"Aburame Ryo, Substitution Jutsu score B, Clone Jutsu score B, Transformation Jutsu score A, excellent overall results, congratulations on your graduation."

This is a large auditorium in the Ninja School. There is a long line outside the auditorium, and in front of the hall are three teachers. After passing their comprehensive evaluation, you will officially become a ninja - of course, only a Genin. As soon as

Aburame Ryo went out, she received enthusiastic support from many students, who simply asked questions such as"What is the process of the exam like?" and"Is the teacher's grading strict?"

And Aburame Ryo answered them one by one without hesitation.

"Next, Uchiha Qiu, please be ready!"

When the teacher's voice came from the auditorium, the corridor was quiet in an instant, and their eyes were focused on one person.

Shen Qiu!

As for Kobayashi Liuli beside him, no one looked at her. What Uchiha Qiu did yesterday had spread throughout the ninja school. Hinata Kiyokawa was beaten by his punches and dared not move. In the end, if Lord Sakumo hadn't come and said no���He will be beaten to death with one punch!

Not to the point of being beaten to death - it's just that the rumor is getting more and more outrageous.

The genius of the ninja school can't even beat a last-place player, who would dare to believe such a thing? So there was an uproar for a while, and the opinions of Uchiha Qiu also changed.

Some people said that he was deliberately hiding his talents, but Hinata Kiyokawa forced him too much and he had no choice but to do so.

Others said that he received special care from Lord Sakumo, and there were even rumors that Sakumo accepted him as a disciple in order to take him in as a godson. In short, the rumors were getting more and more outrageous.

Therefore, everyone had all kinds of eyes facing Shen Qiu, some were envious, some were unhappy, and some were resentful.......

Shen Qiu ignored the looks of these people and walked straight into the auditorium. Sure enough, his homeroom teacher Tamura was among them.

There were three teachers on the stage, and there were three signs in front of each teacher.

Tamura-san, Umino Ikkaku, and Ogawa Osamu.

He was not familiar with Tamura-san and Ogawa Osamu, and he was probably just cannon fodder. Those who came to teach in the Ninja School were usually just ordinary people. As for Umino Ikkaku, he had some impression of him. He was Umino Iruka's father.

He looked very fierce and had some scars on his face. At the same time, judging from the position he was sitting in the middle, he should be the most authoritative one. Even in the Ninja School, he should be a"director". As soon as

Uchiha Qiu entered the venue, the three began to whisper.

"The exam begins. Please demonstrate the clone technique, transformation technique and substitute technique in turn." After a few discussions, the exam began.

Both Tamura and Ogawa looked at each other unkindly. Time went back to last night.

On the way home after a day's work, a ninja who couldn't even hear his own footsteps whispered behind him:"Lord Hyuga Seirin invites you, Mr. Tamura, to come to his house for a gathering."

Of course he knew what was going on!

He didn't dare not go. If he didn't go, he might receive a notice of expulsion from the Ninja School tomorrow. He was just a very average Chunin. If he lost this job at the Ninja School, he wouldn't even know how to survive.

Although the salary of a teacher at a Ninja School is not high, he doesn't have to take on missions to do those jobs that are on the edge of a knife. For a Chunin like Tamura, it is definitely a dream job.

In addition, although the ninjas from big families look down on him, the ninjas from ordinary families are respectful to him, hoping that he can take more care of his children, and there are many gifts and red envelopes during festivals.

With a heavy heart, Tamura came to the Hyuga clan's residence.

Hyuga Kiyomi is the current head of a branch family of the Hyuga clan, and for Tamura, he is an unattainable big man.

"Uchiha Qiu, what's going on?" Hyuga Kiyomi, who is over 30 years old, is intimidating without even getting angry. As the patriarch of the Hyuga clan branch and an elite jonin, he has a strong aura, which is as terrifying as a natural chasm for Tamurayama.

"I, I don't know what happened to that kid. He was......"

"Well, I guess you don't know either, so there's no need to say more. I heard that he has been accepted as a disciple by Sakumo, right?" Tamurayama was interrupted by Hinata Kiyoshi before he finished speaking. I guess what he said was what he expected.

"It is like this......"

Hinata Kiyomi didn't say anything, but thought for a while. To be honest, it wasn't a big deal that Hinata Kiyomi lost to Uchiha Akira in the competition, but the problem was that Hinata Kiyomi was known as a genius while Uchiha Akira was known as the last one.

After such a thing happened, the main family would not let it go, and repeatedly questioned him. His son Hinata Kiyomi had always been in competition with the two sons of the main family's patriarch, Hinata Hiashi and Hinata Hiashi, and there were wins and losses in the competitions within the family.

Now that such a thing happened, it was natural to be ridiculed.

"Tomorrow is the graduation exam, right? Uchiha Qiu, that guy, hasn't even learned the Three Body Technique. Is that true?" Although he was furious, Hinata Qinglin's tone remained calm.

"It's true. He had a mock exam two days ago. If he was graded according to the Ninja School, he would definitely fail."

"Very good, I will give that guy a failing grade tomorrow. I also know that you alone may not be enough, so I found you another one. As long as he can repeat the grade, that will be fine."

Hinata Qinglin's tone was firm and decisive, without any room for negotiation.

"But what Lord Sakumo said......"As soon as he heard what Hinata Kiyoshi said, Tamurayama immediately panicked. Whether it was Sakumo Kiyoshi or Hinata Kiyoshi, they were people he couldn't afford to offend.

"You don't need to worry about Hatake Sakumo, just let the two of you hold him back and keep him from leaving the school." After saying that, Hinata Kiyoshirin asked someone to send Tamurayama out in an impatient tone. Of course, he knew that these were useless, but his son Kiyokawa had lost face, so he had to get it back!

"Teacher Tamura, Teacher Ogawa, is there something wrong with your scoring? Can you please tell me what is wrong with Uchiha Qiu's Three Body Technique?"

Looking at the two of them holding up their hands,"D""Grade card," Umino Ikkaku asked in confusion. Uchiha Qiu's three body techniques were all excellent, and he gave them all A's, but when he turned around, he saw that Tamura and Ogawa both scored D's?

After hearing what Umino Ikkaku said, Tamura suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and Ogawa gave him a resentful look. What was going on? How did Uchiha Qiu practice the three body techniques so skillfully?

He only felt a dizzy feeling.......

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