Before reaching the gate of Konoha, Shen Qiu saw Sakumo and Kobayashi Ruri from a distance, as well as another boy who was about the same age as him but not too fat.

Senju Rope Tree!

Tsunade's younger brother, a figure similar to the"Crown Prince" in the Senju clan, he was unexpectedly assigned to the same class as himself.

However, after seeing Senju Rope Tree, Shen Qiu frowned tightly.

Shouldn't this guy be Orochimaru's apprentice? Why did he appear in his class? However, after thinking about it, Shen Qiu was relieved.

There was nothing strange about this, just like the original 7th team all followed Kakashi to learn, and later each worshipped the three ninjas as their teachers.

In fact, if you make an analogy, the teacher in the ninja school is the enlightenment teacher, the teacher in the small class is the guiding teacher, and the teacher who worships later is the personal teacher.

The truth of the demise of the Senju clan has always been a mystery in the Naruto world, but one thing is certain, that is, until the death of Senju Tobirama in the 17th year of Konoha, the Senju clan was the largest family in Konoha.

In the 20 years after the Second Ninja World War in the 37th year of Konoha, the Senju clan disappeared completely. Except for Tsunade, no other clan members appeared. Where did the Senju clan go?

He remembered that there were several common speculations in later generations. It was nothing more than the will of the Second Hokage, ordering the Senju clan to no longer live together under the family name, but to disperse in various places in Konoha and intermarry with ordinary people, so as to completely integrate into Konoha.

In addition, in the Second Ninja World War, the Senju clan had too many deaths and was unable to recover from fertility difficulties, thus disappearing from the ninja world.

In Shen Qiu's opinion, the Third Hokage should use these two methods together, because the Senju clan's residence is still there, and it is in the most prosperous area of Konoha Village.

Some young people who have received the education of the Will of Fire will regard the village as more important than the family, but some of the elders and some old antiques of the Senju clan will definitely not accept the advice of Sarutobi Hiruzen, a"younger generation".

It happened that at this time, the Second Ninja World War broke out.

The tragic death of Senju Rope Tree has always been one of the unsolved mysteries of the ninja world. The heirs of these big families usually receive the secret protection of their families when they go to the battlefield, such as the heirs of this generation of Ino-Shika-Chou, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Inoichi.

Another example is Aburame Shiwei, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi, now they are generally about six or seven years old and seven or eight years old. (Minato died in the 48th year of Konoha, at the age of 24. The ages of the twelve young fathers of Konoha are about the same, so you can reverse it.)

Within two years, with the outbreak of the second ninja world and the shortage of Konoha's manpower, everyone had to go to the battlefield, including these graduates who had just graduated from the ninja school.

However, Rope Tree died in such a ridiculous way because he stepped into the detonating talisman trap.

Rope Tree's death is definitely not a simple matter. It should involve many games of Konoha's top leaders. Sarutobi Hiruzen's dissatisfaction with the Senju clan can be seen from here.

Now that Rope Tree is in his class, this is not a good thing. In fact, this puts great pressure on Sakumo.

During the Second Ninja World War, Sarutobi Hiruzen used the name of war to draw troops from the Senju clan, including Senju Rope Tree. He then promised the Senju clan that Orochimaru would protect Rope Tree. However, Rope Tree, as a disciple of Orochimaru, failed to protect him (maybe he could not protect him at all, such as being plotted against by his own people), and"accidentally" entered the detonation trap, leading to Rope Tree's death, and his internal organs were hollowed out.

Such anger made Orochimaru the outlet for the Senju clan. Although Orochimaru had made great contributions in the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth, he still could not offset the negative impact of Rope Tree's death.

In fact, Orochimaru's dissatisfaction with the Third Hokage began at this time. He was inexplicably used by Orochimaru as a knife to attack the big family, and was thrown aside after using it.

Of course, there must be many details, but Shen Qiu can roughly deduce the context of the matter.

A great man in the past life once said,"I have never hesitated to speculate on people's hearts with the worst malice." Similarly, Shen Qiu also"has never hesitated to speculate on Sarutobi Hiruzen with the worst malice."

While thinking, Shen Qiu came to the front door,

"Ah Qiu, why are you so late?" Xiaolin Liuli rubbed the corner of his clothes and asked in confusion.

"Humph, you're late on the first day of class division. Why don't you apologize to Mr. Shumao right away!" Nawaki said unhappily.

"Something happened in the Ninja School. You all finished your exams early so you may not understand. I had a lot of trouble with the exams because of some accidents. Teacher Tamurayama even fainted."

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu couldn't help but sigh. I don't know what this guy Tamurayama is doing, but judging from his attitude in grading, he and Ogawa Osamu were probably instructed by the Hyuga clan.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu couldn't help but reveal a cold light in the corner of his eyes. The Hyuga clan pushed him too hard, and he would have to avenge this sooner or later.

"What's going on?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's answer, Shuomao also became interested.

"Who would have thought that I did quite well in the graduation exam for Sanshinjutsu, and Mr. Umino gave me triple A's, but Mr. Tamura and Mr. Ogawa gave me triple D's. Mr. Umino asked Mr. Tamura where the results came from, and he was speechless for a long time."

"In the end, for some reason, he simply fainted. When Mr. Ogawa saw that Mr. Tamura had fainted, he quickly said that he would go to the Ninja Hospital to help find a doctor. As a result, the exam was suspended for a while, and then two unfamiliar teachers came to end it."

At this point, Shen Qiu couldn't help but make a helpless gesture.

And Sakumo couldn't help but laugh. He really didn't expect that the Hyuga clan would be so petty that they were unwilling to let go of even a ten-year-old boy, and had to make everyone lose face.

Shen Qiu turned his head to look at Xiaolin Liuli. It was very likely not a coincidence that she was assigned to Sakumo's class. There was a high probability that there were twenty classes every year, and she was not assigned to any class, but was"coincidentally" assigned to the tenth class.

"Did Sakumo mean that? Or was it......"

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen! The Hokage who has mastered the art of thick black to the extreme and created the heyday of Konoha, his scheming is even more profound, far surpassing Danzo.

He used Kobayashi Ruri to win over Uchiha Qiu and tied him tightly to the big ship of"Will of Fire".

Because this person is too"perfect" in all aspects, so perfect that it is abnormal.

Of course, there is a price to pay, and the price is that Danzo is his dark side. Shen Qiu doesn't like these two people. These two people are not good people, but they are not bad either.

After all, the butt determines the head and the position determines the stance. Shen Qiu does not meddle in politics if he is not in the position, but judging from some things alone, he really doesn't like these two people.

"Okay, okay, now let's start our first lesson in class - Chakra attribute test!"

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