

“Don’t worry, there is no evidence on the target, I mainly remind you, don’t accidentally say the wrong thing.”

Su Gan and Ding Qiunan said this, not to worry her, mainly to prevent Li Huaide from taking evidence of his relationship with Ding Qiunan from Ding Qiunan’s side.

Ding Qiunan was slightly relieved when he heard this.

“It won’t be the chef stupid pillar of the previous cafeteria who is eyeing us, right?”

Ding Qiunan asked. Last time the silly pillar followed them, the intentions were clearly wrong.

“No, it’s Li Huaide, it’s Deputy Director Li in the factory.”

“Ah, how is he? Isn’t it rumored that you have a good relationship with Deputy Director Li? You became the deputy director because of his efforts. ”

Ding Qiunan questioned.

“Who said I had a good relationship with him? He helped me become the deputy director, can’t it be that I have mastered his handle and threatened him, Su Gan said and directly threw out the photo, it was the intimate photo of Li Huaide and Liu Lan. ”

“It turns out that he and Liu Lan have this kind of relationship.”

Ding Qiunan also knows Liu Lan, and the back kitchen is responsible for cooking every day, can she not know her.

“Don’t care too much, anyway, in the future, we will all do things in the house you rented, and we can only say that the relationship is better in the rolling mill.”

Su Qian and Ding Qiunan said.

“Well, but what if someone spreads this matter and spreads rumors?”

“Actually, I’m not afraid, but this matter will affect you, what if it reaches your daughter-in-law’s ears?”

When Ding Qiunan talked about Su Qian’s daughter-in-law, his eyes were a little complicated.

“You don’t have to worry about my side, rest assured that even if someone gossips, Li Huaide will suppress it.”

Su Gan and Ding Qiunan said that even if Li Huaide really held Su Gan’s handle, he would not dare to turn his face with Su Gan, at most, it was just a mutual threat and balance.

After all, if Li Huaide and Su Qian were really to exchange one by one, Li Huaide himself was not happy.

After eating lunch with Ding Qiunan, Su Gan left the infirmary directly and returned to his office to continue touching fish.

However, there is something in the afternoon, the processed parts stored in the warehouse need to be pulled away, although Su Gan does not need to do anything, but the villains must also stand there and supervise.

If Director Zhao came, then perhaps Su Gan would not need to supervise here, but Director Zhao did not come today. Old Zhao generally does not ask for leave, and I don’t know what happened today, so he didn’t come to ask for leave.

After watching the busy work, Su Gan went to the back of the warehouse and looked at the ten pigs raised.

The piglets bought in the pasture mall, Su Gan is still very concerned about the growth outside, and when the reform and opening up is carried out in the future, maybe Su Gan will raise pigs.

Of course, I don’t know how it will be in the future, and by that time, Su Gan’s farm can still be upgraded, and I don’t know what outrageous things can be grown by then.

The pig grew very fast, in sharp contrast to the growth rate of the piglet that Xu Damao got it, and now in less than two months, it has grown to more than fifty catties.

And the piglet that Xu Damao got for comparison is about twenty pounds, which is the same size at the beginning, and the gap in growth rate is obvious.

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