Tang Hai looked at what had just happened and was shocked.

He didn't expect Balzeb to chop these people away with one move.

This is also too powerful.

"Master, my task is completed and I went back.

With that, Balzeb disappeared into the thunderbolt.

Tang Hai looked at the departing Balzeb before coming back to his senses.

Although these people died, they did not leave any traces, and even if the police investigated them, they could not find any clues.

Even if there are witnesses, such a bizarre thing, will the police believe it?

Think about it, you see a strangely dressed woman walk out of the thunderbolt

, and then destroy more than a dozen people in one move, even the bone dregs are left, and then disappear into the thunder and lightning.

Such a strange and bizarre thing, who will believe it, and must not treat this person as if he was a mental illness.

To say that Tang Hai killed someone, it is even more impossible, because Tang Hai did not make a move.

At this time, Lin Duo and Lin Xue were stunned, unable to say anything for half a sound.

After all, what they saw was simply incredible, far beyond their understanding.

Lin Duo shook Tang Hai's arm and said in shock:

"Tang Hai, what happened just now, that... That woman is, what kind of person, for... Why would I listen to your orders, also, still so powerful.

Lin Duo was a little stumbling when he spoke.

"That... In fact, what you see is an illusion, a trick I used, and none of them are real. Tang Hai explained.

This kind of lie is estimated to be Tang Hai himself does not believe.

But Lin Duo and Lin Xue listened to Tang Hai's words, and thought about it carefully, feeling that what Tang Hai said should be true.

Think about how a woman can come out of the thunder and lightning, and then destroy everyone with one move, and then enter the thunder and lightning and disappear.

How can such a thing happen in the world, then it will not become a god.

The only thing that can be explained is what Tang Hai said, what Tang Hai used to make people hallucinate.

Those who disappeared were probably scared away by this illusion.

Listening to Tang Hai's words, Lin Xue blinked her eyes wide, curious.

Unexpectedly, my brother-in-law could not only do magic, but also magic.

So he grabbed Tang Hai's arm and said excitedly:

"Brother-in-law, you are so powerful, the illusion you just used is simply too cool, can you teach me, I also want to learn." Listening

to Lin Xue's words, Tang Hai frowned and said in his heart: "

How can I teach you this, it's all my nonsense."

But Lin Xue just didn't adhere to it, pestering Tang Hai to learn illusion.

Tang Hai felt a headache, why was this girl so clingy.

Looking at Tang Hai's embarrassed expression, Lin Duo hurriedly said:

"Xiaoxue, don't make trouble, we're all late for work, let's go quickly."

As soon as Lin Xue heard this, she remembered that she still had to go to work, so she temporarily gave up the idea of learning illusion.

Watching Lin Duo pull Lin Xue away, Tang Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I rode my bike to work.

And at this time, Qin Huairu was not in the mood to talk about marriage with Silly Zhu because of his son's stick terrier.

The stupid pillar had to put this down beforehand.

As a result, this release is three months.

Later, when Jia Zhang returned from the detention center, this matter was even more impossible.


One year later....

The country has changed dramatically.

Because of Tang Hai's intervention,

"some people" were arrested.

The country ushered in reform and opening up ahead of schedule.

Self-employment is allowed, and individuals are encouraged to start businesses and do business to contribute to the country's economic development.

The rolling mill was acquired by Lou Zhenhua and became a private enterprise.

Fortunately, Tang Hai's intervention changed the course of history

, otherwise, this Lou Zhenhua would have gone away for refuge.

After this year's observation, Lou Zhenhua found that Tang Hai was a very capable person, definitely not a thing in the pool.

In order to win over Tang Hai, Lou Zhenhua just bought the rolling mill, promoted Tang Hai to the general manager of the rolling mill,

and arranged his daughter Lou Xiao'e as an assistant by his side.

Although Tang Hai is married and his daughter cannot marry him,

the two can still be very good friends.

For her father's arrangement, Lou Xiao'e also gladly accepted.

Although Tang Hai considered it for a month, the answer he finally gave was to reject his feelings.

But Lou Xiao'e did not give up her obsession, no matter whether Tang Hai accepted him or not, as long as he could stay by his side.

At this time, Lin Duo had already given birth to a daughter to Tang Hai, named Tang Guo.

Tang Hai gave his daughter this name, naturally hoping that her daughter's life would be as sweet as candy.

Since the child had just reached the full moon and could not do without people, Lin Duo could only resign and stay at home to take care of the baby.


On this day

, Tang Hai was sitting at his desk busy with work, and

Lou Xiao'e walked in with a document.

"Tang Hai, this is a document just issued by the city, take a look.

Saying that, Lou Xiao'e handed the document to Tang Hai.

Tang Hai took the document and looked at it carefully, and his eyes couldn't help but show joy.

"Tang Hai, my father and I have read this document, the state wants to build an economic development zone here, this is a good opportunity." Lou Xiao'e said happily.

Listening to Lou Xiao'e's words, Tang Hai nodded:

"I know, this is indeed a good opportunity, so what does the chairman mean?"

"My father originally wanted to open a company again, but he didn't know what project to do, so I wanted to hear your thoughts first." Lou Xiao'e said.

Tang Hai smiled: "If you want to open a company, of course, you have to open a technology company to engage in scientific research and research high-end technology."

When Lou Xiao'e heard this, her eyes lit up and she was surprised:

"Tang Hai, how do you think the same as my father, but my father is not sure which field of science and technology to enter." Tang

Hai thought for a while, we can start from two aspects, one is people's livelihood technology, and the other is cutting-edge technology, such as lithography machines.

"Lithography machine? what?"

asked Lou Xiao'e in surprise, she had never heard of the name "lithography machine".

After all, the earliest lithography machine was invented abroad, and in the sixties and seventies, the mainland had not yet introduced this technology.

Moreover, the lithography machine in this period is also relatively simple

, but its development prospects are very good, after all, in China, the development of lithography machine is full of obstacles.

But Tang Hai is not worried about this, don't forget that Tang Hai has a blueprint mall in his hands.

Various models of lithography machine blueprints, Tang Hai has it.

As long as someone has the funds, Tang Hai can build it.

Although Lou Xiao'e did not understand this, she believed that what Tang Hai said was true insight.

"Tang Hai, I will tell my father what you think, then I will go out first. Lou

Xiao'e wanted to convey Tang Hai's thoughts to her father immediately.

Tang Hai nodded, and Lou Xiao'e left Tang Hai's office.

Tang Hai looked at the document in his hand.

The state wants to build special economic zones, which has played a huge role in promoting the development of science and technology.

Many domestic science and technology enterprises developed during this period.

Tang Hai also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to start his own technology company.

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