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"Ding, ding, ding!"

The crisp sound of steel colliding kept coming from the empty Hell Valley. After using the flounder to release a half-moon-shaped blue light blade, Chiba Chiba finally put away his contempt.

This Uchiha family's Genin is definitely not that simple!

What is a Genin? It is the lowest level of ninja. Generally, after learning two escape techniques, you can be promoted to Chunin. For him, Genin is like an ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

However, after several rounds of confrontation, Chiba Chiba's heart became more and more solemn.

The opponent not only has superior physical fitness, but also has extremely superb swordsmanship. When facing himself, he can even not lose the wind. Such strength is at least the strength of an elite Jonin.

And Shen Qiu in front of him looks no more than eleven or twelve years old!

Elite Jonin at the age of eleven or twelve? Has he returned to the era of the Warring States period when monsters were everywhere?

Thinking of this, Chiba Chiba's eyes inevitably flashed a trace of cruelty. He had a premonition that this young man from the Uchiha family would become a big worry for the Hidden Mist Village in the future.

"Hey, kid, your swordsmanship is pretty good, and of course, your sword is pretty good too."

Gui Deng Qian Ren's voice was very gloomy. He no longer had the calmness and ease he had just shown when he faced Shen Qiu. The silver-blue sword in the kid's hand was a little beyond his expectations.

Ordinary weapons would inevitably be destroyed head-on when they met the Seven Ninja Swords. However, the sword in the boy's hand still showed no signs of being damaged after colliding with his own flounder so many times.

At this time, Gui Deng Qian Ren had secretly recorded the Moon Silver in Shen Qiu's hand as a trophy.

"In comparison, your swordsmanship is not that good."

Shen Qiu sneered at the Ghost Lantern Qianren in front of him. The other party still thought that everything was under his control. With such a brainless and arrogant character, it is no wonder that Mighty will kick four of them to death in the future.

"I hope your corpse can say this by then."

Speaking of this, Gui Deng Qian Ren also gave up chatting with Shen Qiu. After all, there was no point in talking. He tightly grasped the double swords in his hands.

"We have wasted enough time, I will use this move to deal with you."

As he said this, the two long spikes on the handle of the flatfish knife fiercely pierced into the wounds in the palms of Gui Deng Qian Ren's hands that had not yet healed. The new wound on the unhealed wound should have been extremely painful, but Gui Deng Qian Ren's face did not show the slightest expression.

"In this case——"

Shen Qiu took a deep breath, and the wind attribute was continuously infused into the Moon Silver through his hands. A translucent chakra wrapped around the entire Moon Silver, and even made a"buzzing" sound.

"Forbidden Technique of Flatfish: Blood Mist Sword Technique——"

Because of the severe pain, when saying the name of this move, Gui Deng Qian Ren seemed to be suppressing the huge pain, and the whole person's voice seemed a little out of tune, as if he was howling.

"Bone pulling: Scatter!"After using the forbidden technique of flounder twice in a day, even Chiba felt that his body's functions were overdrawn particularly seriously, but if he dragged it on, he didn't know what would happen.

There were too many accidents. At this time, he had put away his contempt for the Konoha ninjas, but a mere member of the Uchiha family was not enough to make him look up to him.

Who was he? He was Chiba, a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the shadow guard of the Third Mizukage, and the descendant of the Second Mizukage, Chiba Huanyue. What was Shen Qiu?

As Chiba swung his double swords, thousands of light blades rushed towards Shen Qiu, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms. Normally, under such a terrifying covering attack, he would not be able to dodge it no matter what! This is what Kizuna Chiba thought.

As long as one light blade hits Shen Qiu's body, all the bones in his body will be shattered instantly, and he will become a cripple. This is the strength of the double-bladed flounder, no, it should be said that it is the strength of Kizuna Chiba.

Under the dynamic capture of the Sharingan, the thousands of light blades swarming towards him at the speed of bullets seemed so slow, and at this moment, due to the powerful power of the flounder sword technique, dozens of towering trees fell down.

Soon it will be Shen Qiu's turn.

And he just tightly grasped the Moon Silver in his hand.

""Hatake Sword Technique·Sixth Style·Final Style"

After brewing for a long time, Shen Qiu's breathing became very steady, as if the thousands of light blades that covered the sky and the earth did not exist at all, and he could not see them, and they posed no threat to him.

At this moment, a huge amount of chakra burst out from the Moon Silver, and even the air was shaking at this moment. Kizuna Chiba could even feel a strong hurricane sweeping in front of him.

His originally confident face changed color instantly!


"Hatake Sword Technique·Sixth Style·Final Style Storm!"

The next moment, Kizuna Chiba felt a strong hurricane and airflow erupting in the entire Hell Valley, and he couldn't even stand steadily!

"How is it possible, how is it possible! How can a Genin possess such a huge amount of chakra!"

Kimi Chiba looked at the teenager in front of him with horror, what a joke! How old is he now? This kind of powerful chakra can only be possessed by the legendary ninja god

Senju Hashirama, right? Shen Qiu ignored him. He only felt that at this moment, the moon silver seemed to have gathered endless power. The principle of this move is actually very difficult. It took Hatake Sakumo several years to master it.

That is to use one's own chakra to guide the chakra and attributes in nature to obey one's command. The chakra used by Shen Qiu is wind. At least during the time of using this move , all the wind within a five-kilometer radius is controlled by Shen Qiu.

Compared to water-attribute chakra, wind-attribute chakra has stronger lethality and cutting ability, which is why he chose to use wind attribute to practice Hatake swordsmanship.

In fact, if Hatake Sakumo's lightning-attribute chakra is used to release this move, it will produce even more powerful power. Just imagine how powerful the fatal blow produced by the huge natural lightning gathering on the blade will be?

At this time, the three magatama in Shen Qiu's eyes slowly condensed together and turned into a triangular windmill pattern.

"Die, Ghost Lantern Thousand Blades!"

PS:The subscription is still bleak recently. I hope everyone can really support it. It's not easy for a full-time writer to write.

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