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"It has come to this, you still don't want to pull out the ninja swords on your back?"

Kizuki Chiba, who dodged Hatake Sakumo's attack, looked very embarrassed, but even so, the two swords on his back remained motionless, and he certainly didn't want to take them down.

This made Sakumo feel very wrong, and the panic in his heart became more and more intense. He had to end this battle quickly.

"To deal with someone like you, there is no need to use a ninja sword, hehe."

Because of the characteristics of the Kizuna clan, Kizuna's Thousand Blades' teeth look like sharks, small and sharp, and look particularly creepy.

Sakumo didn't intend to talk nonsense. Xuanfeng and Kato Dan were already a little bit exhausted, so he had to make a quick decision.

"Lightning Escape——"

After putting the White Fang Dagger in his hand back behind his back, Shumao looked at Kizuna Chiren coldly and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Pseudo Darkness!"

Lightning Release: Pseudo Darkness" as an advanced Lightning Release has a very wide attack range. The blue column of lightning will indiscriminately attack the area in front of it. If the chakra amount is increased, it will become an A-level ninjutsu"Lightning Release: Rage Pseudo Darkness!"

Facing the whistling heavy lightning, Kizuna Chiba had no intention of hiding, but stood still and endured the violent attack of the lightning..

"Hahaha, my mission is complete, Konoha's ninja, there is no need for me to play with you anymore."

In Hatake Sakumo's eyes, he saw"Kurobe Chiba" just turned into a pool of water and scattered in all directions. The heavy sarcasm in his words before he disappeared was like a steel nail that hit Hatake Sakumo's heart.

"It's actually a water clone....."

Hatake Sakumo's face was extremely ugly. He was actually fooled by a water clone for nearly twenty minutes! In fact, it was not entirely his fault. This was a high-level water clone made with half of Kizuna Chiren's chakra.

Not only could it use the basic three-body technique, it could even use ninjutsu. This was why Hatake Sakumo didn't notice it for a long time.

"No, we have to hurry to Aqiu's side. If we are any later, the whole army will be wiped out!"

Thinking of this, Hatake Sakumo immediately turned around, but Muri Shinpachi stood on the road of retreat as if he had known about it. It was too difficult for Shiranui Genpu to fight him.

"Do you want to save your students? Then you have to get past me first, hahaha."

Muri Shinpachi, holding the explosive knife, sneered. I'm afraid it would be too late even if Hatake Sakumo arrived. With Chiren Kizuna's strength, those Genin would be like lambs to be slaughtered in front of him.���

Twenty minutes ago.

At the moment of retreat, they felt someone following them, but Xiaolin Liuli could not sense it, after all, she was just a Genin.

And the person following them that Shen Qiu saw through the Sharingan was a ghost.

The level of chakra control of a quasi-kage-level strongman was understandable to the Yuannin. It was normal for Xiaolin Liuli not to sense it at her level. It would be abnormal if she could sense it.

"Water escape technique——"

"Water Cannon Technique!"

Just when they were about ten kilometers away from the battlefield and everyone's hearts were at ease, there was a sudden sound from behind. For a moment, Xiaolin Liuli felt that she was going to die. It was too scary! She didn't expect that there would be enemies, let alone that they would hit her from behind while she was on the road, which left her with no chance to defend herself. The

Water Cannon Technique is a family secret technique of the Ghost Lantern Clan. A large amount of water gathers at the fingertips and is madly suppressed and condensed into a small drop of water. It is then shot at the enemy like a gun, with unparalleled speed and range.

And the moment the enemy is shot, a large amount of water mixed with chakra will explode in the body of the person shot, causing the attacked person to be"torn into pieces". It is an extremely terrifying secret technique.

"Hatake Sword Technique·First Style·Aurora Flash!"

The Water Cannon Technique that burst out like a bullet was fast, but it was not fast enough to avoid the dynamic capture of the Three Magatama Sharingan. Shen Qiu pulled out the Moon Silver from behind and split the Water Cannon bullet into two halves in the incredible eyes of Chi Ren Kizuna!

"Are you kidding me? You used a sword to break my water cannon technique......"

Chiba Chiba obviously didn't expect Shen Qiu to have noticed him so early, and he didn't expect Shen Qiu to be able to use his sword to cut his confident water cannon technique into two halves.

Don't forget that Moon Silver is made of adamantium, and its sturdiness is beyond words. Shen Qiu even suspected that Moon Silver would not be damaged even if it encountered the tailed beast head-on.

Kobayashi Liuli, who was originally extremely panicked, felt relieved after hearing Shen Qiu's steady and calm voice. However, when she was about to stop to see what was going on, she was scolded by Shen Qiu.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

"But you......"

"Sheng Shu, this is an order. Teacher Shu Mao said that if he is not here, then I will be the captain. You staying here will not help me, but will only cause trouble for me!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Sheng Shu's face was stunned. After biting his lips hard several times, he did not stop after all and continued to move towards the direction of the Land of Fire.

"Interesting, you are a Genin, aren't you? You are just a Genin, but you are confident that you can resist me alone? Should I say you are confident or ignorant?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Gui Deng Qian Ren suddenly felt a nameless fire in his heart. He was underestimated by a Genin kid? What a joke!

"You should be Uchiha, right? You are very good, I like your eyes very much."

Looking at Shen Qiu's three-magatama Sharingan, Chiren Kizuna couldn't help licking his lips. Of course, he knew that the Sharingan was the bloodline limit of the ninja world, and his exposure and the fact that his water cannon technique was seen through must be related to this pair of eyes.

"Come and get it if you have the guts."

Shen Qiu looked coldly at Chi Ren in front of him. The opponent might be very powerful, but he was definitely not weak either. He had to know that his goal was to emulate Mighty Dai's feat of 1V7 and directly wipe out the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

He really didn't care about Chi Ren.

"Interesting, there is nothing I, Gui Deng Qian Ren, cannot get what I want!"After saying that, the bandages on the double-bladed flatfish fell off, and the double-bladed flatfish-like flatfish were tightly held in Gui Deng Qian Ren's hands.


"Flounder · Liberation!"

PS:Subscription and flowers_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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