Feeling that there was something wrong in the atmosphere in the kitchen, Yi Zhonghai's eyes flashed, and just when he was about to say something, Zhu Zhu stood up before him.

"Well, hello everyone, since I was invited by Factory Director Lou to help prepare this reception meal today, let's not talk about anything else today, just prepare this meal. I hope everyone can work together to complete this meal successfully. Task."

He Yuzhu knew that everyone might have some changes in mentality due to his age, so he stood up and spoke proactively.

For today's dinner hosted by the leader, I have no problem with my cooking skills, but after all, I am working in the kitchen of someone else's cafeteria. Whether it is a quick meal, or the attitude of several chefs, if I don't handle it well, , it will inevitably cause some trouble.

When Yi Zhonghai saw Zhu Zi taking the initiative to stand up, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He had no doubts about Zhu Zhu's cooking skills. After all, he had seen it with his own eyes at Hongbin Tower.

But this is not necessarily the case for the chefs in the back kitchen.

This kitchen is different from the outside, and Yi Zhonghai also knows it.

Of course they would listen to the tasks assigned by the factory director, but if Zhuzi couldn't get along with these guys right away, his work would inevitably be affected for a while.

Zhu Zhu was young, and good cooking skills did not mean he could handle these interpersonal relationships smoothly, so Yi Zhonghai was ready to take the initiative to help.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhu actually had this idea and took the initiative to speak.

Immediately, he stood aside and planned to take a look.

Chef Niu's eyes were originally filled with doubts, but after hearing Zhuzi's unsolicited words, his expression calmed down a bit.

He looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Zhuzhu, right? What you said is indeed true. We must successfully complete the task of the factory director's reception. However, if we make mistakes in our work, the leaders will be punished." It’s become a bad thing.”

What He Yuzhu said was reasonable, but at this age, Chef Niu found it really hard to believe that He Yuzhu could prepare today's reception meal.

Therefore, what he said was unceremonious.

This has nothing to do with the pillars.

Everyone working in the kitchen didn't want to cause trouble. If a capable chef from Hongbin House came over, they would naturally have nothing to say.

But here comes a little kid like He Yuzhu. Even if he, the awesome chef, nods, the cook apprentice behind him might still be a little dissatisfied.


He Yuzhu nodded slightly. He glanced around the surrounding canteen, but his brows furrowed slightly.

In this era, even the canteens of large factories such as steel plants have serious problems with the kitchen environment.

I haven't even started cooking yet, but the kitchen is visibly messy.

There were still all kinds of pots and pans everywhere, and He Yuzhu guessed that they didn't wash them very much.

There is no way. Today, everyone is still struggling in the days when filling their stomachs is considered good. No one cares about the safety and health standards of future generations.

He Yuzhu saw this in his eyes, but he temporarily suppressed it.

"Niu Chu, are our ingredients ready for today? Are the menus for the banquet here?"

He Yuzhu took the initiative to speak.

After hearing this, Chef Niu had more thoughts in his mind.

This pillar is said to be from the chef of Hongbinlou. He doesn’t even know what the ingredients are. How can he only read the menu now?

You know, even if you are a master chef, you must prepare these skills before cooking, so as not to be in a hurry. The key is to check whether the recipe is within your own skills.

If you don’t understand some cuisines, no matter how good your cooking skills are, the taste won’t be the same.

He Yuzhu's behavior suddenly made Niu Chu's doubts even stronger.

However, he never expected that if his technique was used to identify ordinary cooks, it would be absolutely fine, but what he encountered was He Yuzhu, a bastard.

The systematic improvement of cooking skills is an all-round improvement. In other words, whether it is cooking techniques or the essence of major cuisines, He Yuzhu is omniscient and omnipotent. The reason why I ask these things is just for a while. Just take action.

Chef Niu ordered the two apprentices to go to the warehouse to get the ingredients. At the same time, a chef also went to get today's lunch menu.

"head chef."

The chef handed the menu to Chef Niu with the same eyes as Chef Niu, obviously not believing what Zhu Zhu could cook.

After Chef Niu took it, he also handed the menu directly to He Yuzhu.

“This is the menu for leadership today.”

He Yuzhu took a look.

From top to bottom, eight dishes.

Four meats, four vegetables, and a soup.

With this standard, in future generations, an ordinary family gathering would probably be more sumptuous than this.

Considering the factors of this era, these are quite good for entertaining foreign guests.

After He Yuzhu looked at it carefully, he nodded slightly.

The eight dishes are already clear in his mind.

The menu is mainly Sichuan cuisine, with some light vegetarian dishes.

It seems that the guests that Director Lou is receiving this time are from Sichuan, which is quite a big deal.

In this day and age, carriages and horses are inconvenient.

Ordinary people will never travel far in their entire lives.

In addition to the long distance and high cost, it is also unsafe.

As the saying goes, if someone is innocent, they should be killed.

Although this is slang in ancient times, in this era, it is still not safe to travel far away.

Therefore, any boss who can travel all over the world in this era is a ruthless person, either from a wealthy family or from a tyrannical family.

It's no wonder that Director Lou would treat these guests to a special banquet.

Chef Niu didn't know that He Yuzhu just glanced at the menu and had so many thoughts in his mind.

Seeing He Yuzhu standing there without saying a word, he couldn't help but said: "How about Zhu Zhu, can you make these dishes?"

Chef Niu was also a real person and was too lazy to waste time. He Yuzhu would just accept it directly. If he couldn't do it, he wouldn't say anything. After all, at his age, he took a few cooks behind him and cooked a banquet by himself. It's not a difficult task.

"Well... Chef Niu, I can cook the food, but before cooking, I have something to say."

He Yuzhu nodded slightly.

Chef Niu was still thinking that He Yuzhu would just lead people to start cooking after admitting that he couldn't do it, but he was slightly startled when he heard Zhu Zhu's words.

"Ah? Can you do it? Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Yes, before we cook, let's clean up the kitchen first."

As He Yuzhu spoke, he pointed at the messy situation on the floor next to the pot and stove.

Hearing this, Chef Niu and the cooks behind him looked a little confused.

"Zhuzi, what does this have to do with cooking?"

Chef Niu spoke directly.

It's not that he's being aggressive, it's mainly because it's been this way for so many years. When everyone is a cook, they compete with each other in craftsmanship and technology. Since when do chefs still care about these details?

As for the chefs behind Chef Niu, their faces couldn't help but show suspicion.

They looked at He Yuzhu.

Isn't this guy just looking for excuses?

Even if you don't know how to do it, let it go. You have to be tough and find fault with some of these things?

Feeling everyone's gaze, He Yuzhu's expression showed no stage fright.

"Niu Chu, this is very important, even more important than our cooking. The hygienic environment in the kitchen is not only a matter of cleanliness, but also affects the taste of the food."

"Do you think, if the pots, bowls, shovels, etc. that are used for cooking are not cleaned and garbage is piled on the ground, no matter how good the ingredients are, the taste of the dishes will be different, right?"

"Not to mention that in this environment, the safety and health of the dishes produced are not guaranteed. Moreover, if we cook in this environment all year round, our chefs will also make mistakes in their judgment of the taste of the ingredients and their cooking skills. "

"This kind of error may not be noticeable for a while, but if it happens over time, it will be a huge difference."

What He Yuzhu said was so reasonable that Chef Niu and all the chefs behind him were stunned.

They opened their mouths, and for a moment they felt that what Zhuzi said was quite reasonable, and they couldn't find any reason to refute it!

"Zilla, this..."

It must be said that Zhu Zhu's theory gave Chef Niu a new feeling.

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case!

"Chef, today's dishes are all here."

At the same time, the two apprentices who went to get the ingredients were also pushing a large cart with the ingredients needed for today's lunch piled on it.

At this time, Niu Chu also reacted.

Although there seems to be nothing wrong with what Zhu Zhu said, it is just empty talk after all. It is hard for people to believe you just talk without practicing.

But fortunately, He Yuzhu is obviously not a person who just talks.

When these ingredients were pushed over, He Yuzhu stepped forward to look through them.

"Well, the freshness of the ingredients is pretty good."

He Yuzhu watched subconsciously.

In addition to technical skills, a chef's ability to identify ingredients is also a basic skill.

Just by looking at it, He Yuzhu knew that Factory Director Lou was quite well prepared for today's luncheon.

Although they are not top-quality ingredients, the quality is much better than what ordinary people eat.

In this day and age, with this specification, even in Hongbin Building, you can use the ingredients of the private dining room on the second floor.

Looking at the expressions of Niu Chu and others, He Yuzhu's heart moved.

"Okay, Chef Niu, let's clean up the kitchen first, and then I'll try my hand at it for everyone."

He Yuzhu knew that if he didn't show his hand, the kitchen would probably keep mumbling in his heart.

Listening to Zhuzi's initiative to speak, Chef Niu's expression changed slightly.

Putting aside everything else, at least he admired Zhuzi's actions in all aspects from the beginning to now.

He is a craftsman in his words and actions.

This also allowed him to put away his contempt for Zhu Zhu because of his youth.

Chef Niu nodded: "Since you said so, Zhuzi, then okay, I'll listen to you first."

"Wang Wu Zhang Liu, you take people to listen to Zhu Zhu's request and tidy up the kitchen."

Chef Niu turned around and spoke, pointing at the two people in the kitchen.

When Chef Niu spoke, although they had some thoughts in their minds, they suppressed them for the time being.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhu Zhu, the kitchen began to do general cleaning.

Yi Zhonghai on the side remained silent.

Witnessing Zhu Zhu from coming to the kitchen to convincing these people to take action, his eyes flickered and he was thinking endlessly.

This was something he didn't expect.

This guy Zhuzi really surprised him a lot in terms of how he behaved.

Not only is he a superb cook, this kid is really capable of solving problems.

Put yourself in his shoes, if it were Jia Dongxu who came here, would he be able to solve this matter as well as Zhu Zhu did?

Even if he came here in person, facing such an unfamiliar situation, could he solve it like Zhuzi did?

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai looked at Zhu Zhu who was working, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

This kid Zhu Zhu still has potential that needs to be developed. As a retirement candidate, I really can't let go of Zhu Zhu as a backup option.

Thinking about it, Yi Zhonghai felt that it was not a problem for him to just stand here. The factory director would not come over so early, and he had nothing to do in the factory. He might as well help Zhu Zhu and the others clean the kitchen. .

About half an hour later.

After He Yuzhu took the mop and mopped the kitchen one last time, the brand new and bright kitchen appeared in front of everyone.

Compared with before, this seems so fresh and refined.

Several cooks, including two apprentices, had obvious surprise in their eyes.

Obviously, he had never thought that this usually dull kitchen would still look like this.

It was Chef Niu, whose eyes fell on He Yuzhu who had finished mopping the floor.

This pillar, when it comes to work, is not ambiguous at all.

The work he just did alone was even more difficult than that of several people in the kitchen.

It's not that any of them are being lazy, it's actually Zhu Zhu who not only moves fast, but also seems to have endless energy.

Seeing that it was finally done, Chef Niu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don’t know if the sanitary effect in the kitchen is really as magical as Zhu Zhu said, but after cleaning it now, I feel refreshed.

But soon, the eyes of Chef Niu and the cook apprentices behind him fell on He Yuzhu.

Putting aside these things, the most important thing today is still this lunch.

They just made so much, now it’s time to show them their craftsmanship, right?

[Culinary Skills +2]

[Culinary Skills +2]

[Culinary Skills +2]

He Yuzhu was working in the kitchen, and the proficiency in his mind never stopped.

At this point, everything is ready.

He Yuzhu didn't talk nonsense either.

I selected a few ingredients directly from the cart with the ingredients.

"Tofu, beef..."

Looking at the raw materials in He Yuzhu's hand, Chef Niu raised his eyes slightly.

"This is the ingredient for Mapo tofu."

As an old cook, he can naturally recognize him at a glance.

When all the ingredients were prepared, He Yuzhu took a deep breath and glanced around.

"Everyone, this is the first Sichuan dish I learned from my master Li Baoguo, Mapo Tofu. It is quite meaningful to me, so I will show off my shame today."

He Yuzhu spoke humbly and immediately started a fire.

However, as He Yuzhu's words fell.

Niu Chu, on the other hand, was stunned on the spot.

In the new January, the small period will explode violently. If you have a monthly ticket, feel free to vote for me. I can bear it! ! !

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