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"It's snowing?"

Shen Qiu felt his hands were a little cold. He looked up and saw that white snowflakes had been falling from the sky since some time. The vendors on the street quickly closed their shops and went to the side to avoid the snow.

"It's snowing, Brother Qiu, I'm leaving first. Mito-sama told me to hurry back if it snows!"After eating the three-colored meatballs in her hand, Kushina was about to leave.

She now lives in the territory of the Senju clan, not far from where Senju Hashirama's wife Uzumaki Mito lives.

"Me too, me too, goodbye!"

Namikaze Minato also waved to him hurriedly and left.

Shen Qiu smiled after watching the two people jogging away. He was not in a hurry. If someone noticed, they would find that if a snowflake wanted to fall on Shen Qiu, an invisible wind would appear and blow the snowflake aside. The ultimate use of wind attribute chakra, not to mention such delicate use, most ninjas can't do it. Even if some can do it, they dare not waste it like Shen Qiu.

Relying on his bloodline of the Void Prophet and magic imprint, Shen Qiu can use chakra luxuriously. I wonder what Kakashi, who often says"It's over, the chakra is used up" in later generations, would think.

When Shen Qiu leisurely strolled to the Uchiha clan's residence, he saw a very familiar figure.


Shen Qiu asked in surprise after seeing the girl waiting outside the Uchiha clan's residence. This girl, who was slightly older than him, seemed to have a red face due to the cold.

"Ah Qiu!"

After seeing Shen Qiu, Liuli's anxious eyes suddenly became gentle, and she smiled at Shen Qiu a little embarrassedly.

"Why are you here?"

"I....I have something to ask you, but the guard at the gate said that outsiders are not allowed to enter the Uchiha clan's residence, so I can only wait for you here......."

As he spoke, Xiaolin Liuli looked a little embarrassed.

Shen Qiu's sharp eyes immediately looked at the Uchiha clan members in the gate pavilion. The Uchiha clan did have a rule that outsiders were not allowed to enter the station, but in such cold weather, they couldn't even let Xiaolin Liuli enter the gate pavilion to get warm and take shelter? This is too much!

"With a"clang", Shen Qiu walked straight over and kicked open the gate of the pavilion. Some of the drowsy Uchiha clan members in the pavilion woke up immediately after hearing the loud noise.

"Who, wuah wuah, who is it?"

He was obviously frightened, and Shen Qiu saw his name on the duty list behind him: Uchiha Xing

"You are sleeping soundly."

Shen Qiu's voice was like an ice cellar in the coldest days of winter. He looked coldly at the Uchiha clan member who was sleeping soundly.

"Who are you? Do you need to care about my sleep?"

After seeing the young-looking Shen Qiu, Uchiha Xing, who was originally panicking, immediately changed from panic to toughness. How could a man who is already in his thirties be afraid of a teenager?

"Haha, let me ask you, why don’t you let the children come in to keep warm?"

"She is nothing but a nobody......."

However, before he could finish his words, he felt a burning pain on his left cheek! He was slapped hard by the young boy opposite him!

"Ah Qiu, don't be like this..."

After seeing Shen Qiu being so fierce, Xiaolin Liuli was also a little panicked. He didn't expect Shen Qiu to make a big fuss over such a thing.

"you...You hit me, you dare to hit me!"

Uchiha Xing's voice trembled, but he didn't know why he couldn't even think of resisting. The boy in front of him seemed to be under a heavy pressure like a mountain!

""What's wrong with hitting you?"

Shen Qiu slapped him hard on the right face. He now knew that a mere security guard, a useless Uchiha clan member who couldn't even open a single magatama Sharingan in his thirties, dared to be so arrogant.

No wonder the Uchiha clan in later generations aroused public anger. In the end, there was no one to speak for them. They really deserved to be exterminated.

"You, you......"

"I tell you, I'm not just going to beat you, Liuli, how long have you been waiting outside?"

Shen Qiu turned around and asked Xiaolin Liuli

"Two hours......"As if she was somewhat frightened by Shen Qiu's aura, Liuli's voice became softer.

A sea-blue water ball appeared in Shen Qiu's hand. He threw the water ball into the burning charcoal basin with an expressionless face. After a burst of white smoke, the charcoal basin was extinguished.

"Four hours, do not light the charcoal basin within four hours, otherwise the consequences will be more serious than this."

When saying this, Shen Qiu had already opened the Sharingan in his eyes. The powerful deterrent power of the Sharingan made Uchiha Xing dare not even breathe.

"I.....I see....."

Uchiha Xing said with some difficulty. Now he understood that with this pair of three-magatama Sharingan, the boy in front of him was definitely someone he couldn't afford to offend! The Uchiha clan members who opened the Sharingan and the Uchiha clan members who didn't were treated completely differently in the clan.

It was like he was in his thirties and could only be a security guard.

"Come with me, Liuli, if you have anything to say, come to my house first."When facing Liuli, Shen Qiu always had a faint smile on his face.

"Ah Qiu, he's so fierce......."

Xiao Lin Liuli, who was following behind Shen Qiu, lowered her head very low, as if she had not expected Shen Qiu to be so vicious in order to stand up for her.

"But he's also very handsome......."

The girl's face flushed. Uchiha Qiu was really handsome, and with that unique temperament, she had heard her neighbors and sisters mention him several times.

""We're here. What's so important that you've waited for me for so long?"

After arriving at the room, Shen Qiu lit the fireplace in the middle of the living room. After a while, the whole house became warm. Shen Qiu turned around and asked the girl with long pink hair curiously.

Liuli's appearance always reminded him of Yaezakura. The two of them looked surprisingly similar. Every time he looked at Shen Qiu, he would have the illusion that"this is Yaezakura".

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Liuli seemed a little flustered. However, after a little hesitation, she took out the thing she had been holding in her hand.

Although it had been snowing, under her protection, not a single snowflake fell into her palm.

It was a roll of black scarf.

After seeing what was in Liuli's hand, Shen Qiu seemed quite surprised.

The girl's face became redder and redder, as if she was thinking intensively. Finally, she took a deep breath, and then said with the greatest effort and courage in her life:

"Ah Qiu, I......"

"I love you the most!"

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