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"Three-color meatballs, delicious three-color meatballs, cheap, you can buy a string for only ten taels!"

"Fujimura BBQ Restaurant, Fujimura BBQ Restaurant, to celebrate the New Year, all customers visiting our store today will enjoy a 12% discount!"

"Take a walk and have a look. This is the latest exquisite silk shipped from the Land of Lightning. Hey, beautiful ninja lady, take a look at how good this fabric is!......"

Shen Qiu, dressed in a ninja outfit, walked on the bustling streets of Konoha. It seemed that the business in the market was getting better and better due to the New Year, and it was getting more and more lively. It seemed that there was no scene before the war.

Shen Qiu's thoughts drifted to the fierce confrontation at the Hokage meeting more than half a month ago.

Sarutobi Hiruzen relied on the Whirlpool Country incident to carry out a large wave of liquidation of the aristocratic families and Shimura Danzo, and took all the power into his pocket. The power was so great that it even had a tendency to surpass the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama.

The declaration of war on the Land of Water caught people off guard. Shen Qiu himself did not expect that the Second Ninja World War would actually break out because of himself? This was really surprising, and it was a full year earlier than the original work.

His arrival produced a huge butterfly effect.

The level of the Whirlpool Country mission was upgraded from A-level to S-level by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Shen Qiu's side mission 2: The five S-level missions required by the mission master have now been completed.

Then came a series of rewards and punishments. Hatake Sakumo was promoted to the head of the Anbu, Akimichi Tofu temporarily took charge of the Root, Danzo was dismissed and asked to reflect on his mistakes, and he was promoted to a jonin, becoming the youngest jonin in the history of Konoha Ninja Village.

In addition, he received three scrolls of water escape techniques left by Senju Tobirama as a reward from the Third Hokage.

Kobayashi Ruri and Nawaki were promoted to Chunin respectively.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's declaration of war on the Land of Water caused a violent shock in the entire ninja world. There was a rumor that the Third Mizukage smashed his favorite water cup to pieces after hearing the news of the declaration of war.

Of course, no one knows whether this is true or not.

However, because it is winter, the countries have maintained a strange peace. This winter seems to be particularly cold. Going out in such weather is a taboo for military strategists. It will not only consume a lot of supplies, but also be a great test of the ninja's physical strength.

If you have to force the expedition, it will lead to more losses than gains.

Such a fragile peace should last at least until the beginning of spring. Of course, the countries are only showing a peaceful scene on the surface, which seems extremely deceptive.

However, in fact, news came ten days ago that Kirigakure and Kumogakure officially signed a temporary war pact, and will temporarily form an alliance in this battle to deal with Konoha together.

On the other hand, Iwagakure and Sand Village were also not idle. The second generation Kazekage Samon and the third generation Tsuchikage Ōnoki held several meetings and finally signed a secret agreement.

Although no one knows the specific content of the agreement, it can be guessed that it is nothing more than backstabbing Konoha. Like the First Ninja World War, Konoha has once again become the target of public criticism except for the individual puppet countries controlled by Konoha.

There is no way, who let the Land of Fire have the best land in the entire Ninja World? The land is fertile and surrounded by mountains and rivers. The geographical location is excellent and well connected (of course, it is not good when fighting).

The wealth of the Fire Country is a fact known to all the world. Which country is not jealous and wants to bite off a piece of the Fire Country and divide it up.

Therefore, there was the first ninja world war, when the four major countries tacitly agreed to jointly attack the Fire Country, and then Konoha won the glorious victory against the four major countries alone.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about these things. The sooner the war comes, the sooner my mission will be completed and I can return to space."After thinking for a while, Shen Qiu shook his head and threw these things aside.

The most urgent thing now is to enjoy the rare peace.

""Boss, give me a bunch of three-color meatballs!"

Just as Shen Qiu was about to walk in, he heard a familiar voice coming from the stall selling three-color meatballs. After a closer look, he found that it was Kushina.

Kushina was also quite cute when she was young. During the mission in the Whirlpool Country, her tenacious character had already begun to show. When her younger brothers and sisters were crying, Kushina, who was only five or six years old, could already comfort them very well.

""Hey? Why did you cut in line with me? I was the first one here!"

A blond boy looked at Kushina who cut in front of the line and was quite dissatisfied, but his voice seemed to be a little soft, so he could not show any deterrent effect.

""Huh? You've been standing here for a long time. Who would have known that you wanted to buy meatballs? People who didn't know would have thought you were standing here as a punishment. So, do you want to fight?"

In comparison, Kushina's voice sounded much more fierce.

"You, you are a girl, why do you have to fight to solve the problem? Isn't there a softer way?"The blond boy was so angry that his face turned red, but he had no choice.

How come this girl is taller than him!

Shen Qiu, who was standing aside, smiled slightly after seeing the scene in front of him.

He naturally knew the blond boy. It was Minato Namikaze, who was the same age as Kushina this year. He should still be in the first grade of the Ninja School. He didn't expect that their encounter would start in such a dramatic way.

"Good afternoon, Kushina"

"Brother Qiu!"

Shen Qiu smiled and walked over to greet Kushina, and Kushina exclaimed excitedly when she saw Shen Qiu.

"Hey, who are you?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Shen Qiu with some doubts.

"Uchiha Qiu, your name is Namikaze Minato, right? I have heard of you. You are the genius among the new students of this year's Ninja School."Shen Qiu looked at Minato and smiled.

"You, are you Uchiha Qiu? I've heard of you, you are the youngest jonin since the founding of our Konoha Ninja Village!" Ignoring Shen Qiu's compliments, Minato Namikaze's eyes were almost full of stars! Shen Qiu is now a celebrity in the Ninja School. After failing two years of exams, he made a stunning debut. He first defeated the former genius Hinata Kiyokawa, and then killed Chiba Chiba, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, at the age of eleven, completing the S-level mission.

Now he has become the youngest jonin in the history of Konoha Ninja Village!

"Okay, okay, let’s stop talking about this. Hey, boss, give me two skewers of three-color meatballs!"


Shen Qiu, who got the three-color meatballs, smiled and handed the two strings of meatballs to Kushina and Namikaze Minato respectively.

"Happy New Year to you!"

PS:Flowers ask for automatic reading!!! QAQ I got a book friend from Goose Factory, you can go in: Yi Ling Er Yi Er Wu Qi Er is like an umbrella homonym. _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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