At this time, Lou Xiao'e told her father Lou Zhenhua what Tang Hai thought.

Lou Zhenhua knew that Tang Hai was a visionary and

finally decided to let Tang Hai start his own company, and he could provide funds.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world, and the company founded by Tang Hai must have Lou's shares.

However, this problem is not a matter for Tang Hai.

Moreover, technology companies settle in development zones, and the state also has support.

So Tang Hai made a big move and founded Tangmen Technology Company.

Recruit talents, set up a number of scientific research departments, and enter a number of scientific and technological fields at the same time.

If you change others, you don't dare to do this, but Tang Hai has a scientific and technological blueprint, which can greatly shorten the time of scientific research.

Not only do you save money, but you can also make a quick profit.

Since Tang Hai was busy with the affairs of the new company recently, he left work relatively late.

On this day, when Tang Hai went home and passed a roadside stall, he felt a little hungry.

During this time, I was busy with the company's affairs, and I didn't eat properly.

So I sat down at this small dining table.

Now the state encourages individual entrepreneurship, so there are more people doing business.

And this noodle shop has just opened, and it is run by a hostess.

Seeing that a guest was coming, the proprietress hurriedly walked over and said with a smile:

"This comrade, what do you want to eat?" Listening

to the voice, Tang Hai raised his head to look at the proprietres, feeling a little familiar.

After thinking for a while, I suddenly remembered, isn't this Liang Ladi in "People Are Iron Rice or Steel"

? I went, why did she come here

? Could it be that I went to the wrong set?

Seeing Tang Hai looking at herself in a daze, Liang Ladi blushed and continued to ask: "Comrade." Hearing

the call, Tang Hai came back to his senses and said in his heart

: Maybe they are just lookalikes, smiled awkwardly, and replied: "Bring me a bowl of noodles."

"Okay, you wait. Saying that, Liang Ladi turned and left, busy making board noodles.

After a while, three people came across the road, sat at the dining table next to Tang Hai, looked into the house

, saw Liang Ladi's busy figure, and called: "Boss lady, come three bowls of wontons." "

These three people are named Wu Sheng, Wang Xiaojun, and Zhou Lixin.

It is three people who are good at eating and lazy, who do not do their job day by day, steal chickens and dogs, and like to take advantage of others.

"Okay, wait a minute. Liang Ladi replied from inside the room.

So he took the finished board and sent it to Tang Hai.

Then I was busy cooking ravioli again.

Tang Hai looked at the plate in front of him, and put some spices and vegetable leaves

in it, although it was simpler, but it smelled quite fragrant, so he ate it in a big mouthful.

I don't know if it's because my stomach is too hungry, or the hostess's craftsmanship is good, this plate tastes really good.

After a while, Liang Ladi served the cooked wontons to the three guests, and they also ate them in large mouths.

At this time, a fly fell on the table next to Zhou Lixin and rubbed his palms.

Zhou Lixin was angry when he saw it, and slapped the fly towards him.

Because he shot extremely fast, before the fly could react, he was shot to death.

Then Zhou Lixin stretched out his finger and was about to flick this disgusting fly away, but was stopped by Zhang Xiaojun.

Zhang Xiaojun winked at Zhou Lixin.

Zhou Lixin immediately agreed, a treacherous smile appeared on his face, and then withdrew his hand.

After eating the wontons, Zhou Lixin wiped his mouth, then threw the dead fly into the bowl and shouted:

"Boss lady, why are the wontons you made so unclean, there are even flies, do you want us to eat bad stomachs!" Liang

Ladi hurriedly ran out when she heard this, and said: "Comrade, the wontons I made are very clean, there can be no flies."

Where is it clean, see for yourself, there are still fly carcasses in this bowl." Zhou Lixin pointed to the fly in the bowl and said.

When Liang Ladi looked into the bowl, she was shocked and saw that there was indeed a fly inside.

But when I was cooking just now, I didn't see the flies, could it be that I fell into it when I brought it out?

Liang Ladi hurriedly saluted:

"Comrade, I'm really sorry, maybe I didn't see it, then I won't charge money for this bowl of wontons." When

Zhou Lixin heard this, his heart was happy.

Then as soon as he waved his hand, the three of them were leaving.

Liang Ladi was dumbfounded, those two were leaving before they gave money, how could this work.

Liang Ladi hurriedly called, "These two comrades, you haven't paid for the meal yet."

When Wu Sheng and Wang Xiaojun heard this, they immediately widened their eyes and said angrily:

"What kind of money, your wontons are so unclean, they almost eat a bad stomach, we don't care if you want money, it's good, you dare to manage us for money." When

Liang Ladi heard this, she realized that these three people were here to eat the overlord meal.

If you think about it, when you cook your ravioli, you don't see any flies at all.

Maybe they put the fly in it themselves.

Thinking of this, Liang Ladi's heart was angry, she had never encountered such a situation, and she was extremely angry in her heart

, and said: "I said two comrades, how can you be like this? When I cooked the wontons, there were obviously no flies, you clearly wanted to eat without giving money, and deliberately came to find fault!" Hearing

Liang Ladi's words, Zhou Lixin and the three looked at each other and smiled, and said: "What's

the matter, we ate flies in your house, you still have reason." If you mess around again, watch out for us smashing your noodle restaurant. Seeing

them so shameless, Liang Ladi said angrily: "If you don't give money, don't think about leaving." Zhou

Lixin's face sank when he heard this:

"Hehe, you are a smelly mother-in-law, you are still energetic, don't you!

With that, he gave Wang Xiaojun and Wu Sheng a look, and then punched Liang Ladi.

This is going to be punched, and Liang Ladi's face is about to break the phase.

At this moment of crisis, Tang Hai grabbed Zhou Lixin's wrist and said, "

You three big men eat white food, and even join forces to bully a woman, you still want to be faceless." Tang

Hai's strength is very strong, after Zhou Lixin was caught, he immediately felt a huge pain in his wrist, and couldn't help but roar:

\"What kind of person are you, dare to take care of our affairs, quickly let go of my hand, otherwise I will cripple you!"

However, Tang Hai didn't care about him at all, and twisted it directly.

Just listening to a crisp click, Zhou Lixin's arm was directly broken, causing him to let out a scream in pain.

Wu Sheng and Wang Xiaojun next to him were taken aback when they saw this.

I didn't expect that the kid in front of me would hurt people when he made a move, and he actually twisted his companion's wrist, which was worth it.

He couldn't help but shout: "Stinky boy, you dare to hurt our friends." It's really looking for death. Saying

that, Wu Sheng and Wang Xiaojun shook their fists and attacked Tang Hai's face at the same time.

As far as the kung fu of the other two three-legged cats, Tang Hai did not pay attention to it at all, and in an understatement, Tang Hai

avoided Wu Sheng's boxing.

Then a hand knife slashed at his neck.

Wu Sheng was shocked, and hurriedly turned his head sideways to avoid Tang Hai's hand knife.

But the elbow of Tang Hai's other hand hit him the stomach.

Suddenly, Wu Sheng was knocked off by Tang Hai like a cannonball and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, Tang Hai kicked Wang Xiaojun in the chest again, kicking him out a few meters away.

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